P strangers walk to a new life

P stranger

Don Juan
Jun 30, 2012
Reaction score
Welp, I'm back.. Lazy as I am, I haven't been posting.. Because I didn't see any point since nothing really happens to me.. Oh I see, nothing happens to YOU? Maybe it's because you do NOTHING to make something happen? :cuss:

Aight, so lets give you guys a small update on my life lately. I've been way more active than I usually am, just that I've been with my friends not girls and stuff. Horrible stuff indeed.

So I went to a club on sunday.. We arrived a little early, that was fine actually since we got a nice spot (the norwegian 18 YO clubs are quite small, so siting spots are great, since girls normally come to sit down with you). Took some time before the club really fired up, but when it started it blew up.

So we were like 7 people, 3 girls and 4 guys. So I got kinda bored and went on an "adventure" to check out if there were anybody to talk to.. Ended up doing literally nothing for like 5 min, before my 2 friends came looking for me. When we got back my last friend were gone and the 3 girls were gone, I had no problems with that.. I found them kinda annoying, not reactive and just 4/10..

So after the 3 girls left, I and two of my buddies were sitting there talking when blam two girls sat down next to us, both around 7/10 maybe. So I started talking to the one girl, she were really nice and talkative. The problem was that I soon understood that she wanted me to buy her a beer, so I played her little game for a few minutes before she asked me again for a beer (first time I said no). I were kinda thirsty and ended up buying two, but as I sat down I whipsered in her ear that I knew she wanted me to buy her a beer. *YEAH THAT'S STUPID, NO **** I'M DUMB.* To make it up to her, I added that she were so nice and cute that I did it anyways.

She then told me that she weren't like that and that we should share the beer.. We ended up playing this little game where when she took a drink I had to take one too. Sjeez..:crazy:

So after a little while, she took my hand and we folded fingers and she then lent forward and said "I love you so much", it's probably a bad translation.. But in norwegian there are two different words for love you like a friend and love you like a boyfriend.. She used the word for friend, but she lent forward and looked me straight into my eyes.. Here's the bomb.. I did nothing, I just smiled and said some **** I don't even remember.. All I remember was, I did the wrong thing.:cuss:

We ended up leaving a little later, coz one of my friends felt like going home.. And since he is like a brother to me, I didn't want to let him leave alone, so I left with him. The girls were leaving too anyways.

So yeah, I'm kinda retarded.. But I'm learning, and going out next weekend too:)!

P stranger

Don Juan
Jun 30, 2012
Reaction score
Aight, so I'm probably going to keep doing weekly updates, since nothing special happens before the weekend anyways!

So I've started to train paintball, I'm now training paintball monday, tuesday, friday. So I played some paintball, got my ass kicked and got even more motivated to get good at it.

Now over saturday I worked some with homework at home, ended up leaving for the club quite early.. The club was so slow in the start, no wonder.. We got there like 21.30, haha. Ended up sitting there and chilling, talking about life. At 23.00 people started coming, and as I went to the toilet and came back three girls had sat down with my two mates. I smiled and figured ey, why not take a trip to see what's up. but there was really not that much to see, just a group of pakistani guys trying to grind every single girl at the club. So I went back.

When I found our table, I lent forward and said to the hottest of the three girls "Okay, so these two are my friends and I sat here a few minutes ago. So lets make a deal, you can either sit on my lap or move". To hell with it, I wasn't just gonna stand there, that was my spot! They managed to squeeze together so that I could sit down, sad:(.. Wanted her on my lap, haha!

So the whole other girls left after a while, but the girl I talked to chose to talk with me. We kept talking for a while, but I didn't end up doing anything, figured she wasn't worth it after taking a better look at her. So she ended up leaving as I started to lose intrest in her. In a matter of seconds two new girls sat down next to me, they weren't good looking at all and kinda fat. I showed no intrest and they left a little bit later, hah.

So we found out that we wanted to check out another club, I got a tip that there were alot of hot girls there normally. We arrived and I met loads of girls I already knew, one of them I kinda want to fvk too, lets call her "Dahl". There was a huge problem though, a huge line was there. We waited like 30 min, without getting even close to coming in. Then Dahl came over and said that she was leaving for another club, but didn't have a spot for me in the car. Shii.

I continued to talk with some other girls that I know, but fvk man. They really weren't the girls I wanted to talk to, like they're nice, but I believe the only girl I COULD use some time on, has a BF. So I and my friends left, we figured that we could go play some bilijard. All of us loves bilijard you see, Only problem.. In norway there are some fvkd up rule saying that if a bilijard place has a bar, you gotta be 20 to play there. Jesus christ.

Aight so we decide hey, lets just leave.. Nothing more to see here. So we took the bus home, I found out that I'd rather take the bus home with my friends than wait another 45 min for the bus that takes me the closest to my home. Had to walk home in rain for 30 min. During the walk I got a message from Dahl though "Hi I'm sorry that I just left you, I actually got kinda a bad conscience right now. I'm hoping that everything went alright!". This is kinda a good sign I guess? That even though she was pretty drunk, she was thinking about me? I answered with saying she owe me a night with he, since she ditched me. I found out later I probably just shouldn't answer text when I'm drunk, I do silly ****.
