Bren's journal of awesomeness!


Don Juan
Apr 2, 2012
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Hey I'm Bren..

I'm 15 years old.. I'm from Ireland.. I used to not be popular, now I have quite a lot of friends and am well liked.. I go to an all male school so I have a hard time finding girls.. I don't really have approach anxiety though, and I can talk to girls easily well..

I created this so I can get help when I need it and so I have a record of how I improve and of what I accomplish.

Just a bit about my friend situation:
Currently I hang around with a group of lads (which I'm gonna call group B)
They're all from my school apart from 2 of them and although they're better than nothing it's been my mission for a while to get cooler ones.. They don't hang around with girls, don't I party's and all they do is kick football.. Also recently they've started been ****s to me.

There's another group of people which I'm gonna call group A. In most ways they're the opposite of my current friends. They're made up of a couple of people from my school and the rest from a load of different schools around the area.. These have all the girls to hang out with and get the invites for parties. I know most of the members of this group and have been hanging out with some people from it a bit over the last month or so.. The rest of the people in it know of me, but not much of me (we've only met once or twice)
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Don Juan
Apr 2, 2012
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FR - Disco

Im gonna start off with a field report from last night. I was at a teen disco. My uncool friends weren't going, but I decided to go as it would be a chance to hang out with the cool guys.

I had to get the bus in by myself as the people I was planning to go in with we're being d1cks and I didn't have anyone elses number I could ring at short notice. This didn't matter as when I got on I saw a lad I knew from school, (who I don't talk to much but hes a cool guy) and two of his mates. Then it was all good was talking to some random girls and having fun on the bus.

Then we arrived in, it was early so we hung outside for a while, went shop and them went back to queue. Queuing was grand talked to some girls and was chilling with one I two lads I know from the cool group. Then we went inside.

The way the disco is set up is a hall inside with dancefloor etc and outside an area with chairs.

Throughout the night I probably spent about an hour outside socialising with girls and cool lads.

The rest of the time I spent inside dancing. I'm not a good dancer, but you don't need to be, all you need to pull is the confidence and attitude to dance with girls and to have fun.

I danced with plenty of girls just having fun and lads as well just getting my face around and letting people know that I'm a cool and fun guy.

I kissed three girls in the night. One I would only give her a 5 I kissed first. Neither of us were into I though so we stopped after like 30 seconds and left it.

The next one I would give her an 8. I started. By dancing with plenty eye contact and smiling with her. Then changed to grinding first back then front. I then pushed her up against the wall and began kissing her. I was feeling her up all over, her thighs ass and boobs and she didn't care. When I went to reach into her panties she pulled out my hand an we stopped kissing. We kissed again a while later, this time I just felt her up didn't go near the front of her panties but I did have my hands on her bare arse and tits. (is this push and pull used correctly?) I was planning on trying to finger her when we kissed again but one of her friends dragged her away and I didn't see her again that night.

The final girl I would give an 8 as well. I started dancing with her (eye contact + smiling) and then the song call me maybe came on . I had her up against the wall, we were being energetic with all the hand signals for call me maybe (pointing, phones etc) then I leaned in and started kissing her.

I was feeling her tits and then slipped a hand down her dress her dress and under  her bra and was squeezing it. Another hand was up her the back of her panties and squeezing her ass. I then started pushing my hips against hers (like if I was fúcking her) while squeezing/stroking her ass, thighs and tits, all of this was with eyes closed and tongue in her mouth. I then slipped my hand around her waist and into the front of her panties. I stroked it a few times then stool one of my fingers inside her vagina. It was very wet inside and soft. I started pushing it around inside. I must have been doing something wrong as after like 15seconds she pulled away.

Has anyone got a guide for fingering?

I thought I was doing good up till then. It's hard though with her clothes on and my eyes closed and kissing her. I really need help on this front

Anyway was a brilliant night, and I'm off school for the next two weeks so I'll be hanging out with the lads. Hopefully going to a party or two, and next week there is another disco , but I'm not sure if my parents will let me go.


