High School Kid in College


Don Juan
Oct 8, 2013
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-So as of late I have started going to college even though I am high school-er through a special program called running start. Now it could just be me but there are definatley way more attractive women here. So this post will sort of be a a place for me to ask questions/ get advice along with explaining any techniques I find useful, and share my experiences.
-So first off Since coming here I have been getting way more phone #'s than ever before, as of my last school id get #s about maybe 6 to 7 times a year at best. So at this point in time Ive only been here three weeks. What I have found is that women are surprisingly way more acceptive to Kino than I previously had thought. sometimes I worry that it looks like im going out of my way to initiate kino, but they never really seem to care or mind. Also smiling is a big thing. I have found so far that if I show up to a new table with a big enough smile women will instantly sort of perk up, act happy, or do that hair flippy thing, whatever you call it... so one thing that's been on my mind lately is this one girl, and shes Colombian. She seems to initiate Kino and be sort of flirty, but I honestly cannot tell if she is actually in to me or if the flirtiness and the kino is just part of her culture. Also she is 18 and im 16. Any advice/tips for latino girls, or do you think its a bit of a lost cause because of the age difference?


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2012
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Age doesn't mean matter until you start overthinking things and become insecure about the difference. As for race barriers, don't worry about them. Every girl is more or less the same (in terms of what attracts them). Treat her no different from any other girl and you'll be fine.


Don Juan
Oct 8, 2013
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-Thanks yeah ill treat her the same, and ill do my best as to not let the age factor slip into my head either.
-as of a bit of an update today I helped the columbian girl with her math (calling her this because I dont want to put her name online) with her math and we got pretty close and i did get the opportunity for some great non intrusive Kino.:up: also I met yet again another girl, this one seeming to be my age who was blonde and i sort of instantly felt a sort of attraction to her. We played Jenga at the bookstore and as it turned out surprisingly shes into allot of the same outdoor stuff that im into witch was pretty cool as well. The way she talked definatley did sound a little flirty, but im not sure. Definatley don't want to develop oneitis though as Im trying to keep my mindset that they have to convince me to date them instead of the other way around. Also the other day I saw this Asian girl. When I finally built up the nerve to talk to her, she sort of talked in that one voice, you know the one were girls are trying not to be rude but really dont want to chat anymore. after about a minute she excused herself. Oh well no biggie way more cute girls were that came from. Also and Ive been flirting with this one girl off and on, I got her phone # today, With her ive been sort of trying this one method I heard about.
-Its the one were you sort of go around the bar/club whatever and you flirt with lots of different women and you sort of make passes to make yourself seem popular, and thus more women are interested in you. Ive been doing this a bit by moving around the classroom sitting next to and flirting with varios girls. And it seems to be working decently well, however i think this technique is meant to be used in a sort of party atmosphere.
-anyways so the girl that I got her phone # today we got to txting and were going to hang out after class at the book store tomarro wish me luck.
TIP THAT I FIGURED OUT: IF you can always make your interaction with a girl fun, IE play a board game, tickle each other something like this, You will stick out in her mind More see ya around:D


Don Juan
Oct 8, 2013
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High School Kid in College: a journal Entry #3 Did I accidently do Kino Wrong???

-So... yesterday i met up with the girl that i had got her number in the previous post. We met up played jenga for about an hour, I was flirty but it definatley didn't feel quite as great as I had wanted it to. she seemed a little bit flirty but not too much either. We were sitting on the ground with a short table in front of us, One time when I she had one I said "see your the best at this game and gently touched her on the knee, all of the sudden. She sort of stopped like it was unexpected, and almost like she had sort of this shocked her. (Keep in mind she was fine with kino on the shoulder, arm and back) she was relatively normal the next 15 minutes, not particularly flirty not particularly not either. To the Other DJ's out there any Ideas? Im a bit confused:confused:
-So I still had a bunch of time in my school day and I was just getting sick and tired of only talking with one girl that day. i kept seeing really hot women walking by and I was like dang it I would like to stop one of them and chat/ get their number but they were always walking. eventually I just got so sick of it I walked in the bookstore and just said screw it Im just going to talk to the first relatively cute girl I see saw one and I sat down in the chair right next to her, and I just started chatting it up with her really heavy flirting and stuff. If you've ever watched any pickup artist videos thats what it felt like, she seemed to enjoy it but I think I made one final mistake. I thought she was my age so I asked the question "How old do you think I am?" She said "18" (women like to tend to guess around their age). witch as you may know Im 16 she prodded a bit and found out my age but continued to flirt with me and stuff, eventually I had to go and i asked for the Number close, but alas rejection, I had to go anyways. The way I look at it eh well at least I made her feel good about herself.
-ONE MORE THING, does anyone have any ideas on how to start chatting with a girl thats walking, I have no idea how to do it. If shes sitting down, im good if shes waiting in line im good, but if she's walking down the hallway I cant ever seem to figure out how to pull these ones off


