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  1. G

    found out my girlfriend's past and im surprised

    Narrow mindedness has lead to all sorts of terrible human maltreatments. If you dont think this or at least see this as being partially true...all your blood flow is going to your **** and not your brain. This site used to be about improving yourself and getting high quality women. It is not...
  2. G

    Will there ever be a real Men's Rights Movement?

    Are you blind? Jesus Christ I remember why this site frustrated me so much. For every gem of information I got I have to weed through all of these unintelligent losers. That skinny chick and the internet troll chick are not the same. When you compare the two that skinny chick you posted looks...
  3. G

    found out my girlfriend's past and im surprised

    Actually she is a great cook and is a clean person. She has traits of a good mother such as being compassionate and caring about others. Again this is pointless, I dont care if my girlfriend has feminine qualities and a few masculine qualities that dont irk me...close minded men like you led...
  4. G

    found out my girlfriend's past and im surprised

    This is pointless. Our values are different. I take some things from PUA but I dont think women were put on earth to be slaves to men. Funny makes ME happier thats why I prefer it. I dont like dull women and if I was stuck with one Id be miserable. Educated women can be higher quality- maybe...
  5. G

    Plate Mentioning Another Guy

    I wouldnt rule her out quite just yet if this is all that she has done.
  6. G

    Cuckold forums

    Ive met a few men into this sort of thing and they are usually men with mental health issues. Alot of the crazy **** out there is due to mental health problems
  7. G

    Will there ever be a real Men's Rights Movement?

    This chick is very attention seeking but if those pictures are really her I wouldnt describe her as anorexic, or having bad thighs or saggy boobs. Really if you think this you have skewed beauty standards. However, I see the need to insult her to put her in her place. Really, not sure what she...
  8. G

    found out my girlfriend's past and im surprised

    Im in the my late 20's and my girlfriend of a year and a half is 26. She is pretty much everything Im looking for. Smart, educated, funny, good looking and attentive to diet/fitness so she will probably stay that way, nice and not moody at all. I could find another woman but I do think shes the...