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  1. D

    Girls with Short Hair are "Damaged"

    I don't know about damaged but I personally feel like Im attracted to longer hair on average.
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    Mixed Messages girl

    ok Ehh not really, I might of came out wrong when I wrote it, but it was sort of a shock, basically Id pretty much been well to say the least almost ignoring her so it came as sort of a shock when we started dancing that's all. I tend to like to get real wordy when I make a thread an may have...
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    Mixed Messages girl

    So I haven't posted here in a while, mainly due to the fact that I haven't actively been going after any women due to the fact that Ive just been straight up busy. Actually Ive been busy directing shorts and making movies witch has given me quite a bit of unexpected confidence, witch is good but...
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    High School Kid in College

    Final Day of the Quarter Update So on this rainy day in Washington I decided I would finally post an update for those interested. - the reason I finally decided to get back on was for a couple of reasons that Ill go on to discuss later in the reply. - First off For some reason Ive been in...
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    High School Kid in College

    Update- High School Kid in College First off to respond to the above two Good points. I never thought of the whole You never really see them next quarter thing until now fortunately there's only bout 3 weeks left in the quarter. I really got to get back on top of the whole talking to new...
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    So I decided to go on a date with a girl thats got alot of baggage... HELP!

    -So, basically, before I tell the story keep this in mind. Until this point I have never made out with a girl, the most ive done is cuddle and just the quick kiss with my last girlfriend. (She was a bit of a flake anyways). Im also 16 going on 17 and going to college through a program that lets...
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    High School Kid in College

    Halloween - Life in the day of a morphsuit guy: ALSO what shouldn't I do? -So I havent posted on this thread in a while because ive been taking a break from the whole flirting/dating thing to be honest so I figured id give a bit of an update to everything for those that care. -Not much has...
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    What I Learned the Hard Way (THE UNDATEABLE GIRL)

    -So a while back I had a girlfriend. She had came sorta easy i guess. We met through my cousin, went on our first date and then eventually our second. Also she lived with what was basically a 2 to 3 hour drive away from our house. Well after A while I would consistently find her flaking, with...
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    Treat her like a Freind: my theorys oppinions/ your oppinions

    Good Point!!! You make a good point with the outcome dependence. The overall goal is to get in a mindset where you don't care about the outcome of the interaction. Maybe this is a poor way to go about the whole conquering the nervous guy thing, but for me ,when I tried it anyways it sort of...
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    Treat her like a Freind: my theorys oppinions/ your oppinions

    -Hey you all so as of late ive been at a college though I'm a high school student. I wont bother to explain why as that can be found in my High School kid in college posts in the high school section. But as of late ive been noticing a pattern -Ive been a bit frustrated to be honest lately...
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    High School Kid in College

    Asked for the number Close but got A FB instead ??? -So the girl I discussed going for the number close the other day. This is what happened -I sat down next to her in class today things were going smoothly, but then again it was a four hour class too. Lots of time to mess up. So we talked a...
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    Relationship with a classmate

    In my opinion provided shes not your oneitis Id go for it but only if she knows your willing to walk if she starts being difficult with you. then it should be fine, on the other hand if shes been your freind for a while and dont want to lose that on the chance of the breakup well... then theres...
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    High School Kid in College

    High School kid in College: Playing hard to get, good approach? -So I had a little bit of spare time on my hands so I figured I would give you guys a bit of an update on things that happened. -So first off the Columbian girl Ive been sort of not really paying too mutch attention to her...
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    I dont recomend this in high school, just because you want to make sure you have it down before trying it to there but you see a girl go up and chat no matter what, An even better way is to make a complete fool of yourself on perpouse. And Just always to remember to move on to the next girl it...
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    High School Kid in College

    -yeah she's definitely not top priority I have other options, so yeah I don't think I'll try too hard for her either. I'll put her pretty much last on my list as far as options go. -I agree with what you had said about the line the second time I saw her. I'm still working on the whole saying...
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    High School Kid in College

    High School kid in college: Going after the girl that has a boyfreind Worth it or Not -Not too much to update on I guess but I did have a bit of a question so ill explain in a bit. -So first off The blonde I had discussed earlier in a previous post, saw her at the bookstore so I sat down with...
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    How to get a girl not to like me?

    i agree with the person above me, As for girl A its always better to not bull***t around, but if you find yourself in that situation you could try treating her more guy friend like. Generally speaking girls are pretty socially smart if you do it right than she may get the hint if not than its...
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    High School Kid in College

    -so, I guess I'll try my first walking approach next Monday. Thanks Eph It should be interesting I'll post my results Monday. -you also make a good point with the Kino bit, it did feel like I had to move a bit far because I was sitting across from her, maybe you that's possibly the reason, she...
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    High School Kid in College

    Its through a program called running start. You go to college and the government pays for your classes at college instead of at a normal school.
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    High School Kid in College

    High School Kid in College: a journal Entry #3 Did I accidently do Kino Wrong??? -So... yesterday i met up with the girl that i had got her number in the previous post. We met up played jenga for about an hour, I was flirty but it definatley didn't feel quite as great as I had wanted it to. she...