High School Kid in College


Don Juan
Oct 8, 2013
Reaction score
Update- High School Kid in College

First off to respond to the above two
Good points. I never thought of the whole You never really see them next quarter thing until now fortunately there's only bout 3 weeks left in the quarter. I really got to get back on top of the whole talking to new people thing.
- By next quarter I should be 17 instead of 16 (my birthday is new years eve) so I dont think alot of the girls would be as opposed to going out with me if they find out im a bit younger. So im looking forward to that. but in the meantime ill just explain what ive been up too. So If youve read this http://www.sosuave.net/forum/showthread.php?t=209890 , you'll know that I decided to go out with a chick that had alot of baggage and had just got out of a relationship. Fortunately for me however, we had one date were we kissed and that was it. Saw her once in the store chatted a bit but after that I haven't talked with her. Im beginning to think she just needed someone in that moment to make her feel better, but hey at least i got a free makeout session out of the deal so I'm happy. One thing that's been frustrating me allot lately, is my mom hasn't been letting me drive myself places for fear of me crashing the car. Witch I haven't really given her a reason to worry about that . So its sort of ridiculous. and that is the other thing too, in general I lack having money because im in between jobs, and my mom doesn't like to let me drive myself places without her in the car, and thus ive been sort of hesitant to try and ask women on dates lately because of this. Bwaaa parents!:cuss: Also the girl that didn't mind the escalation I had talked about in the previous post has left the class witch sorta sucks, but oh well she smoked witch is definatley a detractant factor. So overall im in a bit of a rut. I havent been approaching girls at all either witch has been bugging me too. Also I finally started talking again to the two girls that were freinds and one of them was Colombian. anyways she seems a bit more flirty then usual but I have this sneaking suspicion its only because she needs help in her math. I really need to start getting back on top of my game guys anyways ill update you guys again as soon as anything gets better


Don Juan
Mar 3, 2012
Reaction score
Portland Oregon
didirectors said:
First off to respond to the above two
Good points. I never thought of the whole You never really see them next quarter thing until now fortunately there's only bout 3 weeks left in the quarter. I really got to get back on top of the whole talking to new people thing.
- By next quarter I should be 17 instead of 16 (my birthday is new years eve) so I dont think alot of the girls would be as opposed to going out with me if they find out im a bit younger. So im looking forward to that. but in the meantime ill just explain what ive been up too. So If youve read this http://www.sosuave.net/forum/showthread.php?t=209890 , you'll know that I decided to go out with a chick that had alot of baggage and had just got out of a relationship. Fortunately for me however, we had one date were we kissed and that was it. Saw her once in the store chatted a bit but after that I haven't talked with her. Im beginning to think she just needed someone in that moment to make her feel better, but hey at least i got a free makeout session out of the deal so I'm happy. One thing that's been frustrating me allot lately, is my mom hasn't been letting me drive myself places for fear of me crashing the car. Witch I haven't really given her a reason to worry about that . So its sort of ridiculous. and that is the other thing too, in general I lack having money because im in between jobs, and my mom doesn't like to let me drive myself places without her in the car, and thus ive been sort of hesitant to try and ask women on dates lately because of this. Bwaaa parents!:cuss: Also the girl that didn't mind the escalation I had talked about in the previous post has left the class witch sorta sucks, but oh well she smoked witch is definatley a detractant factor. So overall im in a bit of a rut. I havent been approaching girls at all either witch has been bugging me too. Also I finally started talking again to the two girls that were freinds and one of them was Colombian. anyways she seems a bit more flirty then usual but I have this sneaking suspicion its only because she needs help in her math. I really need to start getting back on top of my game guys anyways ill update you guys again as soon as anything gets better

Get a job. You're living at home so all of the money you earn will be able to benefit you. Even if its only ten hours a week thats still over 75 a week or 300 a month.
You will not only meet NEW people and make money, but also it will tell your parents that you're more trust worthy. With the money you can save it or spend it and use it to boost your game.
As you have noticed, people show up to class like they just got out of bed. Spend some money from your new job and get your fashion up. You would not believe how many compliments for being well dressed. You will get noticed.
As for the job you're going to get, I've got a packet on how to build a professional looking resume. Message me and ill share it with you.

And to everyone else, if you want a killer resume also message me and I will do the same for you!


Don Juan
Oct 8, 2013
Reaction score
Final Day of the Quarter Update

So on this rainy day in Washington I decided I would finally post an update for those interested.
- the reason I finally decided to get back on was for a couple of reasons that Ill go on to discuss later in the reply.
- First off For some reason Ive been in a rut lately. I haven't really been actively trying to go after women or anything like that, Which in all honesty I kind of miss.
-Second Id like to Give a bit of an update on Mrs crazy that I had mentioned in the previous post. Long story short I chatted with her a bit online the other day, and she had gotten back together with her Ex boyfriend. Kind of makes me wonder why considering how she discussed how much she enjoyed ripping up his pictures.
-Third, Let me start off by saying this is not a case of Oneitis. Allright with that established, theres always been this one girl who I have sorta liked off and on for a long time, not to mention shes one of my best friends. Now here is something you may find interesting about me. I don't mind having a female friend, in moderation. You can actually learn quite a bit from having a female friend. Also It is important to note that I did not become her friend by being freindzoned, rather we became friends after she liked me and I sorta ignored her (I was younger than). Now I have been feeling an attraction towards her. Not so much her looks but rather her personality. Even though It may sound cheesy. Her looks are ok at best. Also she is a bit of one of those goody two shoes types of girls, with the good grades and everything, but its also nice because you can have a great down to earth conversation with her as well. So the other day I started flirting with her just to see how she would react, and she started to flirt back. Although If she was presented with a date Im pretty sure she would decline. My suspicion is that although she is attracted to me she wouldn't go on dates with me. To witch Im sort of going "Oh well there is plenty of other Women
-And finally I would like to present you with the Colombian girl and her friends reaction to hearing that I was 16. So this morning the Colombian girl walked up to me without her friend and started talking with me. So Eventually the topic of birthdays came up and with birthdays comes the topic of how old your turning. It was the last day of the quarter and so I thought to myself "Screw It her reaction will be funny" So I told her my age and this total look of sheer embarrassment came across her face :nervous:. She just kept saying no way, almost like "please be older". She thought I was like 18 or 19. I showed her my drivers license to prove it. I thought she had figured it out by this point in time, which was another reason I decided to finally tell her. I sort of also asked If she thought I was cute. of course with her being embarrassed she denied but it was Rather obvious she was. When Her friend arrived She basically had the same reaction. ahh well. The only thing that sort of sucks is that before telling them, I actually had a chance. Ahh oh well Next quarter will be a new quarter. New Quarter, New Batch of Women. More chances. I just hope that for once I wont meet a bunch of running start girls that look like there 12 or 13. there seems to be a lot of that here. Another good thing is that by the time the next quarter rolls around Ill be 17 instead of 16 and perhaps it wont be such a big turnoff for so many women. So Untill next quarter this Is Didirectors Signing off.