Bren's journal of awesomeness!


Don Juan
Apr 2, 2012
Reaction score
Thanks nick!

Finally getting around to doing this one up.

June 15

In the morning I texted the girl from the night before, lets call her HB Older wasnt really expecting anything to happen, but was going to be away for two weeks so didn't want to leave it without trying anything.

Me: this is (my name) from last night.. come donnybrook later?
Her: The 3rd year?
Me: I'm really a 4th year now so it's all good x
Her: Ha not really luv
Me: yur less than a year older than me.. sooo free tonite?
Her: Arent you going to wezz tonight?
Me: nah no ticket.. just gonna hang there.. come at like 10 and it will be good
Her: Ehm nah your grand maybe another day x 
Me: awh that's a pity, if you want to **** text me xxxxxxxx
Her: Actually whats your last name? 
Me: why?
Her: Was just wondering relax there luv
Me: it's cool.. (last name)
Her: Haha alrightyy

I then met up with the lads and started drinking, it was about 7:30 or so. We just were talking and chilling for a while, some people left to get the bus so it was just me an 5 others. The club was  at 9 and at about 10 to 9 we realised we were well late, an ran to the bus stop. On the bus we drank a little more and sung songs loudly and badly.

We arrived, I was planning on getting a ticket at the door, but I asked some lad who was selling one of my mates one, and he sold me one he had found for cheaper. 

Inside it was worse than we had expected, very empty, not many people on the dancefloor, and the outside area not open (was very bright outside). I high five loads of people, and talk to some people for a while. They open the doors to outside so I go out.
I spend the next while talking to random people, girls and boys, it's not hard to do in a club, with nearly everyone drinking alcohol beforehand. Nothing pick up related happened.

I then go inside with one of the lads I got the bus with. Hes really cool, hadnt known him till then, but we made a good bond. We just go around the dancefloor being awesome - we dance loads just walking around, grinding on loads of girls, get a couple of random make outs, but I'm not in a pulling state.
This random girl comes up to me and starts saying that she knows me and that I know loads of her friends. I tell her that I have no clue who she is, she introduces herself, I forget who she is almost immediately though haha. Was going to pull her but then these two ****s come up and start telling her that I'm a paedo or something, these two are jealous because I have a better social life than them and also because I have the balls to pull girls while they go around together asking random girls to meet one of them. I'm a beast and above all that so I don't give any ****s.

The rest of the night was fairly uneventful, nothing worth remembering. I talked with some more people outside, danced more inside and made out with some girls, I wasnt in a state to go any further, just not in the right mood or something. I did start fingering a girl, then I stopped and tried getting her to give me a wank, she wouldn't so I left hahaha.

Halfway through the night I had this text conversation with the HB Older. It was just for shïts and giggles, I knew she wouldn't.
Me: wanna come donnybrook and give me head?? xx
Her: Ehm not really haha
Me: it will be fun.. you have 30 minutes
Her: Awh is daddy picking you up at 12?
Me: naw but if not you'll miss your chance and I'll get it off someone else
Her: Its ok you can get it off another girl hun i dont mind x 

I didnt give any ****s, was laughing with some mates as this was happening.

After when I got home I sent and received quite a few Facebook requests.

So thats what happened two weeks ago. Nothing really related to game at all, just had an awesome enough night.


Don Juan
Apr 2, 2012
Reaction score
I realised something a few hours ago - its no wonder some people aren't liking me as a lot of the time things I blurt out without thinking take value instead of giving. Looking back I regret a lot of the things I say, and I'm gonna change this. So in future before I say something I'm gonna ask myself if what I'm about to say will give value and not be annoying to people. If it will be I'll think of something better to say, or not say anything. Hopefully them in a few weeks it will be natural an I won't have to think invade I say something stupid, I just naturally won't say stupid stuff.