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  1. D

    Questions about Wine

    Amongst the reds you listed, shiraz is the spiciest (usually), merlot tends to be the most "gulping" of them, and cab is more of a soft mouthfeel IME. I used to be a big shiraz fan, but lately I find them kind of boring and too much for the usual night.
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    Patriots Domination: It's People Don't Think.

    So it's no big deal that the Pats get caught cheating by videotaping signals, but there's a conspiracy against the Pats D with PI AND there's crowd noise being pumped up in the RCA Dome? Hmmm... :yes:
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    How to Win Friends and Influence People

    All of these are good pieces of advice. None of these things are contrary to "DJ philosophy".
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    So A-Unit

    Haha, people are making a bigger deal about this than anyone did when Shawne Merriman tested positive for steroids and then was still elected to the Pro Bowl. Silly.
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    I have a mustache

    Trust me, seanchai is one who can pull it off.
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    Lebron James is Michael Jordan and Magic rolled into one

    The thing LeBron has over MJ is his size. He's a monster beast that can crash through people on his way to the hoop. Jordan could dunk, of course, but he couldn't physically DESTROY you like LBJ can. Jordan had a better jump shot, but I think when it's all said and done, LeBron is gonna be the...
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    Psych majors...

    No kidding. I wanted to stand up and cheer when I read it. Then I said to myself "doctoroxygen is a furking dork".
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    Psych majors...

    My research is in social psych and dating, but it's on automatic associations rather than anything cool like the old Festinger stuff. I was really into social psych and wanted to be a professor of it etc., until I realized that unless your name is Roy Baumeister, NO ONE is doing that kind of...
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    Psych majors...

    I guess we're talking about different kinds of statistics. I'm talking about experimental statistics rather than demographics. I can see that there's bias in demographics, but it's A LOT less common within experimental literature.
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    Psych majors...

    You're confusing statistics with the reporting of statistics by others. Actual scientific studies report their methods etc., so they can be peer-reviewed, which makes bias difficult to get away with.
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    Psych majors...

    A Ph.D. is a research degree, and research in psychology is done using statistical analyses, so I think you're going to have a hard time finding a Ph.D. program that you won't be using statistics in. Furthermore, statistics aren't used to prove anything, ever. They're used to show that the...
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    Psych majors...

    That's very true, and a lot of psychology professors think it's a problem. There's a huge amount of "physics envy" in psychology, a real need to focus on making psychology into a "hard science" when that's not what it was intended to be. I say leave the real science to the biologists, chemists...
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    Psych majors...

    Seligman is a genius academically, but I hear he's a monster ****. Of course, I wouldn't turn down a spot at Penn's program :) The program that interests me in George Mason with Todd Kashdan. He researches both curiosity as a signature strength and social anxiety in veterans. Are you...
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    Psych majors...

    I'm graduating with a degree in psychology this summer. I just presented my research on interactions between sexual history and situational factors on automatic sexual perceptions at a research symposium at my school yesterday. Next year I'm going to be a paid research assistant in the psych...
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    when a girl comes to your apartment for the first time (SONGS)

    Freak Me - Silk "Freak me baby.. BOOM BOOM.. Let me lick you up and down.." Et cetera et cetera.
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    300 - The Movie

    I normally hate steroided physiques passed off as just simply strong dudes, but I thought it was totally appropriate here. The Spartans looked like superheroes compared to the other Greeks, and I thought it worked. Still, the distended steroid abs were kinda gross, especially in the slow motion...
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    THE fashion/style thread

    I get what you're saying now, GOGL, and I agree with your point. I also think that being able to pick out your own clothes that you KNOW women will be attracted to is a skill men can learn, and I'm pretty confident I have that skill, though not many men do.
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    THE fashion/style thread

    You're confusing yourself with all men. No woman I know is more fashion conscious than myself or most of my friends, though they might THINK they are. Most of my free time not spent studying is spent reading fashion news and shopping. Also, if you want ACTUAL, non-mall fashion...
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    THE fashion/style thread

    Just like they know what's attractive in a man, so when you ask them what they want in a man, they say "A ****y and funny guy" or whatever? Women don't have any idea what they actually think is attractive. Very few women know how to dress themselves, so what makes you think they know how to...
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    Anyone taking anti-depressant?

    Nutritional deficits can have a deleterious effect on mood, for sure. But they're not the only cause of depression (I know my depressive episodes lasting for months at a time weren't food-related), so I think consultation with a psychOLOGIST (I don't trust psychiatry in general) is more in order...