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  1. H

    Failure: I want you guys to learn from my mistakes

    Yes, it didn't seem like it ended bad, and she seemed into you at the end. Wait a few days and hit her up again.
  2. H

    No Clue

    What they said are good for starting for lifting. Get your body used to it. I just wanted to add...if you are travelling, you can try and find a gym where you are, or look into getting Insanity or something like that. Not sure how much room you would have where you are staying, but this...
  3. H

    Noob poster, but workout moderately.

    There is nothing good that comes from the yolk of an egg. It is mostly cholesterol, which is bad and why people just eat the whites. Yes, you can have more servings of the whites because you are getting good nutrients from it. If the complete egg was good, then no one would separate the...
  4. H

    Are all of us on this forum insane?

    You realize you gave us a link to "brainyquotes". Einstein didn't come up with the definition of insane.
  5. H

    Some questions

    It's not about getting injured, its about giving your muscles enough time to recover. If you are doing it right, you should be tearing the muscle fibers ever so slightly. It takes time for them to repair. If you don't give the muscles time to repair, you aren't really doing yourself any favors.
  6. H


    Winny and var are good. They promote fat burning while adding lean muscle. I am actually having better results with ephedrine than I was while on you can order it online from Canada and have it shipped relatively cheap. And no, you don't have to worry about customs snatching it.
  7. H

    Noob poster, but workout moderately.

    The sodium level is horrible. That is just going to retain water. If you are going to eat oatmeal, get the good kind with no sugar or sodium. Have you tried egg whites?
  8. H

    Some questions

    Why squat again so soon? If you are doing it right you should be taking at least 3 days off in between to recover. Do you only do squats or do you do any other legs excerces when you do squats?
  9. H

    Easiest thing ever (OKC Pickup)

    <---- Ignorant...what is OKC?
  10. H

    This is going to seem like an AFC move but...

    If you are adding after you move on, then is that really moving on?
  11. H

    Rehab- Las Vegas

    I will be there on the 16th. Haven't been there before. Actually, doing research on that it what led me to this site.