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  1. L

    Advice! Younger man going for older woman

    she'll probably date you/have sex with you but she isn't gonna "settle down" with you. and even if she did, why would you? your 19...
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    I'm getting discouraged

    if you are depressed in all aspects of your life you may actually have mood issues, go see a psych or something. i've actually read alot of your journal, it sounds like your problem is oneitising so much rather than getting women. maybe DJing has become too much of a job/source of pride...
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    Boxing and health consequences.

    don't take any single anecdotal evidence too seriously probably brain damage mostly just happens to pros getting hit really hard for a really long time. but everyone is different, some people just get injured easier than others. and even if you have enough protective head gear on, you could...
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    I think I have a disorder.

    Hey I am a doctor , well a resident ^^ it definitely sounds like you have this disorder, usually the most effective treatment for these kind of disorders is cognitive behavior therapy possibly in combination with medication - as there's obsessive compulsive/anxiety opponent. a psychiatrist...
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    How important is your job to a women?

    think of it this way: 90%+ of the people u will be around during your studies and work are going to be girls:) and plenty of them young and cute:) This isn't limited to nurses either, the whole hospital staff is probably 80-90% female. nursing school must be the holy grail of sarging places ~_~
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    difficulties with small school environment

    i think by the time people are in grad school they are mature enough to not care about this whole "if you sit by yourself at lunch then you're a loser" thing. This is really more of a high school mentality.
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    Whats next?

    what's also gonna help your confidence other than actual practice is simply constant self improvement. work on your body and looks, hit the gym get ripped, dress well, get a good hair style. and when you look in the mirror you will naturally gain alot of confidence. and cut down on the...
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    IITM's Self Improvement Journal

    regarding working out, you seem to run alot. What are you trying to accomplish? Lose weight or bulk? both? If you are trying to bulk up, running may be detrimental. Are you eating right for muscle building? Usually you focus on bulking before cutting and not at the same time. You should...
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    disproportionally large calves?

    I have a problem, my calves are disproportionally larger compared to rest of my body, not to an extreme but noticeable. There doenst seem to be any fat there, it feels like muscle but my calves dont feel particularly strong or anything. I have a decent vertical jump but nothing special...
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    Are we flirting - do girls flirt like this? How to ask her out?

    stop trying to figure what every little thing she says or does actually means. half of the time women doesn't even know what they want. and what they say or even do can be different from what they want. They are controlled by emotions which can change from 1 moment to the next. If you like...
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    Need help with this one.. I'm confused

    how about she used you for your attention, and to feel good about herself knowing that a guy is desperate for her. and now she continues to want your attention as her "friend". grow some balls and just drop her man. if you don't, you WILL get hurt again. you think you can just be...
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    How to derive confidence from having a high paying job?

    have money? buy nice cloth, by luxury watches,belts, buy a luxury car. you will get more attention with women -> external validation. it will help you feel more confident. i know they will tell you that confidence gained from external validation isn't true confidence but we all gotta...
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    What Would You Do?

    why dont u just ask ur buddy if its ok?
  14. L

    Inner game? Can you really change?

    while sometimes you feel true confidence and self respect can only come from external validation from women - trust me i've been there... and still mostly there lol. but there are many things you can do to contribute to your confidence and also your chances of OBTAINING external validation...
  15. L

    Inner game? Can you really change?

    I thought it was really hard to maintain a convo with women too... then i read the article about being a listener. If you have nothing interesting to say, dont. Ask other people about their opinions. Ask them how their day was etc. ask them to talk about themselves. Women will go on and on...
  16. L

    Inner game? Can you really change?

    go out tomorrow and ask a girl out. just do it, and watch your self respect grow because you grew balls and took a step toward the right direction. her answer is irrelevent. You are insecure about being introverted, failure with girls, socially awkward. You do not respect yourself...
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    Best workout(s) for back muscles to improve posture?

    I'm naturally a bit hunched over, what are some good back exercises for posture improvement? preferably something that doesn't strain the spine as much as deadlifts.
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    Best places to meet potentially relationship worthy girls?

    What do you guys think?
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    After one "date" tells me shes seeing someone.

    so ya my reply was "well lunch date is even more boring than lunch+movie, i will just pass, happy thanksgiving:D" and i don't plan on initiating contact with her again as far as going for coffee as the 1st date, i felt that was more casual and least invested to get a initial feel for...
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    After one "date" tells me shes seeing someone.

    thanks for the tips! So should I still go to lunch with her tomorrow?