On the verge of breaking off engagement

El Suave

Senior Don Juan
Oct 23, 2012
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Here's my story. Started dating this HB 7.5-8 when she was 26 for about six years and the first couple of years were pretty good but then the sh!t started hitting the fan more and more. She was good and sweet in the beginning but it always seemed to me she was craving attention from other males. Always with the happy hours after work, clubing and always alot of male orbiters. Always push/pull situations. WTF? Told her politely that it simply won't fly with me and broke up with her over that and her inability to keep her word in general alot of time, only to have her crying at my door step asking for another chance. Gave her plenty of chances and the change has of course been only for a few weeks or months. It would start back up nice and then she would start making excuses for her actions and tell me that my standards for her are much higher then other couples and she feels caged. Classic bullsh!t, of course. She wanted to have her cake and eat it too!

Her background is an abusive father and a manipulative mother that was never there, constantly moving from one city to another. Was raised by grandparents, then tossed to relatives and friends and basically thrown out on the street went she was 16. Really not her fault. Mine is a stable family, loving, religious, never witnessed my parents arguing etc. All in all, a good upbringing. I had my own business, did good with it and now I am studying engineering and have plans to start a family and my own engineering firm. She is an engineer as well.

So during this last break up I found out that she has cheated on me last year. Never even bother to use protection and then I slept with her unknowingly. Don't know to this day if I have something or not!!!! Was very dissapointed about the whole thing. Surprised that I was not pissed. I have never been a chump so I have always been able to pull really hot girls, so I guess that's why I just said "**** it and move on". I started working on myself, improving and doing my own thing.

Three weeks ago, I see her in my city by accident and text her to come over and talk. She does. So I lay it on her how I am not pissed, just dissapointed that she cheated, tell her that I am tired of all the bs that has been the last 6 years and ask her if she wants to finally calm the f*** down (now that she's 30) and start doing it properly. She agrees again (of course), and I propose to her. She's all happy for the first day and then she starts laying it on me that she has doubts and that all her friend and family are telling her that she is making a big mistake and she will regret it blah blah. I take time and calmly explain to her how friends and family don't know sh!t about all that's going on and that only buys a little bit of time with her, but that's it. She keeps the charade up about how her heart is telling her she's doing the right thing but her mind is telling her otherwise.

First week of being engaged, she goes out and finds herself a part time job(doesn't need it at all, just for fun) that would keep her busy in the weekends, even tho we had made plans. We are invited to my sister for thanksgiving and she says she can't make it because of her new job. Simply told her that if she doesn't make it, engagement is off and not to bother trying to ever come back.

We planned on me going over to her this weekend and enjoying ourselves(after all, we're f***ing engaged and that should be the best time of our lives), going out and visiting the airspace museum(for which I got tickets already), and maybe some restaurants. Now I'm thinking that maybe it is not such a hot idea. Why reward bad behaviour?

I have this HB 8.5-9 living here close to me, same culture, good girl, 2 years younger, likes me and ready to settle down. I am thinking of pusuing her but my heart is still stuck with this other one. My plan is to wait till thanksgiving and see how it plays out with the LTR and then give the other one a full shot at it.

What's your guys' take on it?


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
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dude, you are totally lost. i dont even know where to begin. but like samspade said, forget about her for a minute,
time to look yourself in the mirror.


Don Juan
Oct 31, 2012
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She put your long-term health at risk and straight up disrespected you by cheating. End it for real.

Your next 6 years are going to look like the last 6.


Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2005
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samspade said:
What exactly is the dilemma here? Read your own post and tell us what YOU think you should do.

FYI, although this woman has her own issues, a lot of what's going on starts with you, my friend.
ayava said:
She put your long-term health at risk and straight up disrespected you by cheating. End it for real.

Your next 6 years are going to look like the last 6.

^^What they said.

Take it from me and others who have revisited LTRs after a break up and learned the hard way. You are inviting pain and suffering in your life, much worse than the pain if you just cut ties with her now.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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El Suave- you sound like a very understanding, trusting, and stable individual. Good upbringings from stable families produce people like you. Your good nature and desire to keep giving this girl opportunities to prove her self worthy is where you've gone wrong. You've given this girl so many chances to prove otherwise and she keeps failing.

You've got a girl that was brought up in an environment completely opposite of yours. Her upbringing lacked stability. She learned how to lie and manipulate by watching her parents. This girl was brought up in a less than desirable environment where life skills weren't learned.

As much as you wish and probably see glimpses every now and then, she will never figure it out and be able to function on your level. She is accustomed to a life of emotional highs and lows that lack stability. After a while these types feed off it. It becomes what they are familiar with and their comfort zone.

