Ok so I got a models number last night....


Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2014
Reaction score
Los Angeles
So me and a few friends go on a party bus from our area down to another bar area. When at the bar, a friend and I are just sitting there with a friend in the smoking patio after being on our feet for a while checking out the girls that were there. This model chick comes up starts talking to my friends and I and then starts talking to me and telling me to stand up so she could see how tall I am compared to her. I sit back down and tell her to sit down too while my friends go check out the bar. We talk for a good 15-20 min but mainly about her ex bf that she just broke up with a week ago because she walked in on him with another girl :nervous: shes still living with him but is getting her own place on the 1st (gave me the address to that place).

So she gets up to go talk to her friends, I get up to go find mine. Later on I see her again and share a couple shots with her and her coworker that was also there. We part ways again and then towards the end of the night shes pretty tipsy. I go talk to her one more time to get her number. Her friends get up to go to the bathroom. She puts her full name, birthday, and that address into my phone when I hand it to her lol

I could have gotten some pvssy last night if the situation was different but since I came on the party bus and she lives down the street with her ex I didnt really see a way besides getting a taxi home but that would just seem too desperate imo.

So as for texting her: when would you guys text her? And what would you say? Thinking of just "hey it was nice meeting you last night, had a great time getting to know you" See what she says then set up a date for Sunday dinner. She works wed-sat 7:30 PM - 3 AM so that kinda fvcks it up a little.


Master Don Juan
Oct 31, 2013
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U never txt unless u have something real to say. .so don't text her.

with her schedule, I'm willing to bet she's out and about with the most young people. And you know where this is going.

don't text.

someone tell him that if she's drunk putting her address on strange phone is a no-no.


Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2014
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Los Angeles
I'd normally agree about the address thing, kinda weird but not really as bad as it sounds. It's not where she's living now so idk. But the thing is at that point when she gave me her number and everything we had already been talking to eachother all night off and on.

Not like I'm trying to marry her but why not take her out and get it wet a few times with a smokin hot chick?


Master Don Juan
Oct 31, 2013
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Take her out yes...text her , no.

the one model/promoter chick I got to keep coming back was cuz I never texted her. I knew her phone never stops ringing.

in fact, when I was in high school my phone never stopped ringing...with girls who were too available. All I wanted was the chicks who didn't call me. Think about it


Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2014
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Lol ok so what are you saying? Call her instead?

I'm not planning on texting her for hours on end. Just text her and say I had a great time last night and set up a date for Sunday. I definitely learned my lesson about texting too much


Senior Don Juan
Oct 14, 2014
Reaction score
This is ridiculous. Obviously communicate with her. Call or text. Doesn’t matter. I would however alter "It was great getting to know you" with" It was great getting to know each other" or something to the effect that you assume she enjoyed it as well. I would also try a throwback funny a small sentence about the conversation. I would also consider including the date ask in the text. Everyone and every situation is different though. Also, use her name dont shorten it. If its Stephaine dont say Steph unless she asked you to just call her Steph.


Hey Stephanie. Glad we met and got to share a few laughs. Good getting to know eachother. Think the band got the real singer back yet? Anyway, free sunday? I know a place with a great Sunday vibe.


Hey Stephanie. Great getting to know eachother and share a few laughs. Lets double down our meeting, this Sunday say about 7ish. Ill make sure you are home in time for work the next day.

Edit: Hey Stephanie. Great getting to know eachother. Thinking youd be a great time at this new place I wanted to check out. Martinis and chill Sunday vibe. Free Sunday say about 7?

You may want to Sign the text if she was that drunk. You could even consider including and address and DOB to be funny but thats a real roll of the dice. Text her thurs evening. She may counter a weekend date if her interest is high. Might be a get together to vet you though. Go anyway.


Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2014
Reaction score
Los Angeles
salinechow said:
This is ridiculous. Obviously communicate with her. Call or text. Doesn’t matter. I would however alter "It was great getting to know you" with" It was great getting to know each other" or something to the effect that you assume she enjoyed it as well. I would also try a throwback funny a small sentence about the conversation. I would also consider including the date ask in the text. Everyone and every situation is different though. Also, use her name dont shorten it. If its Stephaine dont say Steph unless she asked you to just call her Steph.


Hey Stephanie. Glad we met and got to share a few laughs. Good getting to know eachother. Think the band got the real singer back yet? Anyway, free sunday? I know a place with a great Sunday vibe.


Hey Stephanie. Great getting to know eachother and share a few laughs. Lets double down our meeting, this Sunday say about 7ish. Ill make sure you are home in time for work the next day.

Edit: Hey Stephanie. Great getting to know eachother. Thinking youd be a great time at this new place I wanted to check out. Martinis and chill Sunday vibe. Free Sunday say about 7?

You may want to Sign the text if she was that drunk. You could even consider including and address and DOB to be funny but thats a real roll of the dice. Text her thurs evening. She may counter a weekend date if her interest is high. Might be a get together to vet you though. Go anyway.
thanks man, definitely solid advice right there.

