Noob poster, but workout moderately.


Don Juan
Sep 10, 2012
Reaction score
After reading guys posting about what they do I decided to write my own journal on here. Basically I'll give you guys an idea of what I'm doing, but won't update on a daily basis just monthly basis or so.

On Sunday's I run for about 2 to 3 miles (1st mile 9 minute pace) (I **** the bed after the 1st mile and usually go at about an 11 minute pace afterwards).

On Tuesday I focus on back, chest and legs, it consists of the following:
All exercises I do between 8-10 reps
4 sets of incline bench 185
4 sets of flat bench 185
4 sets of decline bench 185
4 sets high cable cross over 40 pounds each side

4 sets of barbell rows 100
4 sets of wide grip lat pull downs 100
4 sets of dumb bell pull over 30

4 sets dumb bell squats 70
4 sets of calf raises on smith machine 200

Wednesday I focus on sprint drills where I do 10 sets of sprints on the resets I do high knees for my rest time.

Friday I focus on bicep, tricep and shoulders, it consists of the following:
All exercises I do 10 reps
4 sets of dips own body weight (217)
4 sets of rope press down 140
4 sets of incline skull crusher 80

4 sets of side lateral raise 25
4 sets of dumb bell shrugs 75 to 85
4 sets of Arnold press 40

4 sets of incline dumb bell curl (35 2 sets 30 1 set and 25 1 set) hate it
4 sets of dumb bell curl 50
4 sets of dumb bell concentration 30

Saturday I focus on burpies, jumps, push ups, different ab exercises, planks, high knees and I do 5 sets of all these.

This is my diet on most days. I use to keep track but this is what my meals consists of almost everyday. I add variation to the meals some days, but for the most part stick to my caloric intake of under 2000.

Breakfast 3 meals
2 x Oatmeals from Mcdonalds 290 calories, each 58 carbs, 5 fat, 5 protein, 160 sodium and 32 sugar. (eat one at 8 am and the other at 11)
Pro Complete - Chocolate (taste fantastic) 203 calories, 4 carbs, 3 fat, 40 protein, 45 sodium and 0 sugar I drink this at (5 am before my runs)

Lunch 1 meal
On this one it depends on my mood, but I will always grab either a Roast Beef Sandwich, Ham Sandwich or Steak and Cheese on Wheat Bread no cheese (when I do Roast Beef or Ham) 6 inch sub. (I eat this around 2:20 pm)

Ham Sandwich - 315 calories, 52 carbs, 5 fat, 18 protein, 1010 sodium, 4 sugar
Roast Beef Sandwich - 420 calories, 47 carbs, 15 fat, 26 protein, 1180 sodium, 7 sugar
Philly Cheese Steak - 430 calories, 54 carbs, 10 fat, 27 protein, 990 sodium and 11 sugar

Dinner 2 meals
I eat this right as soon as I get home from work at around 6:30 pm the protein shake I drink around 8:00 pm
Maruchan - Instant Ramen Noodle Cup Shrimp Flavored
290 Calories, 39 carbs, 12 fat, 7 protein, 1120 sodium, 2 sugar
Pro Complete - Chocolate (taste fantastic) 203 calories, 4 carbs, 3 fat, 40 protein, 45 sodium and 0 sugar

This is currently what I'm eating for weight loss, I have lost about 15 pounds in the span of 1 months 2 weeks. I've always lifted, not as intense but with heavier weights and fewer reps and decided to change things up and go back to basics. I plan to revise my diet once I hit my goal of 200 pounds from there my focus will go in slowly weaning out the rest of my fat into lean muscle.

Let me know what you guys think.

Edit: had to edit the McD informational stuff, I inadvertently times it by two since I stated I ate two of these per day. I also put in the calories of one so this may have confused some of you, my bad.
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Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score
First thoughts were the bench - you aren't putting fill effort in. Don't take it to heart me saying that. What I mean is incline 185 that's cool, bit that's the weakest part of the chest - it targets the top part.

So flat bench you can push more weight. No question. You have more muscle engaged. And decline bench should be even more weight again. You can pit your shoulders into the lift more.

That's just the first thing I saw. Next was McDonalds -anything from there, even the "healthy options" will mess up your insides. Have you not seen "supersize me"?


Don Juan
Sep 10, 2012
Reaction score
Seems to be working for me at this point. I'm just focused on weight loss primarily. But I'll definitely mess around with the bench weights. I can up the flat to 205 and maybe 220 on the decline. I don't have a spot so I just use a weight I can push out without any worry of going to failure.

