Easiest thing ever (OKC Pickup)


New Member
May 12, 2013
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So I made an OKC profile last week and in a matter of 2 hours I somehow ended up simultaneously talking to 3 different girls, why have I not tried this sooner is beyond me.

So Im sitting there finishing up my profile and when a couple girls visit, while they don't appear to be anything over a 6.5 I take a quick inventory of my life and my lack of success (sex) with women and realize that I'm in no position to be picky at this point and jump at the opportunity to practice.

Her user name had GummyBear in it so i used that as an opener.

Me- Please tell me I finally found someone who also shares an unhealthy love for gummy bears.

H- Yes

M- Good to hear there are still others out there, my friends just don't understand.
Whats you favorite color bear? (Yes this is a test so choose wisely)

H- Green

M- Thats acceptable had you said somthing crazy like the clear ones I would have lost hope before properly introducing myself.

So whats up my names Zach, nice to meet you

H- Im *****. nice to meet u too. How are things goin for you.

M- Things are going well just winding down for the day watching basketball and having a really great time doing laundry.

How was your sunday?

H- Good very interesting

H- Wanna go out and talk?

M- Yea ide like that Bailey

H- Im free tonite? Is that ok?

(I immediatly get a big smile on my face upon reading this cause at this point its like 11:30 at night, so I know whats up)

M- yea i could probably throw something on.. where would u like to meet?

H- Well I dont have my car right now my sister took it...is there a way you could come get me?

M- i could

H- I live at **********

M- alright let me powder my nose and i'll head over, shoot me your phone number

H- my phone got shut off yesterday, i'll meet you at the entrance

M- alright im leaving now, mapquest says it will take 10 minutes to get there,
ill meet you by the entrance

I look forward to meeting you.


if u turn out to be a big black guy named Jamal i'm gunna be rather upset

And boom, I met her and while I was a bit disappointed with her physically she had a very cute face and actually had a bunch of **** to talk about/in common. Got 1 drink at a close by bar, she wanted to go walk on the beach and show me the lighthouse since "I hadn't seen it yet" lol. Leads to a moonlight makeout on the beach followed by a quick trip back to her apartment. :rock:

Now looking back, I feel like the one word responses at the beginning was just
a **** test to see if i could hold her attention.

I'm in the process of texting girl #2, she actually hit me up first so i know the interest level is pretty high.

Girl number 2-

H- hey

M- Hey there *****, whats up

H- not much. just relaxing now. how about yourself ?

M- Not much enjoying the rest of my sunday watching basketball, finishing up my profile, and Sunday is dreaded laundry day so im doing that too.

How was your father's day? Do anything interesting?

H- haha I totally feel you. I've been doing laundry all day. my Father's Day was decent. pretty boring though!

M- Yea i didnt really have a father's day rager myself, got some pretty good burgers at ***** with family. Pretty much the highlight of my day.

Ever been there?

H- haha I have not. I heard its pretty good though! a lot of my friends have been there.

M- Your missing out! they have some pretty good food and a cool atmosphere.

So when do your braces come off?

H- haha August! I only needed them for 12 months. but it's a lot easier to text me then talk to me on here. so wanna text me?

M- yea sure we can text, shoot me your number and i'll send you something witty.

She sent me her number and i only sent the words "something witty", she loved it lol.

Been talking about travel and such while i was at the airport been trying to keep things as fun as possible but after i ran outta **** to talk about i just said ide talk to her soon. She seems pretty into me but isnt really helping trying to keep convos going so I'm gunna freeze her out till i get back in 3 days and see if she wants to do somthing.

If anyone wants to critique feel free, this post was more for those who still havn't put themselves out there and tried Online game.

I should have tried this **** wayyy sooner.


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2012
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I'm assuming you smashed the first girl. Congratulations. For the second one just ask her out. No need texting her until you have nothing to say then going on the date and having even less to say.


