Take Care of Yourself.


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2013
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A lot of men think taking care of yourself is gay. They think few extra minutes in the bathroom or a couple products turn you into a beta and if you can't roll out of bed, shower and leave, you're a puss.


They couldn't be more wrong. We preach here at SS being the best man you could possibly be. And damn it, that includes the way you look too. We always argue over whether looks matter or not but the fact is no chick wants a bum. Handsome or not.

Now don't give me any anomalies here. Of course Channing Tatum or (insert male symbol example here) can get away with not doing certain shít, but I'm willing to bet my salary that none of us here look like my mans Tatum.

Now that that's out the way-

MAXIMIZE YOURSELF ~ Now I may sound very shallow and vain here but I'm only speaking the truth. If you have a problem with yourself that you don't like, FIX IT. If it hinders your confidence, makes you insecure or self conscious and something can be done about it it. DO IT.

Now this doesn't mean run and go start shelling out beaucoup bucks to get plastic surgery,(I know some of you guys got it like that) be feasible. There are some things you should be able to learn to deal with.

But some shít can just be improved.

I used to have a diastema, and everyone told me 'don't worry about it' or 'I barely noticed' or my favorite, 'Thats what makes you, you.'

Fūck that, I hated my gap, it made me insecure for pictures, and I hated smiling. So I saved up some cash and got that bítch closed. Now I'm photogenic as hell, and as a result more confident.

Need braces? Get em. Fūck if you're already 26. 2 years of embarrassment? Or a lifetime of insecurity? Adult Acne? Visit a dermatologist, get some meds, get that shít cleared up. If you're over 21, by then, fūck what anyone else says, it's not gonna 'clear up eventually by itself' Make that trip. Could lose a few pounds? Lose em.

You should be presenting yourself as the BEST POSSIBLE YOU. If you're a 4, then damn it, you should want to be the best 4 you can be.

P.S: No faggòt shít like contacts, or hair dye, or shoe boosters. Those things scream "IM INSECURE" and are misleading. Because at the end of the day when you're in your bedroom, you'll realize your eyes aren't really sky blue and your really not 5'9 'and a half'

GROOMING ~ Get rid of that buzz cut cause it's 'manageable' and get a damn stylish haircut that maximizes your appearance. For you white guys it's that Great Gatsby, low on the sides long on top. You know what i'm talking about. & For a black dude like me its a taper/fade cut. Unless you honestly just look better with the buzz. Whatever you get, make sure it's you and not a copy and paste. The last thing you want is to look 'trendy'

Trim your beard every 3 days unless you're going for the James Harden look, or the 5'0 shadow. Change your razors and moisturize. And for god sakes wash your greasy hair.

This may sound trivial but my buddy Max, white dude, 6'2, handsome guy (Good Genetics). Doesn't wash his hair. He just showers and gets it wet. I'm like 'dude! If you washed your hair and styled it, you'd have to peel the bítches off you.' but no one wants to listen to lil ole Smoove.

Get some clothes that fit you and your personality and keep them clean and stylish. Get a few accessories, a watch a ring, chain, whatever you like and you should be good.

General Health You don't need a personal trainer to be fit and in good health. All you gotta do is eat clean. It's not as hard as sounds. Eat veggies and shít. And if you're not a vegetable guy, eat fruit. Everybody likes fruit. Eat balanced meals and just be mindful of what you put into your body. You are what you eat. You fuel your body with garbage that's exactly the way you'll feel.

Be sure to exercise. You should never complete one full week without some type of physical workout. If you do, you need to cut back on work. (That ties into health too) As you should always have the time to take care of yourself. This doesn't mean you have to start pumping iron or making gains. I don't have time to follow a workout schedule so I just go and play basketball. I like basketball. For workouts when short on time, do something you like.

Also, be sure to get enough sleep. I know some of you guys work a lot of hours and as a result are making bank but you sleep like 3-4 hours a day. That's not healthy at all. You should try to get at least 8 a day. 7 if you're ultra busy.Some guys have no idea the effect sleep plays into health and mood. And believe me, in the long run the few extra bucks you'll have is not worth more than your health.

You only have one body and one go around. Take care of it, and make it the best.

On a road to being a HVM



Don Juan
Nov 25, 2014
Reaction score
Follow some age appropriate style blogs.

As a start:
-don't wear black leather shoes with jeans.
-avoid bootcut jeans altogether


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
Reaction score
West Coast
Some of my buddies go like 5 days without a shower and they have the greasiest hair and most odd BO I've ever smelled.

I honestly don't know how they can live like that. I smell my self after like 2 days so I take daily showers...