I don't have a ton of time on my hands with work and gardening so this is what I been doing for food. Seriously I put in all the stats for the food itself and at some point I'll tweak things but this is working for me. What can I say? I'll drop the oatmeal from McD, and just buy and make the oatmeal myself.

Edit: My max on the flat is 235 (3 reps), my max on incline 205 (5 reps), I just started doing decline so no clue about anything on it.
I figure I explain one last thing, I do really low weight on the dumb bell squat since this was week one. (Please note I have done the squat on the bar and I'm at 185 pounds 10 reps. Please also note that this is a relatively new exercise for me.
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Master Don Juan
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
DanZy said:
Is this a joke?
I don't think trolls would put that much detail and thought into a post.

yyyy1313 said:
After reading guys posting about what they do I decided to write my own journal on here. Basically I'll give you guys an idea of what I'm doing, but won't update on a daily basis just monthly basis or so.

On Sunday's I run for about 2 to 3 miles (1st mile 9 minute pace) (I **** the bed after the 1st mile and usually go at about an 11 minute pace afterwards).

On Tuesday I focus on back, chest and legs, it consists of the following:
All exercises I do between 8-10 reps
4 sets of incline bench 185
4 sets of flat bench 185
4 sets of decline bench 185
4 sets high cable cross over 40 pounds each side

4 sets of barbell rows 100
4 sets of wide grip lat pull downs 100
4 sets of dumb bell pull over 30

4 sets dumb bell squats 70
4 sets of calf raises on smith machine 200

Wednesday I focus on sprint drills where I do 10 sets of sprints on the resets I do high knees for my rest time.

Friday I focus on bicep, tricep and shoulders, it consists of the following:
All exercises I do 10 reps
4 sets of dips own body weight (217)
4 sets of rope press down 140
4 sets of incline skull crusher 80

4 sets of side lateral raise 25
4 sets of dumb bell shrugs 75 to 85
4 sets of Arnold press 40

4 sets of incline dumb bell curl (35 2 sets 30 1 set and 25 1 set) hate it
4 sets of dumb bell curl 50
4 sets of dumb bell concentration 30

Saturday I focus on burpies, jumps, push ups, different ab exercises, planks, high knees and I do 5 sets of all these.

This is my diet on most days. I use to keep track but this is what my meals consists of almost everyday. I add variation to the meals some days, but for the most part stick to my caloric intake of under 2000.

Breakfast 3 meals
2 x Oatmeals from Mcdonalds 290 calories, each 116 carbs, 9 fat, 10 protein, 320 sodium and 64 sugar. (eat one at 8 am and the other at 11)
Pro Complete - Chocolate (taste fantastic) 203 calories, 4 carbs, 3 fat, 40 protein, 45 sodium and 0 sugar I drink this at (5 am before my runs)

Lunch 1 meal
On this one it depends on my mood, but I will always grab either a Roast Beef Sandwich, Ham Sandwich or Steak and Cheese on Wheat Bread no cheese (when I do Roast Beef or Ham) 6 inch sub. (I eat this around 2:20 pm)

Ham Sandwich - 315 calories, 52 carbs, 5 fat, 18 protein, 1010 sodium, 4 sugar
Roast Beef Sandwich - 420 calories, 47 carbs, 15 fat, 26 protein, 1180 sodium, 7 sugar
Philly Cheese Steak - 430 calories, 54 carbs, 10 fat, 27 protein, 990 sodium and 11 sugar

Dinner 2 meals
I eat this right as soon as I get home from work at around 6:30 pm the protein shake I drink around 8:00 pm
Maruchan - Instant Ramen Noodle Cup Shrimp Flavored
290 Calories, 39 carbs, 12 fat, 7 protein, 1120 sodium, 2 sugar
Pro Complete - Chocolate (taste fantastic) 203 calories, 4 carbs, 3 fat, 40 protein, 45 sodium and 0 sugar

This is currently what I'm eating for weight loss, I have lost about 15 pounds in the span of 1 months 2 weeks. I've always lifted, not as intense but with heavier weights and fewer reps and decided to change things up and go back to basics. I plan to revise my diet once I hit my goal of 200 pounds from there my focus will go in slowly weaning out the rest of my fat into lean muscle.