May 21, 2013
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PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
I may give OKC a shot. POF was a total nightmare for me. How I can have a HB8 girlfriend for 3 months but not get a single date off POF is beyond me.(height whor1ing probably)

If you go on OKCupid you'll have to keep your profile on for at least a week. At first you'll see all the fat whales with boring profiles. The more they rate you (according to your pictures) with 4 to 5 stars the more you'll get bumped up to A-List with not having to pay for it.

I've left it there for a week and am starting to get rated high (the more people see your profile and rate you obviously according to your pics) and starting to see much better looking chicks.

To keep bumping your profile after you set it up. keep updating it with a word or two or change pics around for your main as if it just sits there you'll go to some sort of not used status and not many will see you anymore.

There is some pretty hot chicks on there, though every profile sounds the same: they're all reading numerous books, and world travelers. A step up from POF but still the same whackos trolling for c0ck.
Jun 22, 2009
Reaction score
had a FB off of there for a while - November to around April. She was absolutely crazy, but the sex was *fantastic*.

I've gotten some results off of there, but the girls are mostly slvts, or they're batsh1t crazy. (And the "results" are only every couple of months or so. I'm only average looking and have to go off of personality/charm alone.)


New Member
May 12, 2013
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JoeMarron said:
I'm assuming you smashed the first girl. Congratulations. For the second one just ask her out. No need texting her until you have nothing to say then going on the date and having even less to say.

my thoughts exactly, since i was in complete control of the convo for the most part we only talked about travel since i was at the airport texting her and it seemed relevant. When i get back in town i'll hit her up.

OKC is much more "girl friendly" than POF imo. Its got like interactive rating things and just looks like a more girly site in general. At first i was seeing some not so great looking females but I am noticing the amount of hot girls appearing increasing a ton.


New Member
Oct 28, 2013
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Did you ever meet anyone worthwhile on OKC? Or was it just a bunch of one night stands?


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2008
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JoshSway said:
Yes, welcome to online dating, by far the easiest way to get laid.
more like it USED to be the easiest way. Now it's a pain in the d@mn @$$. the work you put in to hopefully land a 6 could be the same work, or sometimes LESS, that you'll put in with a 8 or 9 in real life. I sh!t you not. I already have a fvcking job, I don't need another one to impress some average/below average girl I wouldn't give a first look to in real life in the hopes that she'll bang me, even though secretly she's banged 50 other guys on the same site and most are goofy looking as fvck.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2013
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Brooklyn, NY
Robert28 said:
more like it USED to be the easiest way. Now it's a pain in the d@mn @$$. the work you put in to hopefully land a 6 could be the same work, or sometimes LESS, that you'll put in with a 8 or 9 in real life. I sh!t you not. I already have a fvcking job, I don't need another one to impress some average/below average girl I wouldn't give a first look to in real life in the hopes that she'll bang me, even though secretly she's banged 50 other guys on the same site and most are goofy looking as fvck.

Truth. It's nice because it seems easy, but it takes up a lot of time. It's a numbers thing but you are going head to head with a lot of other guys. I've read this advice on here but didn't realize it until I did it myself: SPEND THE TIME MEETING GIRLS IN PERSON.


Don Juan
Oct 15, 2013
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Robert28 said:
more like it USED to be the easiest way. Now it's a pain in the d@mn @$$. the work you put in to hopefully land a 6 could be the same work, or sometimes LESS, that you'll put in with a 8 or 9 in real life. I sh!t you not. I already have a fvcking job, I don't need another one to impress some average/below average girl I wouldn't give a first look to in real life in the hopes that she'll bang me, even though secretly she's banged 50 other guys on the same site and most are goofy looking as fvck.
It's still the easiest way for me. The free sites have gotten a bit harder but match.com (and for me jdate as well) are still gold mines of chicks that require virtually no effort. (I don't consider meeting for drinks after the gym on a tuesday night effort)


Master Don Juan
May 27, 2007
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I've closed my pof multiple times...
I've closed skout multiple times...
I closed meetme once, and have never gone back...
I've had at least 10 other dating apps on my cell that I've closed...

