Ok so I got a models number last night....


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2011
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dk1990S111 said:
LOL well that sucks since that is what my natural buddy told me to say pretty much word for word. She did respond that she is pretty slammed this week with moving and work but "next week I should have more free time!" so we'll see what happens. If nothing happens no big deal, as I said in my last thread I dont rely on women to make me happy so Ill be fine and I will just learn from it. Although it will suck to miss out on a for sure amazing lay.


So naive of you. What will happen...? NOTHING.
This is one of the most common lame excuses women use.



Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2014
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Los Angeles
salinechow said:
Wait till next thursday night. She may even reach out to you before then. This is actually good, she'll think you are not needy or clingy and respect her space and time.You get an easy way to demsonstrate that(which you said you are not anyway). The text her;

"Lets get you decompressed from any stress you had this week over a few(specific drink or wine) and maybe a shoulder rub. Get through the weekend and then Sun. you are all mine. :)

Again as we discussed emoticons are for girls but they can be used as softners. Considering the boldness of the text I think it is wise to use a softener here. Less possesive.

Or you could just do the "Since you probably cant find your keys after the move Ill be forced to pick you up. Hows Sunday for a few tension realsing ****tails sound?"

The bolder text cuts right to it. If she answers and goes out with you she will indeed be yours that evening. Youll head into that date uber confident and with sorid intentions. Good.

The other type text gets the job done I suppose and still gets you the date I think.

Either way I am humbled and honored if anything I contribute gets your juices flowwing in your own way, and helps you land on the HB pull.

Congrats by the way.
Thanks a lot man, you definitely helped me get this far with all your advice. Still have a lot to learn but the guys like you on here really help.


Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2014
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Los Angeles
pyros said:

So naive of you. What will happen...? NOTHING.
This is one of the most common lame excuses women use.

Lol damn man, glad you get such a great laugh out of this.

I get that most of the time that is just her saying her IL has dropped off. But there is a chance that between work and moving she doesnt have time for anything this week. Im sure she wants to move out of her exs place as quick as possible. Im moving too at the moment, from my parents house to my own place with a friend. Two nights in a row now I have planned to stop by my parents place to pick up some more stuff but I havent been able to make it because I am so busy.

So like I said, we'll see, no sense in worrying about it. Just gotta keep learning what works and what doesnt.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 14, 2014
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Pyros is a quality poster but I think he can be a bit cynical at times. Sometimes this is good and we all need it a little. However, I do not see that in this situation.

I think you are a busy guy with a good energy. I think this girl was drawn to you for whatever reason and chemistry that there was that night. I think she is responding so far and that chemistry still exists although fading with time and stress of life.

I think you should stay confident and scarce for now and dont be surprised when you finally meet up with her. Just be yourself, but an edgy version of that self. Meaning, if you want to tell this girl when you’re out with her, "Yo this place is sh!t lets move on" say it. "If you want to interrupt her while she is talking and tell her you stopped listening because her neck looks sexy and kissable at the moment" Tell her. Then tell her go ahead with her thought.

Dont pedestal the modelness. Think of her like this. She is your model. You are out with your model. Yea. Maybe just for the night, but it is true isnt it. She is your model that night. "Im going out with my model tonight." Got it.

Here is another tip:

I have this chick friend of mine. She is a soild 8. For reasons that dont pertain, I have no instrest in her and its platonic. This girl is a "natural" as we like to say around here. Let me explain. Her realtionship advice, like most girls, is crap. Yet, her cold approach and 1st date advice is stellar. She gave me a panty dropping tip that has made my game and undesrstanding of women so much better. Its advice that is pretty prevelant here on SS as well, but she told me in a way that made it sink in.

It is especially golden advice for dealing with a girl who is a model and naturally beautiful in the eyes of the world. So here it is...

Tell her you APPRECIATE her. Use that word. NEVER, compliment her looks, and if at all, indirectly.

So for instance. Look for something quirky that she does. You might even be able to recall something from that night. "Know what I like about you HB" "I appeciate that you smile at strangers" I dunno. Something like that.

