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  1. S

    Most of you dont deserve girls. You're schemers.I had to warn them

    As a man that is currently eating beef jerky I have to ask why as an Israeli of African descent do you feel the need to start every topic with "As an Israeli of African descent"?
  2. S

    AFC voicemail or not?

    I guess it's a moot point because I haven't heard back from her.
  3. S

    Girl flakes then acts keen again?

    I agree with what you say here. What if he had already been on a date and she indicated a 2nd date but didn't return the call trying to setup the second date?
  4. S

    AFC voicemail or not?

    My thinking is that it's better to leave a voice mail then not.
  5. S

    AFC voicemail or not?

    so surprise surprise, 24 hours later and no call back. what's the next play here guys?
  6. S

    AFC voicemail or not?

    hmmm. interesting. I see what you guys are saying. however, I still think it comes off as confident despite making it seem like I have open availability.
  7. S

    Lack of interest, or wants to be pursued?

    She may not be into a relationship but if she is down to hang whenever you call her then keep her around and call her when you have nothing else going on.
  8. S

    AFC voicemail or not?

    So I'm trying to setup a second date and got the VM, left something similiar on VM when setting up the first date. Here is what I said: "hey ABC, it's XYZ, just calling to see if your available this weekend so give me a call back and lets try to make plans" Discuss...
  9. S

    so when do you contact her after the first date?

    I tend to agree. I'm thinking of send a text later today
  10. S

    Second date issue

    In general I think it's a bad idea to try to make plans with a woman if you know she is busy that weekend... It puts you in a position for her to turn you down. For example, I was trying to setup a date a week ago for a Friday night and she let me know that she would be traveling for work that...
  11. S

    so when do you contact her after the first date?

    hey fellas what's up? new member here. so what's the consensus on contacting a woman that you just had a first date with? So text? call? one day, two days ?