You are a product of how you are raised. Her value/moral system is totally different than yours. If you stay you will never break the cycle. Zebras don't change their stripes and wh ores don't become house wives.


Don Juan
Oct 31, 2012
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El Suave said:
She was good and sweet in the beginning
It won't ever come back. Let that go, and look at the rest of the relationship...

Break free.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 24, 2009
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El Suave said:
Her background is an abusive father and a manipulative mother that was never there, constantly moving from one city to another.

So during this last break up I found out that she has cheated on me last year. Never even bother to use protection and then I slept with her unknowingly.

Three weeks ago, I see her in my city by accident and text her to come over and talk. She does. So I lay it on her how I am not pissed, just dissapointed that she cheated, tell her that I am tired of all the bs that has been the last 6 years and ask her if she wants to finally calm the f*** down (now that she's 30) and start doing it properly. She agrees again (of course), and I propose to her.
She is just like her mother. She manipulates you with push-pull. And she's never there just like her mom. And like her mom, she's attracted to abusive men, who she cheats with. If you were super abusive she might be more faithful because she's damaged goods.

You should learn from this and be using the push-pull technique on OTHER women.

Also, I don't know you, but I can say that proposing to her has been the biggest mistake of your life to date. Undo that mistake now!

It's the holiday season, women who don't have men are desparate for a guy right now. Find some of them.

El Suave

Senior Don Juan
Oct 23, 2012
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I can't undo the engagement . I'm a man of my word. The only thing I can do is wait until Wednesday.


Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2011
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She did.the dirt and you.went back to her and proposed? I would feel.sorry for you.if she JUST cheated on you, but you're coming back for more abuse..She's secretly grinning because she know you're hooked. She's gonna be even worse this time. The precedent you set is: do the.worse paossible thing you can to me and ill.reward you greatly. You're a glutton.for punishment. And she will never ever ever never ever be able to appreciate that you are a man of your word. Ever.


Don Juan
Oct 31, 2012
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El Suave said:
I can't undo the engagement . I'm a man of my word. The only thing I can do is wait until Wednesday.
Rather than keep a promise to someone who doesn't deserve it and probably can't ever appreciate it...why don't you honor yourself instead.

This is not a movie where everyone will clap at the end for you "doing the right thing." This is your life. The right thing is saving yourself.

What you are describing here are issues that aren't worthy of compromise in a relationship. It's not her asking you to work on the car less often to spend time together, or clean up after yourself around the house a little, or pick up the kids because she has to work late.

So far:
*seeks constant male attention
*maybe gave you an STD?
*can't keep promises - likely because she makes change out of a sense of obligation, not genuine desire to make you happy or the relationship work.


Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2011
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Paging BB. I think his post on a woman showing you who they are is appropriate for this guy. Dude, run. Please. For me.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
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normally i would say this is a troll as this is borderline absurd but to be honest, doesnt surprise me, happens all the time, every day this kind craziness.


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2007
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El Suave,

This gal cheated on you, had unprotected sex, risking giving you an STD. How did you find out she cheated? This is very important, because she could have gotten pregnant as well. You could be raising some other guy's child now and not even realize it.

Are you going to marry a woman who is this dishonest? Think about that. Any gal that cheats is not marriage material. If you want to get married and start a family, you need to find a gal who is worth it. A gal you can trust. Even then it's a gamble, imo...but at least with better odds.

Do not marry a woman who has cheated on you.

Don't feel bad about ending it either.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2012
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Hey man .. if you love your GF and want to marry her... Do it! The issues are that your falling out of love and not meeting each others emotional needs. MOst likely your umber 1 need is sex and likely her #1 is intimate conversation.

I reccomend that if your serious about marrying this girl you review some of this stuff here http://www.marriagebuilders.com/graphic/mbi5510_qa.html (preparing for marriage) then decide.

Marriage builders and So Suave saved my marriage. I combined the stuff from both and my wife couldnt be happier. After 19 years of being with my wife ... it feels like we just started dating again. I love it! WE went from hating each other (which was a bad display for my children for quite a few years) to the last 2 years being the best my marriage has ever been thanks to both of these sites. I kid you not ...

edit to say .. that I have read of so many LTRs and marriages turn around from cheating .. with extraordinary precautions in place ... but Mr>positive is right ... cheating means she failed the marriage matertial test ... so that part is up to you .. but if she is willing to be faithful .. commit to you .. and follow a plan to stay in love ... then you have a chance.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
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ohhhhhhhhhh, el suave is epimanes. this thread is most likely spam to get traffic to that marriage website.

ok, now i get it.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2012
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haha i am not El suave!.... im a happily married guy. looking to help others.

edit_ if you were married .. or thinking of it .. would you not want to know how to be happy in your marriage or LTR?