P strangers walk to a new life

P stranger

Don Juan
Jun 30, 2012
Reaction score

So i've been reading through alot of the threads here and decided that i wanted to make one myself..

Im 18 years old, live in Norway and enjoy like as much as possible. But i want more, i want to be able to talk to new people not only girls but boys (no homo, dont get it wrong.. :/) too.. Just sit down with every single person i feel like siting down with and have a nice coversation.

So i have a few goals:
Lose some weight,
Talk to new people,
Learn how to start a conversation,
Be ME.

I'll try to upload posts on how my life goes, but im warning you! My english is not that great, so if you see any minor or major flaws give me a headsup in the comments with some feedback on how my life goes:)!

-Stranger out

P stranger

Don Juan
Jun 30, 2012
Reaction score

So hello there! First day, dam i actually managed to do something^^!

So todays plan was to watch the EM final between Spain and Italy, but i had to go to the store.. During this little event i managed to actually talk to a girl, not on the boot camp level.. But still managed to talk to her, ey for me thats a start!

So i took the bus from my home to the store (its sunday and in norway all the stores close at sundays) and this gang of three girls were siting there.. I looked at one of them smiled to her as i passed her and sat down a little further behind(pssy!).. The rest of the ride i was telling myself that i should go up and talk to them.. But ended up just siting there, damn!

On the way back home from the store, i was waiting at the bus stop this girl walked up and sat down too. After screaming at myself that i needed to say something i opened with:

Me: Hi!
Her: Hi!
Me: Im sorry, you're so cute that i just had to talk to you!
Her: *Chuckle* well thank you! :)
Me: So hows your summer?
Her: Its been quite boring, but soon im leaving for Madrid for 2 weeks!
Me: Oh thats great, tan a little?
*yeah yeah, **** me i ****d up here.. should have asked if she was going with family or friends..*
Her: Ha ha, Yeah, but shoping too!
Me: Thats always nice!
Her: So where are you going now?
Me: Home, had to go to the store before im gonna watch the match with a female friend.
*why did i say female, auch.. oh well*
Her: Thats nice, im going to watch it too! So how old are you?
Me: Im 18 and you?
Her: Im 17, hey what school do you go to?
Me: Strangers school!
Her: Oh i live pretty close to that, but i go to Her highschool!
Now her friend shows up, i was actually thinking of doing something from the boot camp saying something like.. "You know i would really like to kiss you" But as her friend came i just withdrawed a little i guess.. Pssy^^
Her: Hi Vilde! I need you to meet my friend!
Me: Hi! I'm Stranger!
Vilde: Hi I'm Vilde! So how do you guys know each other?
Her/me: Right here and now!
*From here i start to get a little uncomfortable coz of her friend, groups of girls is kinda scary i guess*
Vilde: So what school do you go to and what grade?
Me: Strangers school and third grade!
Her: Oh so that means you probably know *friend of mine*
I instantly get uncomfortable, she knows a good friend of mine and hanged out with him and some others yesterday.
We exchanged a few more words, before the bus came.. But at the bus i decided that i did what i could for today.. Ill try harder next time, but the fact that she knew a friend of mine scared me a little.. I said bye as i went of the bus before she did..

And thats one big wall of text that you guys probably find boring, but hey.. Ill get better :)!

-P stranger


Don Juan
Apr 2, 2012
Reaction score
Nice. I doubt that line would have worked, most people won't kiss on a bus in as it's in front of lots of people. Maybe you should have asked her to go back to yours and watch the match?

In your goals you say about talking to and starting conversations with new people. It isn't too hard, just start with something situational, like in your case ask them where they're getting the bus to, then progress to more general things like where they go to school and what mutual friends you might have. This builds comfort, then as your doing this you should have kino and eye contact to build attraction, when I'm talking to girls I naturally put my arm around their shoulders after a minute or two. Then finish by getting them to go somewhere and hang out with you there or if that's impractical get there number and say that you'll hang out sometime else. In some situations like a club or party you should be getting them to make out and more, in most situations though, like yours the bus, you cant kiss there you have to isolate them first.