Let me know what you guys think.
The amount of sets and exercises per muscle group is excessive, moreso if you are dieting.

I would either do a full bodyworkout twice a week:

Monday & Thursday
Squats 2-3x6-8 (2 to 3 sets of 6 to 8 reps)
Stiff-leg-deadlift 2-3x6-8
Bench press 2-3x6-8
Bent over row Or Chin ups 2-3x6-8
Overhead press (barbell or dumbbell) 2x8-10
Curls 1-2x8-10
Abs 1-2x6-8

An upper lower split:

Week 1

Bench 2-3x6-8
Row or chins 2-3x6-8
Overhead press 2-3x8-10
Curls 1-2x8-10
Tricep exercise 1-2x8-10

Squat 2-3x6-8
Stiff leg deadlift 2-3x6-8
Abs 1-2x6-8
Calves 1-2x6-8

Bench 2-3x6-8
Row or chins 2-3x6-8
Overhead press 2-3x8-10
Curls 1-2x8-10
Tricep exercise 1-2x8-10

Week 2

Squat 2-3x6-8
Stiff leg deadlift 2-3x6-8
Abs 1-2x6-8
Calves 1-2x6-8

Bench 2-3x6-8
Row or chins 2-3x6-8
Overhead press 2-3x8-10
Curls 1-2x8-10
Tricep exercise 1-2x8-10

Squat 2-3x6-8
Stiff leg deadlift 2-3x6-8
Abs 1-2x6-8
Calves 1-2x6-8

So one week you will train upper body twice, and the next week you will hit lower body twice.

As long as you have still losing fat, keep your diet the same. When progress stalls, lower calories, preferably from carbs first.


Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2012
Reaction score
yeah the workout could be a bit more efficient, maybe drop a few sets and a few exercises and just increase the intensity on the ones you do


Master Don Juan
Dec 11, 2011
Reaction score
Johannesburg, South Africa
PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
Excellent workout. Danzy's credibility is impeached by his own asinine post history. Nothing wrong with focusing more on upper chest than lower, it is more aesthetically important and difficult to address anyway. I would maybe drop from 4 to 3 sets.
Asinine, that's funny. Seriously dude? Just because you disagree with a few things that I've said, even though I've always backed them up with the science that you clearly never read. We had one stupid extended argument way back and there were numerous discrepancies on both sides. It all seems to come back to creatine issue which has come up numerous times, a subject that you clearly do not understand adequately.

I just presumed it was a troll because of the McDonald's thing, who eats that crap on a cut? 64 grams of sugar per oatmeal, that's horrific.
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Don Juan
Sep 10, 2012
Reaction score
DanZy said:
Asinine, that's funny. Seriously dude? Just because you disagree with a few things that I've said, even though I've always backed them up with the science that you clearly never read. We had one stupid extended argument way back and there were numerous discrepancies on both sides.
I just presumed it was a troll because of the McDonald's thing, who eats that crap on a cut? 64 grams of sugar per oatmeal, that's horrific.
That's actually the total amount with both Oatmeals. I also don't do the brown sugar that they offer, but since it doesn't have an option on there I just included it since I don't really know what the grams are without it. The grams are 32 per oatmeal, I just put in the wrong amount on my post.

Edit: Edited my original post to show what the numbers are on 1 oatmeal instead.


Master Don Juan
Dec 11, 2011
Reaction score
Johannesburg, South Africa
It's still a fvck ton of sugar and then you get onto the rest of the crap they pump into that stuff; oatmeal should consist of nothing more than oats (not instant) and water, maybe some milk. It's like you're starting your day with 2 candy bars.
Then there's the instant ramen, packed full of MSG and other rubbish. It's nutritionally equivalent to some cardboard and maltodextrin.
Your weight loss is simply due to the extremely low amount of calories that you're taking in, less that 1700 yet you weigh over 200lbs. Roughly how tall are you and what's your body fat %? You're probably able to alter your macros significantly, eat more and still lose fat.


Don Juan
Sep 10, 2012
Reaction score
I've lost 15 pounds in 1 months and 2 weeks under this diet. I'll change it up when it stops causing me to drop weight. In the end of the day all that matters to me is results.


Master Don Juan
Dec 11, 2011
Reaction score
Johannesburg, South Africa
yyyy1313 said:
I've lost 15 pounds in 1 months and 2 weeks under this diet. I'll change it up when it stops causing me to drop weight. In the end of the day all that matters to me is results.
Notice what I said about your calorie intake, you're barely consuming anything obviously you're losing weight.