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2011
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DJ BREN said:
There's another group of people which I'm gonna call group A. In most ways they're the opposite of my current friends. They're made up of a couple of people from my school and the rest from a load of different schools around the area.. These have all the girls to hang out with and get the invites for parties. I know most of the members of this group and have been hanging out with some people from it a bit over the last month or so.. The rest of the people in it know of me, but not much of me (we've only met once or twice)
You're looking at yourself as an outsider already. There's no way they'll like you with this mentality. You don't need to win them over.

You continued this by referring to them as the "cool" group. STOP THIS HABIT. Even the least "cool" people are good to have around. You can start conversations with them and everyone benefits when the conversation spreads around the group. That said, you will probably have to leave your "un-cool" friends behind at some point. You can't make them improve.

About your night at the teen disco. Wow. That sounds like an orgy. We have those in my city, 16+ clubs. Very interesting spots.

That night wasn't game though. Don't think it was game.

There are two major goals: 1. Get sex 2. Get a relationship

I don't think you can pull a girl from that club back to your parent's house for sex, and no girl is going to want something real after you fingered her on the dancefloor. Did you even get her name?

Next time you go out, focus the hormones. NO MORE 5'S! EVER! You ONLY get 8.5+. If you want girls to respect you, you can't be too easy. Make yourself a challenge, only hook up with girls who impress you.

You should probably try to speak with them, so that you can get a number and there's some chance of them responding to you.


Don Juan
Apr 2, 2012
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I see what you mean about seeming an outsider, but it isn't really like that. I see myself very much as part of the group. I just couldn't think up of any better words to use than cool. I was wincing myself as I typed those words but had no better way to put it. 

And my other group of friends. They're nice guys, I have conversations with them, it's just with them there's never any girls around and all they do is kick around football.

And also about the goals you've said, getting a relationship would be a kinda goal for me, I mean right now I don't really want one too much but on the other hand it would be nice to have a girlfriend. I don't think im gonna actively try to seek one out, but if I Find a girl that I like I'll see what happens.

And sex. I'm 15 so it does happen but not too much. A couple of people who have been in long term relationships have had it and one lad I know did it with a girl in a park nearby to the disco. ATM i don't see it as one of my major goals, I wouldn't say no if I got the chance, but I don't have much opportunity for it.

A lot of people do get head though at either the disco or from girlfriends. Not many though. Maybe if I hadn't had messed up fingering the girl, or had talked to he I could have gotten a BJ and her number.

Would you be able to give me any tips for fingering?

Thanks for feedback.

Jack Wealthy

Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2010
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*** in her eye. That will make any fingering look good.

Seriously though, I got stopped once and once only because I was stoned and it took me forever to find the hole and when I finally did get it in her vagina felt so nice it scared me and I pulled it back out. I did get stopped my first time as well but not counting that.

Anyway, only use your middle finger- none of that bs where you see how many you can get in- and arch it up until you touch that thing on the front wall of her vag that feels different. It should feel kinda round. It's called the g-spot and there is quite a bit of diversity about where it is and what exact texture it has from girl to girl. While you're doing this, rub your hand against her ****. Same hand. This can be difficult because the **** is perfectly centred and the middle of hands sink in, but if I rearrange a lot I can usually swing it.

Lastly take it really slow. When you're finger never jackhammer, just really slowly pull it in and out the length of the g-spot. Don't pull all the way out (unless you're teasing) and don't push all the way in -unless you're trying to hit the deep spot, which is all smooth and slippery and feels good for some girls. It can be really deep though and usually I can only just touch it. I have long fingers as well.

Learning got the number thing right. I've never even though of that, get her phone number first. Also pull harder, when you have a girl who you get to fingering with pull as hard as you can. Get her outside, into the toilets, nearby bushes, anything, freaking fast. You don't want to lose any momentum.


Don Juan
Apr 2, 2012
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Alri bit of an update of how life's going.

I've been hanging out regularly with the boys, and I'm closer to them in school than I ever was, my social life is going good and is getting better.

I have important exams coming up in June, so in only allowed go out on friday nights, but I can stay out to around 10-10:30. After my exams there will be huge parties, I'm not sure what I'm doing yet, cos i don't finish til the middle of June. So up til that I'm gonna try to get out as much as I can while still studying. Then over summer is fun time :D


Don Juan
Apr 2, 2012
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So was chatting with a girl on facebook yesterday, shes about 8.5. (I didnt know her before yeasterday, but we have a couple of strong mutual friends.)