P stranger

Don Juan
Jun 30, 2012
Reaction score
Well, the line wasnt meant to make her kiss me.. It was meant to match the boot camp,

"Outright tell her your exact intentions and desires AFTER YOU GET TO KNOW HER A LITTLE."

Well, the goal of today for me was just to talk to her.. I wasnt after her number or anything, just to get comfortable with talking to her.. Now that i've done it once, i can continue to do it:)!

P stranger

Don Juan
Jun 30, 2012
Reaction score
So yo!

Havent written anything lately, since i havent really had anything to update you guys with.. Mostly since i've been focusing on LoL since its NM from 6-8 july.. Yeah i know its geeky, but money is money:p..

So today i went out, tried to find a girl or two.. Couldnt seem to find any at all, their probably at the beach :O..

So my question of the "post" is.. Girls that work in food stores or something like that, i dont feel like its okay to approach girls like that. Since they're at work and busy, walking up to them and say "hey you have really nice eyes, oh a customer.. talk to you later then!:)"

Peace out!
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score

It's all in your mind, but personally I wouldn't go all super direct on working chicks.

Lykke til da. Skype meg og sett opp en stream!

P stranger

Don Juan
Jun 30, 2012
Reaction score
Hello there!

So I havent posted anything for a few weeks.. I really havent had much to update and i normally dont like to write Boring threads.

Anyways, im leaving for greese tomorrow.. Its gonna be great, i've promised myself to always talk to atleast 2 random girls every day.. I'm so scared of getting rejected, but hey its gonna be fine.. :)!

My goals for the trip:
*Talk to 2 girls everyday
*Conversations need to be atleast 30 sec, if i get uncomfortable i need to do another one.
*Smile at all girls i pass, turn the charm on :)!

Ill try to update every day on how im doing, spam inc!:)

-P stranger out

P stranger

Don Juan
Jun 30, 2012
Reaction score
Ahhh first day!

Must say, greece is a great country! But approaching girls are quite hard as most of them has their parents stalking them around.. (atleast those at my age, 17/18)

But lucky as i am i have a girl that is the daughter of one of those i and my mother walks around with. Shes maybe 1 7/10, idk she seems a little interested.

As for today im hoping to approach two girls, as my goals says.. If i cant seem to find anyone.. ill just have to approach groups, thats way harder for me.. :p

As for todays question, how do i deal with parents? Seems like its way harder to actually get to the girls as the parents are sitting there like big guard staring at you.. DJEEEZ.

Finnishing up with the song that motivates me mostof the time:)!

-P stranger

P stranger

Don Juan
Jun 30, 2012
Reaction score
Second day! Im getting there!

So first off after eating breakfest i left for the ocean. As s old swimmer my love for water is quite huge, so after swimming the 4 different swimming styles i decided i wanted to work on my tan. Floated on my back for like 15 min before actually got approached by two girls one 6 and one 7. I saw both of them yesterday, they must have overheard some of my conversations with those Im here with so they knew i was norwegian.

Girl 6.5: hey! Hey you!
I was floating on my back living my life, and was suprised somebody even came out as far as i was. So i look around for like a sec before spotting them.
Me: hey, whats up sunshine? (i always call girls that, dont know why)
Girl6.5: i saw you swim butterfly over there, you were pretty good! Do you swim?
Me: Ah, thank you! Well, i used too. Do you?
Girl 6.5: Noo, but i would love to!:)
At this point i noticed that the other girl wasnt saying anything. And since she was the hoter one, i tried to engade her in the conversation.
Me: hey flower! Wake up! *brush some water against girl 7*
Me: well swimming takes practise, i could teach you some if you want to.
Girl 6.5: maybe;)!
Me: so how old are you?
Girl 6.5: Im 15 and she is 14.
._______________. WOW
Me: really? You both look so much older, both of you.
Girl 6.5: thank you!
Girl 7: we have to go back!
Girl 6.5: Oh yeah, right.
Me: Nice talking to you, bye!

