^^^ strong agree.PlayHer Man said:Great overall message. Positive thinking is great as long as its rooted in reality.
Many negative thinkers were originally positive thinkers. Their delusional positivity is what landed them in bad situations. Its like the person who doesn't wear a seat belt because doing so is "negative thinking".. the same as "assuming you will have an accident". Then when you crash and fly through the windshield you have regret.
As far as dealing with women goes... a man simply needs to know whats good for him and what he will tolerate. Then he should refuse to settle for anything less. Even if this means being alone.
One could argue that beta fag behavior is based on negative thinking. The man kisses the woman's ass because he fears rejection. He fears any kind of blunt, rude, or demanding behavior will send her packing. So he puts on a fake smile, talks in a high pitched voice, and lets the woman do whatever she wants.. whether he approves or not. :crazy:
I say--> be as realistic as possible. Positive when appropriate and negative when appropriate. Life has a good mix of both and you have to acknowledge both to be well balanced.
while any rational person approaches things in a positive manner (its good for YOUR overall well being - which is what matters in the end) but realistically speaking you going to have to put deal with those who (try to) throw shade in their place accordingly, it's inevitable.
now far as the woman goes. treat her well as you should but keep the brown nosing to a minimum. if she wrong, she wrong. she needs to be educated. communication is what it is. just know this: if she cares about you, after voicing your disapproval, she will take things into consideration and start to fall in line. if not, charge it to the game!