Started with me saying on her profiler;
"Hey, I just met you,
And this seems crazy,
But give me your number,
And i'll text you maybe! ;)"
then a couple of my friends who knew her posted on it saying stuff like "hahahhahaha" and stuff, not in a nasty way though.

she liked my comment and went "hey bren xo".

later i chatted her and it went like this:

Hey :)

heya :)


in bed, you?

kinky hehe... eating toast


how do yu kno [friend} n [friend] n [friend]?

i know [friend] & [friend] cus i was in 1st class with them & i knew them in 6th class & just ran into [friend] one day :L

cool.. they're sound lads

yea :)

let's have a joke competition, whoever wins gets to pick their prize :D

alri :L

cool you first :)

i dont really get the game..

ye actually change of plan, you tell me a joke, if I lol, I will let you pick something an ill do it :L

hahhaha your a weirdo Mr.[my surname], i dont get your weird games but ill play anyway

good, I like women who play along with my weird games ;)

hahahah alright"
she then didnt say anything else about, could have been cos it was nearly 12, could have been because she lost interest, either way i dont care.

I was planning on chatting her today with something like "Your no fun :'( " but never got around to it.

So ss what do you think? Any advice for what i should do, or comments on if i did anything wrong.


Don Juan
May 6, 2012
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Honestly i'd count my lucky stars that you have 15 year old who get fingered on dancefloors if I were you. That kind of **** just doesnt happen here! But seriously, thats probably a bit forward, if you and another girl you're with clearly hit it off why not ask her if she wants to go somewhere quieter?


Don Juan
Apr 2, 2012
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not the way it works, here the aim of the game is to pull, everyone can get make outs, just by going around with a friend tapping a girls shoulder and saying "will you meet(kiss) my mate". also there isn't really anywhere to isolate here, just bring her to the closest wall and push her up against it.


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
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You put the responsibility on her. Dont ever do that. It does not work and she will only let you down again and again. Just don't say anything stupid and push the interaction and shes yours.


Don Juan
Apr 2, 2012
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Right now my social life is going good. I'm hanging out with new people most times I go out, but it's generally the same core group of us. Most our from my school, with the rest from other schools around the place. Their cool chill guys and I feel respected enough, I'm glad I've moved on from my old friends they were being d1cks to me like all the time. Hopefully during the summer I'll be going to more parties and hanging out more. Also girls, I've been hanging out more regularly with girls as well, some of the ones we hang out with are cool, some aren't, not sure if I even wanna hook up with any. Either way hanging out with them is cool, and it's good to know girls. My social circle is gradually building up and expanding in ways I want so it's all good. Some lads try d1cking on me but I just brush it off, I'm like I don't give a ****, mostly it's from lads I only see in school and dont give a **** about, but one is part of my social circle, I'm gonna have to either make him stop or make him leave, I'll figure it out. apart from this idc "haters gonna hate" and all that.

I've decided to write down goals I want to achieve:
1- Get a bigger social circle. (including girls)
2- Hook up with girls.
3- Have some fūcking fun!!
4- Get a good reputation, I want people to be like "I know that guy, he's cool!"

And how they'll be achieved:
1- Continue being social, be chilled and be cool to have around.
2- Flirt with girls more, go to parties and clubs. Find some that I actually want to hook up with.
3- Keep hanging out and chilling with the lads.
4- Keep meeting new people and giving good impressions.

I've been reading a few books lately, read "conquer your campus" got halfway through both Gamblers and David deAngelos books, and am planning on reading "how to make friends and influence people.

I've been hearing a lot of good things about "The Blueprint", I know they're DVDs but would it be fine to just listen to the audio of it, I have lots of time while I'm walking or biking places that I could listen to it in.


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
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I'd download both. Videos for your computer, audio for anything else. Video helps you concentrate more and makes it more interesting.


Don Juan
Apr 2, 2012
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My weekend review

NorwegianDJ said:
I'd download both. Videos for your computer, audio for anything else. Video helps you concentrate more and makes it more interesting.
Cool, will download them both now, audio first. Thanks NDJ.