P stranger

Don Juan
Jun 30, 2012
Reaction score
A few hours later i see this bomb at the pool. I see her standing up and walk straight up to her!
Me: hey there!
Bomb: heey:)!
Me: i know this is kinda random, but you Are really pretty!
Bomb: *little suprised* oooh, thank you!:)
Shes smiling at this point.
Me: so, where are you from?
Bomb: norway!
The rest of the conversation is in norwegian.
Me: Oh, me too!
Now she smiles even more.
Me: so how old Are you? 17-18?
Bomb: Im 18! Im gonna buy some juice, wanna Join me?
Me: sure!
Me: so, do you have a boyfriend?
Bomb: no, i used to. Didnt work out:(.
Me: Oh, sorry to hear. But does that mean i have a chance? Just kidding:)!
Bomb: I have a pretty wierd taste anyways (cant translate it better, she said a Word i dont know in english, or just dont remember)
Bomb: but i loved the way you came up to me and gave me a compliment! All the big ego guys here make me sick. Your cool:)
Me: you know, since you've been here for a while, maybe you could show me around?
Bomb: not this week i and my family Are going out on sightseeing. But maybe next week!
Me: Ah, alright. Cool!

I ejected the conversation after like an hour straight talking. Was fun. New experience for me!

New day, New chances! I'll see you guys tomorrow morning!

-p stranger

P stranger

Don Juan
Jun 30, 2012
Reaction score
Alrighty third day! Killer day:eek:

So to start off i went to the pool, found the bomb girl.. She was by her own, as i walked up to her we had like a 20 min talk before her twin sister came. They look NOTHING alike, hoooly ****.

So i found out that the bomb had gone around the whole hotel yesterday to try find me since she wanted to take me out on a club. (score i guess?) Only problem was that i had left a little earlier with my family, FVK IT.

So i ended up getting the twin sisters number since the bomb had problems with her phone, idk if i should believe that.. but what ever, if she dont want me to have her number its her loss.

So after chilling the whole day, i talked to like 3 girls.. One i said hi to, she didnt even answer so i turned around and said loud.. >I SAID HI, WHY DONT YOU REPLY??< She was in shock and said with a very tiny voice, >hi< i was laughing so hard.

After this i went diving with my family, this one girl that was native was there. She seemd pretty shy, i only got to know a few words from her before she shyly went away. She did smile to me a few times on the diving boat (It was pretty huge)

So after chilling with my family i left a little early and sent a message to the twin sister and asked if she were busy for the night. She said that she was going to a club little later and that i could come if i wanted to.

So i went to this club and sat there for like 45 min before we had to leave because their friend came.. SO YOU DRAG ME FOR A 15 MIN WALK TO SIT THERE FOR 45 MIN AND THEN LEAVE? FVK THAT MAN.

Then the sh1t started happening, as i waited for them to get ready to get out again.. Their friend said that she didnt want them to bring me because they had planned a god damn girltour. She wanted to met boys at the club, maybe they just didnt want me with them. But uuuh, they did tell me that she was kinda wierd and that they had to let her choose so that she feels like they actually care.. you know to make her comfortable, im ok with that.. Im a cool guy, she gonna miss talking to me;).

So to fix the damage, i found another girl.. Ended up talking to her for like 1 hour, but it was more about caring for her since she had a hard time.. Im a nice guy, and she was too young.. I had nothing else to do, so why not help her.

She ended up saying she never ever had a person understand her so well, and i did it in an hour.. Guess thats a good thing, i can read people pretty well. Might come in handy later.