Something I should mention is that she seemed to only show interest in me all night. So much so that I had one drunk guy on the party bus tell me like 10 times that the chick I was talking to was the hottest girl in the whole bar and kept shaking my hand lol another guy in the bar even said "I dont get why shes all over you and nobody else. Nothing against you, I just dont get it."


Don Juan
Nov 25, 2014
Reaction score
Although the ex thing is a huge red flag in terms of quality, it can be a great way to hook a girl if you're happy being the rebound.

"Hey X it's dk from XBar. Are you free to grab a drink Thursday night, say 6pm? Unless your ex fancies cooking for us?"

If she refuses the chance to have a dig at her ex and suggest he'd poison the two of you or something, then she genuinely has no interest. You're also reminding her how ****ty her home life is and increasing the chances of her wanting to get out and do something. Whatever she responds, your next message should just be about firming up a date. Don't have a conversation with her.

Only use the ex card to your advantage if you know you'll be able to bin her in the near future.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 14, 2014
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OnTheRun said:
Although the ex thing is a huge red flag in terms of quality, it can be a great way to hook a girl if you're happy being the rebound.

"Hey X it's dk from XBar. Are you free to grab a drink Thursday night, say 6pm? Unless your ex fancies cooking for us?"

If she refuses the chance to have a dig at her ex and suggest he'd poison the two of you or something, then she genuinely has no interest. You're also reminding her how ****ty her home life is and increasing the chances of her wanting to get out and do something. Whatever she responds, your next message should just be about firming up a date. Don't have a conversation with her.

Only use the ex card to your advantage if you know you'll be able to bin her in the near future.
That made me actually laugh at my desk. I think its a good rule though to never mention an ex or a BF. Remind them they are SINGLE now by never talking about the ex or bf. One week old break up? Thats not an ex yet. Living with him still? Definitley not an ex yet.

Actually, I am starting to think this is a long shot play and youmight need to text or call tomorrow. Give her the ego boost of having a date set up might streghthen her resolve to avoid his advnces or turn of heart while they are living together. When out, escalte quickly, but softly. Dont want her thinking you are a creep and she is better off home and comfortable. I would make out and touch her sexy areas but dont go for the lay. That is if you want to start seeing more of her. You F this girl it might send her right back to him in a guilt fuled ASD tailspin.


Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2014
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Im actually thinking about texting her tonight. I just heard from my Fedex rep at work and he got me two tickets to the Kings game in the Fedex box. Would look pretty boss for a first date imo. Only downside is that I would basically be asking her to take a day or atleast a few hours off of work.

What do you guys think?


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2012
Reaction score
Text very, very little, and text with a purpose in mind, which is to ask for a date. As for the Kings game, don't take her there. Do not try to impress her with a lavish, elaborate date on the first outing. Go cheap. Do coffee. Yep, she's a model, she can get free sh!t all day long, trust me on that. See what she's all about , and make sure YOU are the one who is getting impressed with HER. A Lamborghini is sh!t without an engine to complete the package. Does she have 700 horses or is a Kia in disguise?

Go for coffee or drinks, spend very little, make it about an hour, tops!, and sit back and wait. The next few days will tell you everything you need to know about her interest in you. Good luck.


Master Don Juan
Oct 31, 2013
Reaction score
Dude...shes just a girl...what had she done to deserve tickets? Lol

besides take care of herself and flirting on a party bus...lol

take one of ur best boys and pick up at the game.. That is boss.

so if she was a famous pretty model, so many dudes already did that for her. Boss game tickets I mean


Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2014
Reaction score
Los Angeles
ok so last night I texted her at 9:10 as my buddy told me to do (this guy is a natural alpha/DJ, in the last 3 months he has banged something like 26 HBs and is actually tired of new pvssy). Said that she would not expect it. So his pointers were to text saying I had fun and then wait for her reply then suggest the date in the next text. Went like this:

DK: Hey Xxxxxx, it was great getting to know eachother last night (THANKS SALINECHOW). You definitely made the night a lot more fun :)

HB two hours later exactly: Likewise! We for sure have to hang out sometime soon. I work 5 nights a week tho so my schedule is pretty busy.

Talking to one of my coworkers, she pointed out that I didnt even have to bring up meeting up with her. Didnt even think of that until she said it so that seems like a good sign. I fell asleep early, long day at work yesterday, so Ill probably text her later today and schedule the date.


Don Juan
Sep 28, 2014
Reaction score
I don't like that preemptive "I'm busy a lot" thing. Generally not a good sign in my experience.

Good luck,just the same. I hope that it works out for you.


Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2014
Reaction score
Los Angeles
ya I agree, had the same thought about that but she told me when we met how her work hours kinda suck so I think she is just reiterating that for me.

