Phsyco B****


Don Juan
Oct 11, 2012
Reaction score
so recently ive decided to pull back with this girl ive been dating for about 3 months now. You know acting distant, talking to other women etc. to shoot up that interest level. Well yesterday we got in some big ass arguement, then today shes been in a b****y mood. Now she is taking EVERYTHING
TO HEART. Like today she had a soccer game and was PISSED because i didnt go. She sent me a text rambling about there being 1440 minutes in a day and i couldnt text her once to show her that i was okay, then she says i tried liying to her ( i kinda did but i had therapy that day and found out 30 minutes before so i COULD NOT GO) so she goes Phsyco ***** mode on me, after i told her " its not my fault your not the only thing in my life"

EDIT: after asking her what the hell her problem is she brings up tons of reasons and one of them happen to be " you could've been off with someone else"

what would you guys do in a situation like this? :)


Don Juan
Nov 27, 2012
Reaction score
Stingers said:
so recently ive decided to pull back with this girl ive been dating for about 3 months now. You know acting distant, talking to other women etc. to shoot up that interest level. Well yesterday we got in some big ass arguement, then today shes been in a b****y mood. Now she is taking EVERYTHING
TO HEART. Like today she had a soccer game and was PISSED because i didnt go. She sent me a text rambling about there being 1440 minutes in a day and i couldnt text her once to show her that i was okay, then she says i tried liying to her ( i kinda did but i had therapy that day and found out 30 minutes before so i COULD NOT GO) so she goes Phsyco ***** mode on me, after i told her " its not my fault your not the only thing in my life"

EDIT: after asking her what the hell her problem is she brings up tons of reasons and one of them happen to be " you could've been off with someone else"

what would you guys do in a situation like this? :)

Dont think theres anything wrong with pulling back a bit/creating SOME distance to keep her interest level up. Thats the nature of the game- the push/pull stuff of relationships.

Talking to other girls will backfire though. There are more level headed girls out there that will get sick of your **** and your games but thats just my opinion. I cant say I blame her- if my girlfriend started talking to other guys and being flirty just to make me jealous I would be turned off.

I sound older and more mature than you though so I doubt youll take my advice


Don Juan
Oct 11, 2012
Reaction score
georgetheman said:
Dont think theres anything wrong with pulling back a bit/creating SOME distance to keep her interest level up. Thats the nature of the game- the push/pull stuff of relationships.

Talking to other girls will backfire though. There are more level headed girls out there that will get sick of your **** and your games but thats just my opinion. I cant say I blame her- if my girlfriend started talking to other guys and being flirty just to make me jealous I would be turned off.

I sound older and more mature than you though so I doubt youll take my advice
You seem to know what your talking about, i understand the aspects of pushing and pulling. I meant talking to other people such as my friend. Just as a heads up i appreciate all information people give on this site.


Don Juan
Nov 27, 2012
Reaction score
Stingers said:
EDIT: after asking her what the hell her problem is she brings up tons of reasons and one of them happen to be " you could've been off with someone else"

what would you guys do in a situation like this? :)
Well there you go. She caught on to what you were doing and it backfired. I just saw your age says 16 so that explains it so Ill cut you some slack. I would stop doing it.

Next time you want to pull back to keep her interested... Cut back on the texts, initiating, showing affection/compliments but not too much to make her freak out/think youre cheating/are going to dump her. Gotta find that balance