Don Juan
Sep 10, 2012
Reaction score
I'm at 217, 5'11 and my body fat was initially at 28% down to 23.9%

Edit: As far as Ramen Noodles go, I just like Ramen Noodles.


Master Don Juan
Dec 11, 2011
Reaction score
Johannesburg, South Africa
At that bodyweight your insulin sensitivity is really quite poor so the last thing you want is loads of carbs, especially fast digesting ones.
Going low carb, high protein and moderate fat would probably work best for you. As you get leaner, you can slowly up carbs accordingly


Don Juan
Sep 10, 2012
Reaction score
So I changed my diet up this is now what I been eating.

Pro Complete - Chocolate (taste fantastic) 203 calories, 4 carbs, 3 fat, 40 protein, 45 sodium and 0 sugar I drink this at (5 am before my runs)

1 x Oatmeals from Mcdonalds 290 calories, 58 carbs, 5 fat, 5 protein, 160 sodium and 32 sugar. (eat it at 11 am)

1 Omelette 368 calories, 12 carbs, 20 protein, 522 sodium and 1 sugar (I eat this at around 9 am)

On this one it depends on my mood, but I will always grab either a Roast Beef Sandwich, Ham Sandwich or Steak and Cheese on Wheat Bread no cheese (when I do Roast Beef or Ham) 6 inch sub. (I eat this around 2:20 pm)

Ham Sandwich - 315 calories, 52 carbs, 5 fat, 18 protein, 1010 sodium, 4 sugar
Roast Beef Sandwich - 420 calories, 47 carbs, 15 fat, 26 protein, 1180 sodium, 7 sugar
Philly Cheese Steak - 430 calories, 54 carbs, 10 fat, 27 protein, 990 sodium and 11 sugar

Finally for dinner I have 2 protein shakes. The same ones I get at 5 am. I take 4 scoops of it and call it a day. I get one at 6 pm and drink the other shake around 8 pm.

Wolfgang D

Senior Don Juan
Apr 11, 2011
Reaction score
Too many exercises I would say, and you don't need to be that exact with your food or what hour you eat it!

Take some time to read the Workout Programs forum at Bodybuilding, as well as the Nutrition forum. That will help you get away from all the "bro science", such as that you have to eat so-and-so right after training or at certain intervals. Read the stickies, there is a reason why they are stickied.

Haywood Jablome

Don Juan
Jun 4, 2013
Reaction score
The sodium level is horrible. That is just going to retain water.

If you are going to eat oatmeal, get the good kind with no sugar or sodium.

Have you tried egg whites?


Don Juan
Sep 10, 2012
Reaction score
I tried egg white, but I find myself starving even after I have it. I add a slice of ham and a slice of turkey plus veggies, but it doesn't satisfy me at all. Maybe I should get two servings?

Update as far as my progress goes, I lost another 2 pounds just 13 pounds from my goal. One interesting thing I notice is my veins are starting to become much more visible, is this normal? I have had cheat meals, but nothing detrimental. And to those that are talking about my sodium intake, yea I know, lol. One other thing, my right arm looks bigger than my left. It even has more definition, this is definitely bugging me. I started focusing on using my left more and it seems to be helping, but I need it to be more symmetrical, lol.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 27, 2006
Reaction score
Looks good to me. Not the way I'd approach it, but still, no massive problem. I'd definitely consider splitting up your upper body/leg workout day though.

The oatmeal... it's just sugary oatmeal. I don't see the issue. Everyone eats some crap, you aren't exactly trying to get in contest shape.

The bench weights - of course you're only lifting the same, if you're lifting flat/decline AFTER incline. If it were the other way around, there'd be issues.

Also, egg whites? Just eat the whole egg. How many are you eating that you aren't full?

Haywood Jablome

Don Juan
Jun 4, 2013
Reaction score
There is nothing good that comes from the yolk of an egg. It is mostly cholesterol, which is bad and why people just eat the whites. Yes, you can have more servings of the whites because you are getting good nutrients from it. If the complete egg was good, then no one would separate the whites from the yolk and sell them separately.

Yes, your veins will become more prominent, which is due to less subcutaneous fat and water retention.

True, he may not be trying to get into contest shape, but if he has already decided to eat oatmeal, at least he should get the most out of it without taking in stuff that will slow the process down.