How to get a girl not to like me?


Don Juan
Jun 29, 2013
Reaction score
Alright guys, never expected this situation to be a problem but I'm beginning to feel like it potentially might be. I'm trying to rid myself of this girl and get her off me without being a huge douchebag. I still care about her and I don't want to hurt her but her friend has been all over me at this party that happened yesterday and I'm much more interested in her friend than her. For simplicity's sake we'll refer to said girl as "A" and her friend as "P".

"A" has liked me for a really long time, probably since mid last school year, so around March or so. We'd text back and forth all the time and flirt a bit but lately I've been feeling like she's finally started to move on. She was pissed at me for apparently "ditching her" at this event last week when she decided not to come along. It was her birthday shortly after so when I wished her a happy birthday she forgave me for it (I never apologized, I could tell in her attitude) and now she's texting me all the time again. Sometimes though she'll randomly stop responding like I used to do to her all the time, probably to **** test me but we've been having phone problems in my area lately so it could be cause of that too.

I know "P" somewhat from school although we never really talked before this weekend. While walking to the party yesterday I crossed path with her group of friends, most of whom I'm familiar with, and she was the first to initiate contact with me. I talked with her and the group the way there and she seemed kinda interested in me but it was too early to tell at the time. Later on in the night though once everyone was a bit drunk and the vibes were all good, she was ALL over me. I'm pretty positive she was sober too. She kept telling me how funny I was and that I give awesome hugs and she would just keep finding any reason to hug me over the course of the night. She said she felt like hugging everyone but I felt like maybe that was an excuse so we wouldnt weird me out. I feel like I should have got her number at the time but to be honest I wasn't really sure how to ask for it and plus I wasn't even too worried about that. I was just having a good time meeting tons of people and conversing with them. She left sometime during the night and I don't remember if we said bye, the details were a little hazy at that point but I remember as soon I got home I posted a tweet and she favourited it almost instantly.

So the dilemma is, I'm gonna be volunteering with A, P and another friend of theirs some time in November. I don't want to be a douche to A but I need some way to get her off me by then. I feel like I'm slowing down the process of her moving on by continuing to text her. The thing is whenever I don't show interest I feel like she gets more attached but I don't want to show interest either or be AFC towards her. I'm not gonna refrain from hitting on P in front of A but I don't want to hurt her too bad.. I'm gonna try to get her number sometime this week during school but not sure how to approach her for it, shes a grade below me so we hang out in differnt groups and I don't really see her at lunch. Ideas? I feel like waiting until november would be too long


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
Reaction score
West Coast
So you like a girl but another girl likes you?

I had this issue a few months back and people on here simply told me to flat out tell her i was not interested in anything more than friends. I never actually did this because she was never into me that much but withdrawing attention did give her the hint. Another thing, when it comes to relationships someone is always getting hurt. Whether it be you, her, or someone else.

In reality, if you want girl P go after her. Just because another girl likes you doesnt mean you shouldn't still go for her. Go after what you want.


Don Juan
Oct 8, 2013
Reaction score
i agree with the person above me, As for girl A its always better to not bull***t around, but if you find yourself in that situation you could try treating her more guy friend like. Generally speaking girls are pretty socially smart if you do it right than she may get the hint if not than its better to revert to the first plan witch is just telling her straight up that you don't like her, In other words Freindzone her.


Don Juan
Jun 29, 2013
Reaction score
I've thought about telling her flat out but then she could just pull the "I never liked you anyway, what are you talking about?" move and flip it on me. Unless there's an opportunity where she can't deny her feelings, I'm just gonna slowly make less contact. I'm definitely not gonna not go for P just cause of A but if A has already told P about me then she's not gonna want to reciprocate feelings at the risk of hurting her friend, especially right in front of her.


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
Reaction score
as long as you don't reciprocate, things with A will eventually not work out and she'll get over it.

as for P, you should probably refrain from hitting on her with A around(I can see no good coming of that) but do whatever you want elsewhere.