Here is my go to compliment. This one surprises me still how well it works.

Play with the wording but youll get the idea.

"You must hear you are beautiful all the time? But you wanna know why I think your beautiful. (now I like to throw in another tip I learned around here which is also gold. Make her do something for you first. Then finish the compliment) It has roots in something called operative conditioning. Psych stuff. So from the top...

"You must hear you are beautiful all the time? But you wanna know why I think your beautiful. Do me a favor first hand me that napkin."
"I think what makes you attractive is how healthy you look. Your hair and nails (kino, grab her hands. and look at them with her, seductively of course) just radiate a healthy body. You take good care of yourself and I can tell. I appreciate that. Its attractive."

Now see what we did there? You tell her she is hot in a way she has never heard before. You are not complimenting her natural God given hotness but her EFFORT to maintain it. You are also complimenting yourself by saying you take care of yourself and can see it in others. Trust me, she will blush and get melty. Ill show you a picture if you want of a girl that invited me over her house on a first date 90 min. after I dropped that line.

I even told a girl the other night she tasted healthy. I told her she was viscous and her proteins tasted healthy. I wouldn’t suggest that line though. Its creepy, but I pulled off creepy. Not for everyone.

The appreciate line works even better for personality traits. "Know whats most attractive about you. Your warmth. You have a good aura about you. Think other people notice or just me?"

Its also great for negs. "Know what I find attractive about you HB? I love that you upper lip is so much thinner than your bottom one." Girls hate thin lips. But if you compliment one of her insecurities. Moisture awaits you.

Dk, this girl is a lock for you. Dont think otherwise. Just dont EVER text her again without us. :trouble:


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2012
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When she tells you:

"I'm going to be busy for the next..."

"I'm on a tight schedule for the next..."

"I really don't have much time for the next..."

"The next few weeks are very hectic for me"

"I'm working a lot lately/have lots of classes"

...just save yourself the time, and delete her right there. She's doesn't give a fück about going out with you. It's girl code for "no, but thanks for trying".


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2011
Reaction score
why do I keep seing guys falling over and over again into the lame old trap of "...I'm busy this week with x,y,z...but maybe next week!" or something among those lines?

I think you just need to fall into that trap a few times to destroy your naiveté.

Anyway, keep us posted, but as in the majority of cases, OP will not post anymore if it doesn't pan out.


Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2014
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Los Angeles
Ill be sure to post whatever happens pyros don't worry ;) I know I have a lot to learn and am not embarrassed to say I fvcked up somehow with this chick if that turns out to be the case. Which it very well may be but we'll see by this time next week where things are at with her.

What do you guys think about the fact that I work for my family business? Im guessing that women will respect me less because I am not building my own future. I do trade stocks and make some good money with that, I work on cars for some income on the side as well but rarely because I dont have the time, hoping to make that my own business in the future, and also am trying to get a T shirt design made to sell online. I do have my own plans but when they ask what I do how should I respond?

Harry Wilmington

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
Ugh... the ex is in the picture which is already a bad sign. Personally, I don't go after chicks that keep exes around, even the hot ones - in the end they end up not being worth the trouble OR the drama.

Anyway... so, if she's saying she'll be more free next week, fine - wait til next... oh, let's say Monday or Tuesday - to contact her and ask for a date for Wednesday or Thursday, and see what she says. If she likes you, she'll either agree to the days mentioned or counter-offer with a specific day/time that will work. If she gives you another "wait til next week" line or says "some other time" without mentioning a specific date, it's on to the next!


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2011
Reaction score
it is crystal clear that she's gonna give him another lame excuse, or she'll try to string him along in another way.

But hey, give it a try IF YOU HAVE NOTHING ELSE TO DO.


Personally, I would not contact her again. YOu asked her out, she knows you are interested. She gave you a lame excuse.
Now, I would wait for her to contact me. If she has some interest, she will text you just to say hi or something, and then you ask her out. If she doesn't contact you, I would forget about her.