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  1. D

    Bren's journal of awesomeness!

    I realised something a few hours ago - its no wonder some people aren't liking me as a lot of the time things I blurt out without thinking take value instead of giving. Looking back I regret a lot of the things I say, and I'm gonna change this. So in future before I say something I'm gonna ask...
  2. D

    Bren's journal of awesomeness!

    Thanks nick! Finally getting around to doing this one up. June 15 In the morning I texted the girl from the night before, lets call her HB Older wasnt really expecting anything to happen, but was going to be away for two weeks so didn't want to leave it without trying anything. Me: this is...
  3. D

    P strangers walk to a new life

    Nice. I doubt that line would have worked, most people won't kiss on a bus in as it's in front of lots of people. Maybe you should have asked her to go back to yours and watch the match? In your goals you say about talking to and starting conversations with new people. It isn't too hard, just...
  4. D

    Bren's journal of awesomeness!

    These are from the 14th and 15th haven't had time to write them up, been in France. It may sound weird as I have been typing it bit by bit. Thursday 14th YEEEOOOOOW!!! Tonight was so ****ing good. The only bad thing is that i had about €4 robbed off me from the lads buying our drink but...
  5. D

    Summer Bootcamp Main Post

    I'm in France now, don't have Internet acces, can I start 1st July?
  6. D

    NorwegianDJ's journal of personal growth

    Good luck in Norway dude, Scandinavian girls are so good looking.
  7. D

    Summer Bootcamp

    Sounds cool! I'm down for it, going to France for two weeks then I have no school till September.
  8. D

    Bren's journal of awesomeness!

    Haven't updated in a while seeing as nothing has been happening. This is because everyone has been studying. I had important exams since Wednesday, they finish tommorow so SUMMER **** YEAA!!  I'm going out tommorow night to watch the match then a concert, going with a group of my mates.  On...
  9. D

    fear of rejection

    There's no point in being scared, it's all in your head. All that is stopping you is you, and the only person who can get rid of this fear is also you. This is hurting your game so man up, grab your balls and approach them. Remember every time you get rejected, you still achieved more than you...
  10. D

    Bren's journal of awesomeness!

    *meant to post this about two days ago, didn't work then* Hung out on friday, wasn't allowed out on Saturday or Sunday. Friday was fun enough just hanging out with a couple of lads couple of girls, nothing too interesting. I know it isn't much but I feel more confident than I did a month or...
  11. D

    Bren's journal of awesomeness!

    My weekend review Cool, will download them both now, audio first. Thanks NDJ. Didn't get up to much this weekend, did some study, an hung out a bit. Went out on Friday and Saturday, was going to go out today but my mum wouldn't let me, she's weird like that, doesn't like me going out...
  12. D

    NorwegianDJ's journal of personal growth

    Wow, just finished reading right through your journal. Your posts now sound more confident than they were at the start. Don't be tempted to go back to Dancer it just doesn't seem worth the trouble, she's a flake, and her dad sounds crazy.
  13. D

    Bren's journal of awesomeness!

    t Right now my social life is going good. I'm hanging out with new people most times I go out, but it's generally the same core group of us. Most our from my school, with the rest from other schools around the place. Their cool chill guys and I feel respected enough, I'm glad I've moved on...
  14. D

    I had a real epiphany

    Jack, your post nicely sums up the mindset I'm trying to achieve. I used to be very self conscious but after reading stuff i realised that no one is worried about judging you as they are all too busy worrying about being judged myself. I used to be always thinking about what it someone thinks...
  15. D

    Bren's journal of awesomeness!

    not the way it works, here the aim of the game is to pull, everyone can get make outs, just by going around with a friend tapping a girls shoulder and saying "will you meet(kiss) my mate". also there isn't really anywhere to isolate here, just bring her to the closest wall and push her up...
  16. D

    Bren's journal of awesomeness!

    So was chatting with a girl on facebook yesterday, shes about 8.5. (I didnt know her before yeasterday, but we have a couple of strong mutual friends.) Started with me saying on her profiler; then a couple of my friends who knew her posted on it saying stuff like "hahahhahaha" and stuff...
  17. D

    Bren's journal of awesomeness!

    Alri bit of an update of how life's going. I've been hanging out regularly with the boys, and I'm closer to them in school than I ever was, my social life is going good and is getting better. I have important exams coming up in June, so in only allowed go out on friday nights, but I can stay...
  18. D

    Bren's journal of awesomeness!

    I see what you mean about seeming an outsider, but it isn't really like that. I see myself very much as part of the group. I just couldn't think up of any better words to use than cool. I was wincing myself as I typed those words but had no better way to put it.  And my other group of friends...
  19. D

    Bren's journal of awesomeness!

    FR - Disco Im gonna start off with a field report from last night. I was at a teen disco. My uncool friends weren't going, but I decided to go as it would be a chance to hang out with the cool guys. I had to get the bus in by myself as the people I was planning to go in with we're being...
  20. D

    Bren's journal of awesomeness!

    Hey I'm Bren.. I'm 15 years old.. I'm from Ireland.. I used to not be popular, now I have quite a lot of friends and am well liked.. I go to an all male school so I have a hard time finding girls.. I don't really have approach anxiety though, and I can talk to girls easily well.. I created...