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  1. G

    How to get a good girl

    Have you ever thought maybe some girls have class and dont open their legs for just anyone...I dont know, that they want to make sure the guy actually LIKES her? There are alot of girls out there that have been burned and no amount of attraction will overcome that. This site is filled with men...
  2. G

    attracting guys and making them your bf

    Funny you state this. The amount of men on this site who next a girl who doesnt put out early is ridiculous. The girls that put out early dont tend to make good girlfriends. People on this site must meet all skanky girls and no decent ones. Stop meeting chicks at bars and clubs and youll find...
  3. G

    Early signs of BPD?

    Sorry but you bros are ridiculous Some girls exist that like to save sex for a relationship. Doesnt make them have BPD or necessarily a bad person. Shes just not compatible with you. The girls that make the best girlfriends tend to make you wait for sex and dont let you use them- just my...
  4. G

    The crap women read....sound familiar??

    Nope not bull****. The men on this site are just bitter and use techniques that get them low quality women. Then come back and complain about it. Problem is this site advocates nexting any girl who doesnt put out in the first 3 dates or doesnt do this or that. All the good women I dated waited...
  5. G

    How to get a good girl

    Few men on this site will be able to get a good girl. The prevailing attitude on this site that any girl who doesnt put out by date 3 is a headcase is crazy. Eliminating a girl with a high IL who doesnt put out early is weeding out all the good chicks. Going to clubs and bars to meet...
  6. G

    Can you be too ****y?

    Good quality girls who have some brains will be turned off by being too ****y and they should be. Good quality girls dont like men that are 100% alpha thats where this site f***s everything up. Women that marry men like that get sick of them and eventually divorce them. Women have needs too you...
  7. G

    Broke up on Saturday..messaged me this morning

    Im not sure why youre so concerned if you broke up with her
  8. G

    The crap women read....sound familiar??

    There are women out there like you described. There are more good quality women out there than there are good men. This site used to be able improving yourself to find a decent woman and now its all about how to act even more assholish and to land low quality women on a regular basis...
  9. G

    Texting causes problems

    She has probably figured out youre a prick and is now playing mind games with you.
  10. G

    Got a few dates set up from to play it?

    You sound like you are into slutty low quality women so I have no advice for you
  11. G

    When Do You Contact After Sex?

    Im not sure why you are starting a post over this. You dont sound into her.
  12. G

    So I have a date with a "respectable girl"

    I couldnt disagree more. Alot of more respectable girls will not put out so early because they value themselves and dont want to be seen as slutty. I dated several "good" girls when I was younger and made the mistake of getting physically aggressive too early and they thought I was just out for...
  13. G

    Phsyco B****

    Well there you go. She caught on to what you were doing and it backfired. I just saw your age says 16 so that explains it so Ill cut you some slack. I would stop doing it. Next time you want to pull back to keep her interested... Cut back on the texts, initiating, showing...
  14. G

    Girl spits a load into my laundry.....

    You seem a little crazy I dont blame her for doing what she did. If I dated a girl who flipped out over every little thing Id do the same
  15. G

    Started to get ruthless with the women...

    Not necessarily a bad attitude Lack of interest on one side is a major cause of dating/relationship troubles youre weeding out ones that are a waste of your time
  16. G

    Why young girls don't give a fcuk!

    Young men are the worst about it too its an age thing. When I was in college I met plenty of girls who didnt do crap like this. Sure I met some who did but like alot of other guys on this site you are meeting low quality women. No wonder everyone is so negative. Seek out girls with better...
  17. G

    Dealing with BPD ex.

    I am dating someone who I found out recently has some PTSD and I didnt notice because she dealt with it on her own and didnt let it affect our relationship. She doesnt do any of the **** you describe. With a diagnosis or not- thats unacceptable behavior and yes you should cut her off for your...
  18. G

    do you think its afc to send ex birthday message on fb

    Yes. Pretend your ex doesnt exist. That attracts them even more and shes a waste of your time anyway
  19. G

    Phsyco B****

    Dont think theres anything wrong with pulling back a bit/creating SOME distance to keep her interest level up. Thats the nature of the game- the push/pull stuff of relationships. Talking to other girls will backfire though. There are more level headed girls out there that will get sick of your...
  20. G

    This site is no longer good

    Why is this site now filled with low quality men? Several years ago this site focused on improving yourself, making yourself a better person and tips on getting a higher quality woman you can be happy with. Its now full of whining, bitter, hate filled, overly harsh woman bashers. You are no...