As for this morning i went to talk to the twins again, this time their friend was there.. She was kinda wierd i guess, but no problem. I just lay down and talk to the bomb, she seems to still want to talk to me though.. I kinda feel like i've been with them a little too much these days, been talking to her every day since i met her. So i'll take it quite chill with the bomb now, gonna try met some other girls.

Anyone got any tips on the problems with the friend of the twins? Maybe shes just a wierdo, i can get around that i guess.:trouble:


-P stranger

P stranger

Don Juan
Jun 30, 2012
Reaction score
So i decided that I'll make a Quick post while Im recharging my phone.

Talked to this girl right after i posted last reply, she seems like she wanted to talk to me, but i had to go after like a min of talking, maybe I'll talk later tonight. Probably will.

Fvk gotta find another girl too, think i gotta go to the beach and be awesome/random creeper. Because Fvk it, going to the Clubs alone is too hard for me yet.

Weeeell, battery is charged enough, gotta Get in there again. Be heros my friends!

Hvorfor elsker du meg, brushan?

P stranger

Don Juan
Jun 30, 2012
Reaction score
Forth day.. My birthday.

Started off with being my family friends coming into the apartment REALLY fvking early.. I was so tierd, oh man. Ate breakfest with them and as soon as they left i jumped off the balcony (we live on the ground level) and walked over to the bomb, her sister and their friend.

So yeah, their friend.. Real wierdo, didn't talk to me at all. All she did was introduce herself. Talked quite alot to the bomb, as she is the only girl that has confidence enough to talk to me (Or feel sorry enough, holy shii.. i shouldnt think like that).. I ejected when they said they were going to get some food. I didn't want to stalk them.. I later saw the twin sister with another guy though, she were all over him. Happy for her i guess, lmao.

Alright so i chilled out on the beach, played some beach ball with my friend in the pool, ended up seeing the two 15 YO's, getting closer and closer while they looked at us. They wanted us to come over SO BAD, found out i rather want them to come over. Since i've already approached them and i know they're intrested, my time is precious, you want some of it? come and get it.

After this i and my friend Eirik (He's two years younger than me, but he's cool when its only us. Otherwise he acts quite childish i guess) sat down and talked for a while before one of the 15 YO's comes by, her name is Lisa btw a 7/10. She ended up asking us what we were doing for the night and wanted us to find her at the night.

We went to a resturant, so much attention on me.. I dont like that kind of a spotlight, too many older people.. Makes me feel awkward i guess, if it was with people at my age i would be fine. Anyways, got some champagne, after getting used to beer this sh1t tastes decent. Im not too much of a drinker, so im still getting used to the taste.

So we got back, first thing i notice is the two 15 yo's already drunk fooling around.. God, the younglings.. So young so naive.. Ended up talking to the girl that was a 8.5/10 she was kinda shy before, but now she was all talk (no wonder, she was drunk). Ejected after playing pool with their father. He was coming in and asked the girls to play pool, but none of them wanted and since i really didn't care too much since they were drunk i just went for it. Ejected afterwards, got some problems with my family on my fathers side, so it affected my mood pretty much.

The girls were drunk anyways, couldnt care less. I like to be atleast kinda sober when i talk to people.. Alcohol is just another way to get them to talk more and open up.. But Im good at that already.

My challenge continues.
-P Stranger

P stranger

Don Juan
Jun 30, 2012
Reaction score
hey.. fifth day.. ma gawd, much sh1t going on i guess.

Ended up ****ing up my toe as i said, gotta sit still like a fvking moron for the rest of the day. Ended up chilling some with the 8.5/10 16 YO.. But got interupted quite a few times by her room mate at 15 YO. real annoying.

After chilling some i met up with the bomb and two guys she hung out with. Joked a little about her being a player, she seems to just smile at it.

So instead of eating dinner with my family i chilled at the hotel, got kinda bored after a while and went to find some people. Ended up finding the two guys the bomb was with earlier on the day. Talked some more to them, but shiii, found out that the bomb had given them her number (she told me the phone was broken or something, atleast she had some kind of issue with it). So we found out, hey lets have some fun out of this.. So i ended up calling her from MY phone..