Don Juan
Oct 8, 2013
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DanZy said:
Why are you bothering with college now?
Its through a program called running start. You go to college and the government pays for your classes at college instead of at a normal school.


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2012
Reaction score
You talk to women walking the same way you talk to women sitting down: by going up to them and talking to them. Its as simple as that. Just look them in the eyes, say "hey" and start a conversation. If she's going the opposite way, you might need to catch up to her but generally she'll look back to see who you're talking to if you say "hey" loud enough for her to hear you.

As for the one girl you have been playing Jenga with, feelings are contagious. If you weren't feeling it, neither was she. That's probably why your touch felt awkward for her. Any kino has got to feel natural. Any nervousness or hesitation kills the natural feel of touch and makes it feel weird.

You may also want to try being a little more direct with college girls.


Master Don Juan
Dec 11, 2011
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Johannesburg, South Africa
didirectors said:
Its through a program called running start. You go to college and the government pays for your classes at college instead of at a normal school.
Yes but why do it? You're missing out on the best years of high school and your age will limit you socially at college


Don Juan
Oct 8, 2013
Reaction score
-so, I guess I'll try my first walking approach next Monday. Thanks Eph It should be interesting I'll post my results Monday.
-you also make a good point with the Kino bit, it did feel like I had to move a bit far because I was sitting across from her, maybe you that's possibly the reason, she also seems like the slightly more shy type as well. She's will be outgoing if you talk to her first but if not than she's will just sit alone in the corner.
-also could you say a bit more about being direct with college women, do you mean like just saying straight up that you think their cute and stuff or be way more obvious that your attracted to them?
-as for Danz the reason I switched to early college is A. The teachers at my old school were complete prickes, B it was a private school so all the girls were really really uptigh/ didn't want to date, and C I've always tended to like and fit in with the older crowd as well. Women almost always think I'm older too. They never guess I'm 16. As far of friends go there is a ton of kids also doing the program as well so they all seem to be pretty nice.
-I'm hoping to get to see the other girl who had blonde hair again that I mentioned in a previous post that I had first played Jenga with (not the girl I had seemed to mess up on the Kino with) I think she might be my age too witch is nice I just remembered feeling instantly attracted to her even though I generally tend to like Latinas more. Although I didn't bother for the # close I'm sort of kicking myself in the butt for that. Any ways expect another journal entry in a few days also if I find myself in the situation for a walking approach this weekend I'll let you guys know how it goes thanks to anyone offering advice / support :up:
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Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2012
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In a word, I mean both. You may need to just go up to them and tell you find them attractive and want to hang out. Just make it obvious your attracted so there's no chance of getting friendzoned. If they reject you, you just saved a lot of time.


Don Juan
Oct 8, 2013
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High School kid in college: Going after the girl that has a boyfreind Worth it or Not

-Not too much to update on I guess but I did have a bit of a question so ill explain in a bit.
-So first off The blonde I had discussed earlier in a previous post, saw her at the bookstore so I sat down with her group of freinds and I said a few lines however once she showed me a pic on her facebook, I saw Her profile pic with a guy. Hoping it didnt mean what I thought it meant I told her that they made a cute couple to witch she promptly thanked me for. :cry: Ehh no big deal, but I was considering still going after her but I have no idea what to do in the "She has a boyfreind situation" So I guess thats were I really have to ask your guys help. How do you go about this sort of thing:confused:
-So with the girl that I had discussed in the last post, the one that the Kino felt awkward. Today we sat next to each other, We had to read stuff on the computer and she got pretty close to my face and the kino didnt feel as awkard this time. I didnt see her pupils dilate though and it was a decently well lit room as well but than again im not going to go solely based on the pupils either.

