Authentic strength


Don Juan
Oct 28, 2014
Reaction score
Lately i have been noticing something in a few threads. Some men asking about what to do in a certain situation where they feel they should have done something to prevent being perceived as beta. I recognize this because i have done the same.

What i found out is that if you are trying to prevent coming across as beta by somewhat overcompensating it actually makes you more beta than you actually truly are. And i think if you just let go of trying to prevent from being perceived as beta your authentic strong side will come out on it's own. It is basically very counter productive because it is an increasing weight on your shoulders and most women get wind of it and will test and find out the real you over time anyway.

On one occasion i was actually having a bad day and felt off my game and a girl that i was really into invited me over. At first i was like damn it if i go over there now i might destroy my chances, but as i drove over there i decided to not hide that i was off my game at all. I got over to her place and we started talking, i complained about a few things that bothered me and i was kind of in a bad vibe while doing so. She listened and actually showed respect for it. Shortly after that it was like my jar of weakness was was completely empty and all i could do was feeling happy and strong. Started teasing her and whatnot and ended up having a great night.

What i learned from that is to not hide who you truly are even if you think woman won't like the taste of it. And improve yourself so that the thing that works comes out naturally without having to over think or stress about it.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
Reaction score
USA, Louisiana
We all have moments like this, we are all human. I've been on the road... tired, and made a date with a woman I've been seeing off and on for a while in another city. I was way off my game.

I was late, which I NEVER do, I was a bit whinny and talked about problems I'm having with my ex. Was too tired to do anything after the date and just kissed her and left.

Probibily should not have made the date in the first place, but it's done. The whole night she keep looking at me like "What's wrong with him?"

This happens, just move on and pretend it never happened. Next time I see her, I'll be on my game. It's okay to change things up on women and keep them guessing. Never let them get to the point where they figure you out.


Don Juan
Nov 25, 2014
Reaction score
LuckyStrike88 said:
Lately i have been noticing something in a few threads. Some men asking about what to do in a certain situation where they feel they should have done something to prevent being perceived as beta. I recognize this because i have done the same.

What i found out is that if you are trying to prevent coming across as beta by somewhat overcompensating it actually makes you more beta than you actually truly are. And i think if you just let go of trying to prevent from being perceived as beta your authentic strong side will come out on it's own. It is basically very counter productive because it is an increasing weight on your shoulders and most women get wind of it and will test and find out the real you over time anyway.

On one occasion i was actually having a bad day and felt off my game and a girl that i was really into invited me over. At first i was like damn it if i go over there now i might destroy my chances, but as i drove over there i decided to not hide that i was off my game at all. I got over to her place and we started talking, i complained about a few things that bothered me and i was kind of in a bad vibe while doing so. She listened and actually showed respect for it. Shortly after that it was like my jar of weakness was was completely empty and all i could do was feeling happy and strong. Started teasing her and whatnot and ended up having a great night.

What i learned from that is to not hide who you truly are even if you think woman won't like the taste of it. And improve yourself so that the thing that works comes out naturally without having to over think or stress about it.
"OMG I was feeling sooooo tired and emotional but he was SUCH a good listener and we ended up having a really great connection. I'm so glad I can be myself around him."

(What your story sounds like)

A woman does not want to listen to your whining, you just happened to find a girl who wanted to bang you enough that she was willing to wait until you stopped.


Mar 12, 2011
Reaction score
LuckyStrike88 said:
What i learned from that is to not hide who you truly are even if you think woman won't like the taste of it. And improve yourself so that the thing that works comes out naturally without having to over think or stress about it.
I don't know about that bro. If you show one moment of weakness, natural or not, she will set out to destroy you.

Women don't care about emotions or your true self or your feelings. They want to be part of something valuable. Spend money, show them a good time, give them good sex, they will stay. Showing true feelings, being yourself, complaining about anything, they will flee and crush you in the process.


Don Juan
Oct 28, 2014
Reaction score
Trump said:
I don't know about that bro. If you show one moment of weakness, natural or not, she will set out to destroy you.

