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    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    I'm in week 7 of NC and holding strong. Last week has been rough. Wanted to call/txt/email everyday. This has been the worst week by far.
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    LTR sudden ending

    The good-looking woman route is out as its a private thing. The rest is solid advice.
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    LTR sudden ending

    Question: So its going on a little over 6 weeks since the end of this LTR and I've maintained NC the entire time (which may not seem like a big deal, but its been pretty hard). I have no intention of breaking it, but an issue has come up and I'm not sure how to approach it. I have a social...
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    LTR sudden ending

    I may be masking my pain, but these women weren't forced (or even asked) to do anything.
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    LTR sudden ending

    I'm gonna keep updating here, mostly as a journal to myself about NC and the recovery. EX Going on 6 weeks of NC w/the ex. I saw her again at the grocery store, less than 10 ft away, she didn't see me me, so I just bounced. Thought about saying hello, but screw it. We have a social...
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    On the verge of breaking off engagement

    Rather than keep a promise to someone who doesn't deserve it and probably can't ever appreciate it...why don't you honor yourself instead. This is not a movie where everyone will clap at the end for you "doing the right thing." This is your life. The right thing is saving yourself. What you...
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    On the verge of breaking off engagement

    It won't ever come back. Let that go, and look at the rest of the relationship... Break free.
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    On the verge of breaking off engagement

    She put your long-term health at risk and straight up disrespected you by cheating. End it for real. Your next 6 years are going to look like the last 6.
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    LTR sudden ending

    Thanks for the support guys.
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    LTR sudden ending

    Ran into her last night at my friends bar, first time seeing each other in 5 weeks, she was with her girlfriends and seemed to be just fine. We didn't talk, I didn't approach, or acknowledge her. Just kept chatting up the woman next to me. I thought I was going to be ok and earlier in...
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    LTR sudden ending

    My opinion - I would say evenly matched, but people were surprised that she dumped me and not the other way around. I get a decent amount of female attention without any effort. Its hard for me to quantify but at best I can assume we were evenly matched in attractiveness and I would put...
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    LTR sudden ending

    1) I'm an attorney and work in finance, I'm fairly well off compared to most of the U.S. and probably average for NYC finance types. No debt. 2) I hit the gym 4/5 days a week and would say that I'm more fit than a vast majority of the guys I run into on average. She was comparable.
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    LTR sudden ending

    I hadn't read it that way...interesting. I guess this raises some good learning points for me as during the relationship I felt like the frame was not hers. By way of example - not long before this we had gotten into an argument over some of her behavior while we were out, and when we...
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    LTR sudden ending

    Ouch! hahaha.
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    LTR sudden ending

    Looking back I agree with this. To be fair I didn't really know that it was that short of a period until we had been seeing each other for a few months already. Here it is: I want you to know that you didn't do anything wrong, at all. I'm sure it is hard to accept that, because if you did do...
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    LTR sudden ending

    We broke up in person, and as I was leaving I said something to the effect of: just tell me you met someone or that I screwed something up or didn't do something, it has to be something other than "I want to be single." I was trying to get at the truth. So she wrote me an email in the time...
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    LTR sudden ending

    Just an update. It's been about 4.5 weeks since the break up and we have't seen each other or spoken, except for one email exchange the first week. I guess you could say I'm succeeding at NC, as I'm fully aware you can't negotiate interest level but its still pretty hard. I figured she...
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    LTR sudden ending

    Long time lurker (since 2009 at least) requesting a bit of insight into the sudden downfall of my stable LTR. Short version: Dating a year and half, no major arguments/issues. Did a lot of fun stuff together, both like each others families, laugh/interact, no drop off in sex over the...