I replied about an hour ago and told her "ya I remember you telling me that, its ok though. We'll make it something quick so I don't take up toooo much of your well deserved relaxation time."

Waiting for her reply then Ill set up the date in my response.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 14, 2014
Reaction score
FORHEAD SLAP on that last text. Cringe. Why am I so good at this for others but not for myself! hhaha. Man, hot box does weird things to us doesnt it. Anyway, I digress. Whats done is done. Yet, I want you to never send a text like that again. You had this girl and then went pretty AFC. Whatever, she is probably not going to respond, unless, her interest is really high, which, I think you have a shot at. You next text should be TELLING her the date and time you have selected for her to MAKE it work. I still think Sunday is a good day to shoot for. Let her counter.

Her; So where are we going. OR So when are we meeting up. OR if you are lucky... HEy I am free this sunday if you wanted to do something. Or just "HEy" smiley.

You: Short and Direct this time.

Hey. Sunday, 7pm. Great little spot I know. See you then. Were the same perfume.

( Work with this)

Seems a little crazy I know, but this kinda sh!t works dude. Makes you stand out. Makes her mind on the move. Also, might help make up for that last tissue inducing text you sent. It better if she thinks you are bi polar than a average chumpsicle. Run it by your DJ/Natrual buddy, see what he says. Bet he agrees mostly. Also, you are not allowed to text anyone but guys from work from now on until you seek other counsil. You are way better than that drivle you sent her.


3agle 3yes

Master Don Juan
Aug 22, 2012
Reaction score
dk1990S111 said:
...This model chick comes up starts talking to my friends and I....We talk for a good 15-20 min but mainly about her ex bf that she just broke up with a week ago because she walked in on him with another girl :nervous: shes still living with him...
I stopped reading after that.

If you DON'T want to fvck a woman a sure way of doing this is talking about normal, boring everyday things....if you DEFINITELY don't want to fvck her talk about her ex...well done op :crazy:.


Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2014
Reaction score
Los Angeles
salinechow said:
FORHEAD SLAP on that last text. Cringe. Why am I so good at this for others but not for myself! hhaha. Man, hot box does weird things to us doesnt it. Anyway, I digress. Whats done is done. Yet, I want you to never send a text like that again. You had this girl and then went pretty AFC. Whatever, she is probably not going to respond, unless, her interest is really high, which, I think you have a shot at. You next text should be TELLING her the date and time you have selected for her to MAKE it work. I still think Sunday is a good day to shoot for. Let her counter.

Her; So where are we going. OR So when are we meeting up. OR if you are lucky... HEy I am free this sunday if you wanted to do something. Or just "HEy" smiley.

You: Short and Direct this time.

Hey. Sunday, 7pm. Great little spot I know. See you then. Were the same perfume.

( Work with this)

Seems a little crazy I know, but this kinda sh!t works dude. Makes you stand out. Makes her mind on the move. Also, might help make up for that last tissue inducing text you sent. It better if she thinks you are bi polar than a average chumpsicle. Run it by your DJ/Natrual buddy, see what he says. Bet he agrees mostly. Also, you are not allowed to text anyone but guys from work from now on until you seek other counsil. You are way better than that drivle you sent her.

LOL well that sucks since that is what my natural buddy told me to say pretty much word for word. She did respond that she is pretty slammed this week with moving and work but "next week I should have more free time!" so we'll see what happens. If nothing happens no big deal, as I said in my last thread I dont rely on women to make me happy so Ill be fine and I will just learn from it. Although it will suck to miss out on a for sure amazing lay.


Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2014
Reaction score
Los Angeles
3agle 3yes said:
I stopped reading after that.

If you DON'T want to fvck a woman a sure way of doing this is talking about normal, boring everyday things....if you DEFINITELY don't want to fvck her talk about her ex...well done op :crazy:.
I obviously didnt bring it up, she started talking about it and kinda ranted about it for a few minutes. Not some long convo about it where I was asking questions.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 14, 2014
Reaction score
Wait till next thursday night. She may even reach out to you before then. This is actually good, she'll think you are not needy or clingy and respect her space and time.You get an easy way to demsonstrate that(which you said you are not anyway). The text her;

"Lets get you decompressed from any stress you had this week over a few(specific drink or wine) and maybe a shoulder rub. Get through the weekend and then Sun. you are all mine. :)

Again as we discussed emoticons are for girls but they can be used as softners. Considering the boldness of the text I think it is wise to use a softener here. Less possesive.

Or you could just do the "Since you probably cant find your keys after the move Ill be forced to pick you up. Hows Sunday for a few tension realsing ****tails sound?"

The bolder text cuts right to it. If she answers and goes out with you she will indeed be yours that evening. Youll head into that date uber confident and with sorid intentions. Good.

The other type text gets the job done I suppose and still gets you the date I think.

Either way I am humbled and honored if anything I contribute gets your juices flowwing in your own way, and helps you land on the HB pull.

Congrats by the way.