Mixed Messages girl


Don Juan
Oct 8, 2013
Reaction score
So I haven't posted here in a while, mainly due to the fact that I haven't actively been going after any women due to the fact that Ive just been straight up busy. Actually Ive been busy directing shorts and making movies witch has given me quite a bit of unexpected confidence, witch is good but sorta unimportant at the moment.
So again before I go into this keep in mind Shes not my one-itis. and honestly I could kick her to the curb with out giving a rats ass.
But so Basically i met this girl a while back on halloween we had a quick exchange. Met her a few times more and became flirty friends, witch I guess quickly turned into a flirtationship, in the meantime she had recently gotten out of a 3 year relationship. and with that freedom she basically started dating a few guys in rapid succession it seemed every other week. every other week a new guy. I asked her out to bowling one time, but surprisingly not much happened minus my nose bleeding, But in all honesty she didnt really care much. She's a little strange in that matter, and apparently wants to become a doctor eventually or something so blood didnt really gross her out. But one time I eventually decided to ask her out again and she said no, didnt realize she had found another dude that she quickly dumped in another week or so (dude was actually bout to start his training to become a monk XD) . This was also about three weeks later after our intitial date. Ive kept it to acquaintances, since then. But tonight our college was hosting a bit of a rave, minus drugs and alcohol, And so seeing how she was there i started dancing with her, we were grinding, never done this before so I kind of was a little lost but I don't think I did half bad, eventually I kissed her on the neck and the cheek. we danced a little while longer and then she told me something that made me start to think. She basically said and I quote "you can dance with me but hands off im trying to get my straight guy friend to have some fun out here" So her "guy freind" is basically a tall socially outgoing but not at large events emo lookin dude" Basically even though she offered he denied to dance with her. Asked her to dance right before I had to leave but she said she was tired, witch with how she can move makes sense. So what id like to ask you guys is do you think she was using me, witch was basically is what I read it as. I mean the girls hot, little witch I like, and is pretty darn sexy to be honest. Let me know do you guys think its worth it going after her, or should I just go back to the whole leaving her as an acquaintance things. Either way I look at it I got a free grind sesh out of it. So Im happy either way. Anyways would really appreciate the feedback guys.

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Villa Regis
Really Bruh?

didirectors said:
So again before I go into this keep in mind Shes not my one-itis. and honestly I could kick her to the curb with out giving a rats ass.
If that were the case you won't have made this thread.


Don Juan
Oct 8, 2013
Reaction score

Ehh not really, I might of came out wrong when I wrote it, but it was sort of a shock, basically Id pretty much been well to say the least almost ignoring her so it came as sort of a shock when we started dancing that's all. I tend to like to get real wordy when I make a thread an may have went into way too much detail. But in all honesty i got about two or three other plates atm.