Didn't get up to much this weekend, did some study, an hung out a bit.

Went out on Friday and Saturday, was going to go out today but my mum wouldn't let me, she's weird like that, doesn't like me going out too much, like wtf is wrong with going out and socialising, it's better than staying in my house doing nothing. Hopefully she won't be this restrictive during the Summer...

Friday: Went out at about 7. I cycled up to where we usually hang out, about a 15minute cycle, I would walk but it's too far, and I don't like getting lifts off my parents as its too restrictive. Anyways when I go there there was about 6 guys, who I all knew, and 2 girls of which I knew neither. Got off my bike and highfived everyone. Introduce myself to the girls after a minute or two "oh hey, I'm Bren" while smiling with eye contact. That's something I try to do as much as I can, have eye contact with the person I'm talking to, especially girls. I figure out after like 3 minutes that I want neither of these girls, they're just so fcking annoying. (also I later find out one of them is pregnant, at 15 thats such a sh1t one). 
After a while more lads arrive, all mates of mine. We just chill for an hour or two talking about irrelevant things. Throughout the night people keep messing with my bike, like crashing on it and stuff, I need it for mountainbiking, and it's already in **** condition, so I don't want them fcking with it. I tell them to fck off and they stop eventually.
Nothing too important this night, just hanging out really, we've all exams in like three weeks, so no parties or anything. I have to go in so I leave at about 10:30. I give one of the lads a backer on my bike as he lives along my route home, and we made sorta plans to go out tommorow.

Saturday: After studying till about 5 I made plans to go out, had a shower, and left at about 6. Was just hanging out in the usual spot when I arrived, most of the lads were already there, and two girls that I've already met once or twice before, M and H. Both of them are fairly good looking, though M would be the hotter of the two, also H has been on again off again with one of my mates for a while so Its not worth it.
Whenever I go out there's always out there's always way more girls than boys, like 3 or 4 times as many lads, why is this so skewed where are all the girls hiding haha.
Back with the day, we just hung around for an hour or so, chilling. During this time I talked a bit with M, she said that we look a like or something and I was like "ye I know, we're both so ridiculously good looking" and she laughed, she brought that up once or twice again in the same hour, is this an IOI? After a while she and H had to go. I added her on facebook last night and she accepted, might chat her during the week if I see her online.
People started leaving to go places, so it was just about 6 of us. We decided to go  and meet up with three lads who had been there earlier but left to get a bag. Along the way I find a can of bulmers (cider), and drink it, one can does nothing but I love the taste.
We met up with them turned out the dealer didn't show, we then just hang around chilling on a wall. On the other side of the wall is a finished but abandoned house, not wrecked or anything, we were
gonna explore it. I then get a call from my dad telling me I should be home
(this is like 8:30, wtf buzzkilling dad), I said I'd be home soon, stayed for 5 minutes and then left.

And today my parents weren't letting me out saying "I've already been out twice this weekend", what sort of an excuse is this, nothing wrong with hanging out, not like it's bad for you or anything.

When I started writing this I began downloading the audio for the Blueprint,  it's now downloaded. Might get the DVDs later this week. Will listen to it a bit tonight and on the way to school tommorow.


Don Juan
Apr 2, 2012
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*meant to post this about two days ago, didn't work then*

Hung out on friday, wasn't allowed out on Saturday or Sunday. Friday was fun enough just hanging out with a couple of lads couple of girls, nothing too interesting. I know it isn't much but I feel more confident than I did a month or two ago, especially around girls. I also use more eye contact, and try to have better body language. Still no succes really with girls, it's just that all I can do is talk and eye contact, just can't escalate further, don't really know how. It's like there's an order:
1) Open
2) ??????
3) Get sexual.
I've got 1 down, have no problems talking to girls or anything like that, just can't transition or make it natural, or even do anything towards 2.
Need to figure out how to go from 1-2-3, and what to do for 2.


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
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There is no linear order. Perhaps go straight to 3. Everything works, you just gotta learn when what works. Try new things and you'll be fine.

