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  1. O

    Stringing me along?

    That's not mixed signals, she's showing you she isn't interested. She's showing you she isn't interested. Getting her stuff as soon as possible cuts ties with you so she can keep you at distance. Offering to pay for gas makes sure she doesn't owe you one. Both are because she isn't...
  2. O

    Brought a Girl (My Co-Worker) Home but No Sex ... HELP

    You've made it obvious you are available whenever she's ready, but she wasn't interested until she wanted a pick-me-up when her relationship hit the rocks. You might get some sex out of this but you're clearly already falling for her. When she's true to her word about about not wanting to have a...
  3. O

    Girl is hard to get, need some help

    A woman will generally know that you're trying to get her into bed. If she doesn't know then she will assume it anyway, because chances are you're like every other guy. Women control the general market when it comes to sex. The essence of being a DJ is being the prize, right? You must...