- and one last thing there's another girl in my class saw her and noticed her in the book store she was about a 6/7 so I went up and chatted with her real quick just a "Hey arent you in my class?" she replied "yeah I think so" sort of in a flirty voice "Anyways Im Isaiah and I just wanted to say hi See ya around" I sat back down and then i got a call from my mom I had to leave so I went and headed down to the car and then I saw her again and said "Hey didnt I just see you" she responds with "Yeah I think so, you aren't stalking me are you ;)" "No I dont think so after all im going the opposite way so..." "see ya around" Shes pretty cute I think ill try getting her # pretty soon. Also she speaks native english but her face looks latina witch is always a bonus for me.
-:crazy: any ideas on what to do for a girl that already has a boyfriend or is it just not worth it?


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2012
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Any girl with a bf or one that gives the ihabf line should be low priority, if at all on your radar. Reason being: you will nearly always be her backup plan;fail-safe;second-fiddle. Play your cards right, and of course you can sweep her from under her boyfriend's feet, but I wouldn't bother at all.

As for your new friend, when you saw her outside the second time you should have responded with a joke. Something like, "yeah sorry, I just can't help myself around you" or "or maybe you're stalking me". What you said wasn't bad, but I think a joke would have left a better impression.


Don Juan
Oct 8, 2013
Reaction score
-yeah she's definitely not top priority I have other options, so yeah I don't think I'll try too hard for her either. I'll put her pretty much last on my list as far as options go.
-I agree with what you had said about the line the second time I saw her. I'm still working on the whole saying the right thing at the right times bit, so I'll keep that in mind for the next time I see someone really close together. By no means am I really good but I'll definitely keep working on it.
-oh I forgot to mention but there was a chick in my class the other day about an 8 or a 9, blonde hair blue eyes, nice boobs, was wearing a super short dress. Talked with me a bit nothing flirty but I couldn't help but think "Daaammm". Unfortunately I'm guessing she's about 20 mabey 21. Pfff normally I'd go after the number close but ehh its a little too old for me. It would be nice to find someone like that mabey my age or just a bit older, but this a bit rare. Don't get me wrong there's plenty of attractive women here, but finding someone who is willing to show it off, now that's a different story


Don Juan
Oct 8, 2013
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High School kid in College: Playing hard to get, good approach?

-So I had a little bit of spare time on my hands so I figured I would give you guys a bit of an update on things that happened.
-So first off the Columbian girl Ive been sort of not really paying too mutch attention to her lateley as she has been less and less flirty overall and I was worried I was in the process of being friend zoned so I figured Id try the ignore for a while come back later technique.Basically before we would always meet up in the morning and then talk and then go into class. I must admit that her freind was being a bit of C***block but whenever she wasnt around her she seemed flirty, and once her freind showed up I would basically be ignored. Anyways I noticed before she didnt really do herself up nice, you know lack of makeup didnt do anything with her hair that sort of thing. now I am well aware of the fact that he dressing up could be for someone else, after all she hasnt been afraid to mention other guys to me, but I stayed cool and uncaring about it, when she did, My question is should I really put her off my radar or give it a second go Whats your guys opinion?
-Next so the new "Latina girl" the second time I watched her walk into class I smiled and she smiled at me back and said "Hey" I responded with "hey" as well. Throughout the class we would smile at each other, Finally at the end of class she asked for my help on the computer website thing, to witch unfortunately I couldn't help out too mutch, I tried to give her the best thing I could think of but quite frankly I hadnt figured it out much myself. SO... I still havent asked for her number but, there is a reason. Ive always heard on this site its best to leave mystery for a girl. I sort of want her to be chasing me just a bit. I tend to have this nasty habit of revealing to mutch about myself when I want to keep a conversation going with a girl so ive sort of shied away from having any sort of semi lengthy conversation with her plus I havent found the time. Girls seem to have this habbit as of late, its sort of like they seem really interested at first but then after a little bit they lose there interest sort of, I kind of get the feeling im being a little too available. What do you think, also from my current situation what do you guys think the best method for handling this girl would be, have a conversation sort of, Coffee date? or mabey try and play a little more hard to get. Not nesscicarly ignore her but sort of keep her guessing a bit I just dont know witch method I should use. But so far it seems as though the playing just a little hard to get is working ou t all right.
-And also think the columbian girl is worth a shot or no?:confused:


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2012
Reaction score
didirectors said:
Basically before we would always meet up in the morning and then talk and then go into class.
Same old, same old makes Jack a dull boy. Time away from each other is good. It gives her time to miss you.

