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  1. D

    30 Days of Self Improvement

    Life is good guys. Biggest changes since I posted this: Instead of getting 2/4 A's that semester I finished with 4/4 A's! Just got accepted to Georgia Tech and I will be attending in the spring. I had a couple of random injuries and didn't stay focused in the gym the past year. I'm almost...
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    Any DJ's out there in a HAPPY, HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP

    My relationship is coming up on a year, actually really enjoying it. I feel like I learned a lot from SS but I don't really need it anymore.
  3. D

    Girlfriend text me saying we need to talk?

    Its over buddy. If a woman "hates" a guy its because she wants him. She wants the other guy but don't feel bad, learn from it.
  4. D

    Six Pack in Two Months 1-23 to 3-21

    This is the funniest thing I have read in a long time.
  5. D

    30 Days of Self Improvement

    I don't really care about no fap. If a year from now I am jacked, financially stable, living a productive life, and happy, then why the hell would I care if I'm jacking it every dang night? I understand you can "desensitize" your body and cause porn induced ED but I think that...
  6. D

    30 Days of Self Improvement

    I wasn't able to do this completely but I made a lot of improvements in my life by trying this. The main thing I learned is that you have to go out there and live your life, get off of sosuave! I read a post on a while back talking about how you need to fail to improve and I...
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    Just be honest

    Oops, my bad nah I'm not an admin. The subreddit is
  8. D

    Just be honest

    I found this on (Awesome thing, check it out.)
  9. D

    Let's see how DJ are you.

    This thread is golden.
  10. D

    30 Days of Self Improvement

    Update* Yeah I suck at nofap, not going to deny it. I'm back on like day 3 I think of no fap but I made A's in all four of my classes. Big accomplishment.
  11. D

    30 Days of Self Improvement

    I'm calling this thirty days of self control. It is loosely based off of the book 30 Days of discipline. If you want to buy the book. I first heard about in this book on the blog GLL (Good Looking Loser)...
  12. D

    90 day no fap journal.

    Part of my problem is I don't have a lot of motivation to do no fap. I'm not like a lot of the people who do it that are seriously addicted (every night or more) and I don't struggle socially. I'm very outgoing and don't have a hard time talking to people, I'm just curious if there are any...
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    90 day no fap journal. I'm back on day 1 :confused:
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    90 day no fap journal.

    Farthest I have gotten on this since may was 18 days, I'm currently at day 8. I have actually found that it is easier for me if I don't say the days. I have told myself that relapse is not an option, I'm not counting days this is permanent. Hopefully I can get past 30 this time. Self control...
  15. D

    Any bitcoin owners here?

    I thought about buying some a while back but I believe the main use for them is an online drug trade called Silk Road. Silk Road was recently busted by the feds so I would image the value of bitcoin is going to drastically fall.
  16. D

    Heartist blog defunct?

    I have three or four blogs I follow and after a while you start to notice they all repetitively say the same thing. Game is like Chess, once you learn all the moves it is simply re-executing them over and over.
  17. D

    Negative advice could be destroying your chances with women, your mind and your life

    Couldn't agree more, too much negativity and distrust here it seems like sometimes. +rep.
  18. D

    I want to smell good what are some good colognes

    I don't have time to go back through and read 12 pages of comments. I saw one guy above mention it, Polo Black.
  19. D

    One Question DJ Assessment Test

    C. Or A, but change the text to a call then take away the movie on Friday. Wait for her to initiate contact after the date on Tuesday, keep texting to a minimal but don't come off as weird about it. Over the weekend call her to set up putt putt golf as an action date next week.
  20. D

    I have become a guy who sends shivers down everyone's spine

    Congrats, you sound psycho. There is a different between confidently not caring and being weird as hell.