Women don't care about emotions or your true self or your feelings. They want to be part of something valuable. Spend money, show them a good time, give them good sex, they will stay. Showing true feelings, being yourself, complaining about anything, they will flee and crush you in the process.
Your doubt is understandable. The thing that makes the difference is the sub-communication you talk with. And that is to not feel less about yourself about it, and assuming that she won't either.


Don Juan
Oct 28, 2014
Reaction score
The situation as described is of course not an ideal one, the point is that you would think it would end worse than it did.

The big upside for me is that when i drop the hiding of so called "weakness" completely and am willing to make mistakes. It takes off a a lot of pressure of an interaction and i have more success.

Because everybody slips up at some point, and when you are trying to prevent or hide it you will slip up faster because of that pressure. And when you then do slip up it sucks way more.

The big clue here is that when you don't have that pressure at all of preventing to slip up, you will actually make way less mistakes and in most interactions i feel very relaxed and stronger because of it. Women sense if you are trying to hard being more than you are, so when you don't hide anything good or bad and remain confident about yourself it she will respect you for it and see it as legitimate confidence. But if you do hide it and she finds out you are toast.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
Right behind you
I TOTALLY understand what you're trying to say. People don't let themselves fail because they are afraid of failure and afraid of learning the hard way; learning through experience. Experience is the best teacher because you don't have to think about making mistakes or not because you will evolve into a NATURAL with women.

The folks here cannot see that though because they are weakened from what has happened to them in the past. They blame society. But they know what is wrong with it and now see the truth. Yet they continue to blame them for reaching the plateau they are currently on. Weakness.

Having a weakness is my only insecurity. So I refuse to be weak. It is what I advocate. The man NEEDS to be strong. The man NEEDS to be tough. The man NEEDS to be able to withstand pain without getting hurt.


Don Juan
Oct 28, 2014
Reaction score
ImTheDoubleGreatest! said:
I TOTALLY understand what you're trying to say. People don't let themselves fail because they are afraid of failure and afraid of learning the hard way; learning through experience. Experience is the best teacher because you don't have to think about making mistakes or not because you will evolve into a NATURAL with women.

The folks here cannot see that though because they are weakened from what has happened to them in the past. They blame society. But they know what is wrong with it and now see the truth. Yet they continue to blame them for reaching the plateau they are currently on. Weakness.

Having a weakness is my only insecurity. So I refuse to be weak. It is what I advocate. The man NEEDS to be strong. The man NEEDS to be tough. The man NEEDS to be able to withstand pain without getting hurt.
Exactly it is like a defense mechanism. It is like putting up a wall so you don't get ****ed over. Though what i noticed that if you do you will never reach out of these walls.

I'm not saying go be weak around women and they will love you for it. What i'm saying is just be completely okay to slip up even if that might make you seem weak. What that does is take off a lot of pressure and show major confidence because when you do slip up it won't bother you as much and you can use it as a learning experience to become naturally stronger. But what happens in most cases is that you actually don't slip up at all, because you'll be going into interactions with almost no tension.

The best thing to do is try it sometime so you'll see it work, it can be applied to any situation really. So one time i had a hangover morning i was a total mess and looked like **** feeling weak as hell. But i had to go to the store where i know this hot chick would work, so yeah i decided to go anyway and not care. Normally i might get kind of tense about showing my face all messed up to this HB, but i decided not to care. I get to the cash register with my stuff and walked over there completely relaxed and just looked her in the eye and said hi, no shame at all (Eventho my eyes were teared up and blinking i just looking into her eyes with no shame). What happened is that i got a happy response from her and a flirty smile, huh? I bet that if i walked over there all tense hoping for her not to notice i was feeling **** and acting stronger she would see right through it anyway and perceive it as overcompensating insecurity.

That's the thing if you don't care and are not insecure about having a bad day or whatever it takes away almost all the tension and you will actually come across much stronger.