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  1. M

    How do you guys have fun at clubs? Or should I give up on clubs all together?

    Pleeeaaseee do. That is my biggest complaint about this place. It turns into more of an AA meeting or something way too often. I mean, I've never been to AA but I don't imagine it being high on 'fun factor'. That said, I do get really tired of the noise levels at some clubs. Make sure as your...
  2. M

    Field reports/mental diarrhea...

    Was waiting for that one. :cheer: I love you mustfirstreg. My humor is too subtle/bad I guess. Although, sometimes I imagine an entire planet of just 'Me's', like in Land of the Waldo's. There would be a giant sold out amphitheater filled of just copies of me and in the center on stage I...
  3. M

    Field reports/mental diarrhea...

    Yea, all the philosophiZaizzzing can get a tad old, almost registered with PUAforum or one of the prettier sites but tired of getting bombarded with ads for the new product/"FREE REPORT!:D" every time I go there. Altho I do like some of Gambler's videos
  4. M

    Field reports/mental diarrhea...

    Being newly single after a few years has really given me the itch to start writing about crap. Figure I'd come back here after not being on the forums since 2004'ish (and some major self-improvement since) and start reflecting on my success and failures. I of course instantly did searches on...
  5. M

    Frustrated beyond belief.

    Amen. And loveshogun beat me to it, Fvcking move. Larry Winget definitely writes books for guys like you.
  6. M

    Wow, my username still works, its been YEARS!

    Hahaha. I just decided today, after not being here for years, to log back on. It's an interesting feeling. :)
  7. M

    Fvck buddy's boyfriend calling me

    You sure he's still with her? He might have been the one lying... just some tool she's still hangin out with and him thinking they might get back together