But I've never closed my OKC profile... And it's going on 3-4 years now.

It's about the quality of the site to me...

In general: they are much better than POF in my area.

OKC women in my area:
- Normally don't have kids.
- Normally do have cars/jobs.
- Normally have degrees (not that this is important to me, but... see the next one).
-Normally are capable of being interesting.
-Normally don't have a ton of baggage.

- And best of all: Are not getting bombarded with constant messages like they are on POF.

The only bad thing is: There's far less women to choose from, and a lot of times - I'll search and see mostly women I've already talked to (if not banged).


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
bukowski_merit said:
I've closed my pof multiple times...
I've closed skout multiple times...
I closed meetme once, and have never gone back...
I've had at least 10 other dating apps on my cell that I've closed...

But I've never closed my OKC profile... And it's going on 3-4 years now.

It's about the quality of the site to me...

In general: they are much better than POF in my area.

OKC women in my area:
- Normally don't have kids.
- Normally do have cars/jobs.
- Normally have degrees (not that this is important to me, but... see the next one).
-Normally are capable of being interesting.
-Normally don't have a ton of baggage.

- And best of all: Are not getting bombarded with constant messages like they are on POF.

The only bad thing is: There's far less women to choose from, and a lot of times - I'll search and see mostly women I've already talked to (if not banged).
Clean your inbox mate


Senior Don Juan
Sep 10, 2011
Reaction score
Online game is ez if youre decent looking.

I'm above avg in the face and work out so I tried POF for like a month in the summer and banged 3 chicks off it, all on the 1st and only meet lol.

If you drop any kind of escalation on them they will fvck, theyre so thirsty it's unreal. Seriously if you ever feel shvtty about your love life just browse through POF and look at all those desperate losers. No way anyone can hit a low that bad on here with the knowledge available to you


Mar 30, 2010
Reaction score
Getting numbers is easier than wiping your ass. Getting lays and sorting through the bullsh!tters isn't.


Korrupt said:
Getting numbers is easier than wiping your ass. Getting lays and sorting through the bullsh!tters isn't.
Why aren't you responding to the last thread you made?

Wasn't it titled:

'I hate where I'm at in life?'

Frustrated much? I think it is time you listened to more experienced men on how your though process should work.


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2013
Reaction score
I'm getting better at the online thing. The last girl I met actually contacted me first. If you're good looking and can write a relatively decent profile you get a lot of bites. But, due to the high number of options girls have they flake a lot. So my lesson has been to move things along very quickly before she finds the bigger and better deal.


New Member
Oct 28, 2013
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Or here's an idea.. Quit being pigs. If you start actually caring about the girl you're talking to and show a genuine interest in her instead of worrying about getting a piece of ass, you'll attract more respectable girls.

Being a woman who has been on these ridiculous sites and now seeing what really goes on in a mans brain is a huge eye opener for me.

Not all girls are on there because they are desperate, trust me. In fact, most women i know, (including myself) that make a profile on those sites lack the time due to having a busy life to go out and meet people. Not to mention, the bar scene is a mess, full of worthless guys who want nothing more than sex. (although reading this sh!t has made me realize it doesn't really matter where you go, the bar, the grocery store, the internet.. You're all the same kind of pathetic.) some women actually make those profiles to find someone who is going to treat her right, not to find a pig that is going to hit it an quit it.

Maybe you should all take a step back and reevaluate your lives.

You lack game? Be respectable. Be courteous.
Chivalry isn't dead. That will be the best lesson you can learn. A real man treats a woman with respect, not by coming on here and bragging about how many "h0es he's ****3d."


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2013
Reaction score
By moving things along quickly I mean going for the meet in person soon, not emailing back and forth for weeks which I find to be wasted time due to a high flake ratio. There's plenty of respectable girls online. There's plenty of h**s too. Screening is part of the process, which ever type you're looking for. Now that you think all of us are pigs maybe you should try being a lesbian.