I joked around with her being pretty mean to reject me like that and that she should just be honest about not giving somebody her number.. She ended up being pretty maaaaaaaaad, and as payback she called me at 2.30 AM and wanted me to come follow her home from a club.. I was wondering if something had happend so i took the 15 min walk to the club just to find out that she had went home.. I kinda laughed at it, but i got another message saying that it scared her that i actually came to the club to follow her home, i felt sorry and wanted to make up for the call:/ o well.. So yeah, she mad as fvk now i guess.. Think i'll stay away from her for a while. I'll meet up with the two guys later, we're gonna watch a football match tonight.


P stranger

Don Juan
Jun 30, 2012
Reaction score
ALRIGHT! So first off, i want to say..


Ill be writing about the 6th and 7th day.. Let the drama begin, sweet jesus christ.

6th day, 24.07.12

Boring start on the day, but ended up chilling with my the three younglings im on vacation with. But ditched them for a little while as i went with the 16 YO i got to know better and better. Her name is Oda btw.

So I and Oda, Odas step sister and the younglings went to play some mini golf.. Was hot as hell and Oda was super shy, boring as **** tbh. The younglings made it quite fun though, and Odas step sister was a fvking wierdo. DJEEEZ. I ended up winning pretty massive, im good at mini gold.. atleast decent^^.

So after playing mini-golf we went to this resurant.. There we met up with another 16 YO and her mother, their friends of my and the younglings parents.
ANYWAYS, she already cried once (forgot to mention) because she got sad when i said that her behaviour was somewhat *****y. I should have smelled that she would be crying tonight too if i didn't shut up.

BUT HEY, i like to talk. And she ended up nearly screaming "YOU'RE SO MEAN, WHY CANT YOU RESPECT OTHER PEOPLES OPINION??!?!?" when i said that if she thought that the expression "face-palm" was a Oslo (the city OSLO) word. I started laughing and said that she must have lived in a box if she thought so. Then she just left, crying. :crackup:

So in one split second i was the bad guy, djeez.. fvk it man. I ended up just leaving the resturant a little bit later, went to Oda and her step sister.. Ditched her step sister and chilled with Oda.. Then the younglings came, we chilled out and played some pool. Ended up leaving with Oda to talk to her, the younglings followed.. ****blockers :<..:cry: I just went to bed, like.. fvk it i was tierd and i wasnt going to do ANYTHING with Oda anyways.

7th day, last day.. 25.07.12.. This day man, holy shi.

So i woke up, went to the beach.. Chilled with the younglings, ended up making one of them go talk to a girl on his age.. I WAS SO PROUD OF HIM!!!

Oda ended up sending a message wondering if i wanted to hang out with her, she couldnt stand her step sister anymore. Her step sister is the definition of annoying, always mocking her and trying to stop us from having a good time.. She even tried to confince me Oda was a *****.. WTF??

So me and Oda went down to the beach, this was quite late so there was nobody at the beach.. Expect those who were siting at the resturant, GUESS WHOS THERE? The two guys i chilled with a few days ago, man they were literally staring at us.. I noticed too, dont think she did. Did some work with Oda, made her feel comfortable.. But then her mother called, she had to go eat dinner..

So im like, fvk man.. This sucks, i was on a roll.. Was getting where i wanted, but this night isnt fvking over.. NOO. Oda then sends another message, "My step sister left, can you come up to our room? Im bored!" so i went up to her room. We just sat there and chilled, i started massaging her. Striped her cloth by cloth until she was naked. We started kissing, im a terrible kisser.. But after like 3-4 kisses i started to get a hang on it.. So i started to touch her, touched everywhere made her feel comfortable.. Never too much away from her though, always went up to kiss her.. Idk why i didnt just go right there..