Jack Wealthy

Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2010
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Yeah man. Something that really helped me though was just standing closer to people. IT makes everything so easy, it isn't hard to kiss a girl if your faces are inches apart. Do it with everyone as well, just stand really close. Side by side people will rarely be uncomfortable but will feel closer to you and more receptive to touch, face to face it is very easy to lead the interaction sexual but can make some people (the people who would reject you no matter what) turned off. That's a big thing you're going to have to learn, all you can do is go for girls. Some will reject you no matter what.


Don Juan
Apr 2, 2012
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Haven't updated in a while seeing as nothing has been happening. This is because everyone has been studying. I had important exams since Wednesday, they finish tommorow so SUMMER **** YEAA!! 
I'm going out tommorow night to watch the match then a concert, going with a group of my mates. 
On Friday were all going into the disco/club, will be packed, haven't a ticket so gonna try and get one at the door, if not I'll sneak in. It will be packed, can't ****ing wait!
Then on Saturday I'm leaving to go on holidays to France for two weeks, back at the start of July then I'll have 2 months of holidays, school starts in September.

It will be good, stuff will happen, I'll be chill.


Don Juan
Apr 2, 2012
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These are from the 14th and 15th haven't had time to write them up, been in France. It may sound weird as I have been typing it bit by bit.

Thursday 14th
Tonight was so ****ing good. The only bad thing is that i had about €4 robbed off me from the lads buying our drink but IDGAF. After the exams finished I went home, ate, showered and dressed (jeans. v-neck, coat) and went out.
Met up with the lads. We drank and then got the bus in, bout 10 of us.
We were going to an event at a racecourse, racing (which we missed) then the Ireland vs Spain match and then a gig by The Original Rudeboys. We got off the bus and then had to walk for like 20 mins, it was raining and about 7 o clock. But it was soo fun we were singing random songs.
We arrived in and met up with loads (about 40 in total) of people, I knew nearly everyone. Spent the next hour approaching people, the match was on in the background. I can't remember all the people I talked to or what I talked about, but I talked to a load of people and had fun. I used plenty of kino with people while I talked.
Then I went into the bar with some others to watch the end of the match, such a good atmosphere - we were 4-0 down, but no one gave any fûcks just kept singing.
Then we went into this tent for the concert. The Rudeboys are soo ****ing good. We were real close to the stage, so cool. Danced for the hour, grinded on some girls, an kissed one for like a second, but she stopped.
After we were just hanging out, 3 lads and one girl, we started talking to 3 girls. Started hitting on one, (the fat one why?) but she had a boyfriend and wasn't attractive so I just did it for fun.  Then I started on her hotter friend, we were talking with arms around each other when one of the guys told her I was gay, it didn't matter we started saying we would go shopping together and stuff like that. 
We then started making out, all over each other. Then the ****block chode lies  to her, saying that I'm a frigid (never kissed a girl before), so I tell him to fück off, tell her I'm not and start kissing again. He then starts trying again so we both tell him to fûck off.
I then start walking with her away from people. We start kissing again and were feeling eachother up. She then says something like "I'm not giving you head cos your younger than me", I tell her I'm not, that she skipped a year of school and she's only a few months older, I then start kissing her again.
She then tells me that my heart is beating too fast, so I grab her boob and start feeling it, say I can't feel her heart, and then grab her other one. She tells me that only 14 year olds go for boobs, so I put a hand down her trousers  say "that better?" and start kissing her again.
We walk into a door that says STAFF ONLY. We turn into a corridor and hear footsteps so we run back outside. We then go and sit down in a corner.
My dad has been texting me for a while at this stage so I pull out my phone and tell him "I'll be there in 10 mins". I then get her number while doing this. We make out for a couple more minutes then I leave telling her that we'll meet up sometime.
This night was kinda a success and kinda a fail, I got a number and was making out, however I didn't get my head. I feel that if I had had more time, or pushed more earlier I would have gotten it.

The one from the 15th (Friday) is coming soon, I went to a club/party event. 

I'm in France now, have been since the 16th and Im coming back on the 1st. For the last week I was in a hotel at Disneyland (could have approached but was with family all the time so couldn't). Now I'm at a relaxed holiday park staying in a massive caravan thing. Made friends with some lads earlier, waiting for food now, will go out again later. Havn't seen many girls my age yet, but I will talk to them and see what I can do. Also have Internet access at a bar here, so will post when something good happens.