My question is should I really put her off my radar or give it a second go Whats your guys opinion?
Go ghost for a bit, meet other girls, talk to them, have your fun, then try again. If she's anything less than receptive, drop her.

-Next so the new "Latina girl" the second time I watched her walk into class I smiled and she smiled at me back and said "Hey" I responded with "hey" as well. Throughout the class we would smile at each other,
Good sign, but assume she was just being polite.
Finally at the end of class she asked for my help on the computer website thing, to witch unfortunately I couldn't help out too mutch, I tried to give her the best thing I could think of but quite frankly I hadnt figured it out much myself. SO... I still havent asked for her number but, there is a reason. Ive always heard on this site its best to leave mystery for a girl. I sort of want her to be chasing me just a bit. I tend to have this nasty habit of revealing to mutch about myself when I want to keep a conversation going with a girl so ive sort of shied away from having any sort of semi lengthy conversation with her plus I havent found the time. Girls seem to have this habbit as of late, its sort of like they seem really interested at first but then after a little bit they lose there interest sort of, I kind of get the feeling im being a little too available.
Go for the number close when you feel like it. Just don't wait too long. The only rule you should really follow is "do as you please" (to an extent; don't go be an emotional tampon or punching bag).
What do you think, also from my current situation what do you guys think the best method for handling this girl would be, have a conversation sort of, Coffee date? or mabey try and play a little more hard to get. Not nesscicarly ignore her but sort of keep her guessing a bit I just dont know witch method I should use. But so far it seems as though the playing just a little hard to get is working ou t all right.
-And also think the columbian girl is worth a shot or no?:confused:
Right now, I think you should just do you. Reading so much causes you to overthink things like you have been doing. Do as you please, then after "retrace your steps" and figure out where you went wrong.

The only real rules you should follow are: Do as you please (don't apologize for being youself), never let anyone (including yourself) disrespect you, and always seek to improve yourself. These are likely the only rules without exceptions. If you want to take her out to a coffee date, go do it. I'd advise against it since it is pretty boring and you can't have too much fun there, but that's what you want to do, go do it. Action dates are the best (rollerskating, dancing, parties/clubs, basketball, etc).


Don Juan
Oct 8, 2013
Reaction score
Asked for the number Close but got A FB instead ???

-So the girl I discussed going for the number close the other day. This is what happened
-I sat down next to her in class today things were going smoothly, but then again it was a four hour class too. Lots of time to mess up. So we talked a little bit short bursts of conversation, I did some extremely light kino. But there was one time I remember in particular i was like "Seriosly you dont know who calvine and Hobbes are?" *puts hand on shoulder, she glanced for half a second over at my arm at this point to which I promptly dropped it. "No sorry..." is what she said back. So things kind of went good after that sometimes she was being nice and almost flirty and other times she Acted like that whole "I don't like him but Im trying to be polite" bit. Witch were alot of mixed signals headed my way. So eventually I was like. Well you know what screw it. I was leaving class and decided to ask her for her number Basically, "hey can I get your number that way I can ask your for help if I need it" to witch she pauses for a moment and says "how about you add me on face book instead." So i have her write down how she spells her name and I promptly get up and leave. So rmmm I hate to read into anything to much but I get the feeling shes creeped out by me and didnt want to be rude so she said Facebook instead Thoughts? Opinions? Should I even bother to add her, or should I just go cold turkey for a bit as far as interacting with her go? Like I said im not trying to read into it at all its just do you think my time would be better spent elsewhere?


Don Juan
Oct 8, 2013
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Halloween - Life in the day of a morphsuit guy: ALSO what shouldn't I do?