THEN OUT OF NOWHERE THE STEP SISTERS FATHER SHOWS UP AT THE DOOR.. Im like "HOLY SH1T HOLY SH1T HOLY SH1T".. He clearly knew something was up, but luckily oda ran into the bathroom with her cloths. I told the guy that Oda was at the toilet, (i just got my t-shirt back on, so i was fully dressed.. THANK GOD) he decided that he wanted to wait until she came out. I guess the guy was gonna bust her for being naked if she came out without cloths.. So he was clearly suprised when she came out with all cloths on :D!!

He left and we started over again, this time we just sat in the bed kissing.. I touched her boobs and started to go down wards against her vagina, but just as i took my hand under her dress (it was pretty short) her step sister rushes in looks at us clearly disapointed. Then she said, "Im going to bust you guys! i WILL!" i had the biggest facepalm already.. hoooly ****, please kill me.

So after being at the room for a while i finally got tierd of her step sister just being there to try ****block me, so i said "You know what, i dont know what you want to do. But im really tierd of the way you act, so imma go". I have no words for how evil the eyes of Oda was when she looked at her step sister, her step sister literally RAN out of the room.

So we sat down and after talking some and laughing i kissed her again.. GUESS WHAT? GUESS FVKING WHAT? Her mother calls the room to say that she thinks we should leave the room, because Odas step sister couldnt be there when we were there. OH MY SWEET JESUS, i just gave up. I said "lets go downstairs, this isnt going anywhere" she agreed.

So we went downstairs, i was pissed.. So after talking some with the younglings i just went to see the two guys i talked about earlier, they were laughing and letting me cry on their shoulder at the same time. Oh man what a night..

So now in the morning i called Oda, since i was leaving early.. Was so much that happend last night, i never got to say good bye to her. So after waking her up (had to i guess) she agreed to go down stairs to say good bye.. Waited 15 min for her, went up to her room knocked on it.. Her step sister opened, i saw Oda on the bed sleeping.. I was just thinking "WOWOWOWOWOWOW, NO WAY.." and sat down on her bed, touched her cheek lightly.. She woke up looked at me and took her blanket over her head..

I kinda just went care mode, asked if i did something wrong.. She said no, so i kissed her on the head and left. Havent spoken to her after all this, no message from her either.. Im not letting her **** around with me, im good after today.. Then ill stop thinking about her, if she doesnt want to talk to me. Fine by me, idk what i did.. But if it was that i left her, then wow djeez. Your step sister was there. You already saw how i acted towards her, and i just needed some space.. Too much drama on one week for me.

So yeah, thats the story about how close i was to losing my virginity. LMAO.


P stranger

Don Juan
Jun 30, 2012
Reaction score

Second day since i got home from kreta.. Im feeling so fvking great man, first thing i did after i got home from Kreta was to go to a friends house and have a Lan.. Yeah guess im a little geeky, but fvk that man. I had loads of fun, they're real bros..

Too bad i fell asleep like 03.30 AM, coz i was so tierd.. O well, had a great time.. Some wine and we drank the champagne i gave my friend for his Bday, he has his Bday 1 day after mine.

Anyways, i sent a message to Oda.. She answered like 9 hours later, didnt get to talk much to her though.. She seems less intrested, wonder why.. We only live like 15 hours with car from each other:crackup: . She wanted to talk to me tomorrow though.

Anyways, nothing to do tonight.. Sent a few messages around to some of my mates, i want to get out.. Start to talk to new people.

So for today, i decided that im going to lose weigth, fast too.. Going to go on a diet to lose around 5-6 KG, lets see how long it takes.. Shouldnt take too much time as im focused on just losing weigth.. Coz i just want the fat away, i wont get any stronger these weeks.. But the focus is to lose body fat.

Would anybody give me some feedback on my week? Could i have done better? I've already got a diet from a friend, but does anybody have a diet that they REALLY recommend?