-So I havent posted on this thread in a while because ive been taking a break from the whole flirting/dating thing to be honest so I figured id give a bit of an update to everything for those that care.
-Not much has happened I guess except for Halloween, witch ill discuss in a bit, but first id like to hear your thoughts on what not to do when meeting/evaluating a girl. Telling me what to do seems to only get me worried, so rather id like to know your guys oppinion on what I should avoid.
-Ok so back to Halloween. So if you guys haven't heard of the morph suit, its basically a black suit head to toe that looks like you cant see out of but oh ehh just check out this link http://www.morphsuits.com/
-back OK, good. Anyways so I wore the completely black one of these to my school. It was Halloween and I just so happened to have no classes that day so I was pretty much there just to mess with people. First prank was I was under the stairs and there was a pretty dark shadow so I would pop out and scare people. One chick witch I will come to later, actually freaked out so bad she litteratley just ran out the door. then I made freinds with a group on native English speaking Asians and I pretty much fit right in. I had blast then decided to follow some of the people around and copy them and to pretty mutch just mess with them. Lots of hot girls too, witch with the morph suit you don't really care what they think of you, hell, they were even asking to take pictures with me. ALSO GUYS I THINK THIS IS OBVIOUS BUT NEVER DO HOVER HANDS WHEN TAKING PICTURES WITH A GIRL!!! I've just seen to many guys do this and well you know, doesn't exactly scream confidence. Anyways I continued on with my rampage and i decided to pose in the window as a manican, of course one that would move and have a blast and cheer people on from the windows. Then I did something that i wish I would have done a long time ago, and Before I go on don't give me any of this dont put girls on a pedastool, because I was in a morphsuit, and noone knew what I looked like, anyways I hung out at the bus stop for a bit and started flirting with a girl, who seemed to flirt back immediately, and eventually, the bus got there, I wasnt taking it so I left her off with a "Anyways your pretty cute but I really got to go" Ill see you around. And so I left. Next on my list of to-dos I entered a classroom for students that are learning English sat down and said nothing. Then everyone just got out there phone and started taking pictures. I was posing with them and everything. Anyways ultimately I had a blast and it was just plain fun. Now Im not going to do this alot but It is alot of fun, you can do anything without worrying about people getting pissed at you for a while anyways.
-What I learned: Well not too much actually. Basically just how approaching a girl should be, which is fun. I wasnt worried if I was screwing up because well I just quite frankly didn't give a damn. I was going up to 9 and 10s Totally uncaring because they didnt know who I was. Now am I saying rely on something like a morphsuit to build your confidence with attracting women, Hell no, what im saying is it gave me the feeling of what I should be acting like instead because I could always just try again later with the same girls.
-So the next day i came to school it was sort of a strange feeling. I saw all of these people that I new from Halloween but none of them new me, they just walked on by. It was a very strange feeling. The one girl I mentioned earlier I felt bad for and saw her walking by today so I said "Hi, listen there was some guy that scared you real bad on halloween," she said "Yeah," and I said "Listen that was me and im really sorry" She was laughing a bit and said "Your a jerk" but not totally your an asswhole sort of voice either. And I said haha see you around. If I do indeed see her around I might flirt with her a bit see what shes like but I don't expect much from it.
-Also One Last Bit I found interesting. So there was a girl around what I thought was 21 turns out shes 18. Now shes the kind of person that I discovered really doesnt give a **ck, and as a result didn't mind that I practiced sexual escalation. I don't do it a whole lot kino wise, just conversation wise. As I don't have much practice with this area in the first place.


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
Reaction score
^next time you probably shouldn't apologize unless they're actually mad/offended and demand it or something


Don Juan
Mar 3, 2012
Reaction score
Portland Oregon
I am also in that program, however in oregon its call Early College High School. Ive been at PCC for 5 terms and heres the biggest difference between hs and college...

People are shy and uncomfortable when they are in a room full of new people. The term will be as good as you make it, if you are social and always making new friends then you will have no problems talking to the cute girls in your classes. My favorite part is that if you do mess up, at the end of the term you get to move on and they won't always be haunting you about how you were a horn dog. Anyways, push the limits. You'd be surprised how willing people are to talk to you and how far you can push things ;b