How do you guys have fun at clubs? Or should I give up on clubs all together?


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2009
Reaction score
This is pretty simple, I never have fun at clubs. So in turn I'm usually in a less than perfect mood and never appoarch. Actually the only time I approach is when there's someone pushing me into it, and currently don't have anyone to do that. The only reason I go to clubs is because that's where the girls are. Don't meet many girls in my day to day life and I don't ever get dates (maybe one every 4 months). I've tried online dating too, with no luck. So I want to learn to have fun at clubs (since I'm told it's how you get laid). Any help guys?


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2009
Reaction score
I wouldn't say I get energized from large groups. I like hanging out with medium sized groups, like 5-10 people. I find I get lost in really large groups. And part of the reason I hate clubs is they are too ****ing packed, you can't even ****ing walk or order a drink (forget about being on the dancefloor). But I don't know anywhere else to meet girls. My main part of my social circle has eroded to nothing. I do occasionally meet girls through people but it's difficult since most girls have a "boyfriend", so people aren't introducing them to me. Pisses me off since I'm 25 and a virgin too.

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
Kal0051 said:
This is pretty simple, I never have fun at clubs. So in turn I'm usually in a less than perfect mood and never appoarch. Actually the only time I approach is when there's someone pushing me into it, and currently don't have anyone to do that. The only reason I go to clubs is because that's where the girls are. Don't meet many girls in my day to day life and I don't ever get dates (maybe one every 4 months). I've tried online dating too, with no luck. So I want to learn to have fun at clubs (since I'm told it's how you get laid). Any help guys?

What do you equate to having fun? Picking up girls? HAve fun for yourself and friends and you won't give off a vibe of looking to "pick them up".

I'm going to do a thread on people who are too outcome dependant with this pickup stuff. Too many people rely on a goal with women on here. You need to worry about yourselves and have fun regardless. If you become zen like and aren't worried about your surroundings or an "outcome" and just have fun regardless people will pick up on it and be drawn to you.


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2008
Reaction score
San Diego, California
The best way to have fun at the club for me is to fake it. I really don't care for the club. I'm happier playing soccer. So, why do I go to the club? Well, at times I can get too carried away doing personal stuff and being by myself so in other to be around people I have to get out. Why the club? Well, a lot of times my friends who are crazy about the club are there and sometimes that's the only way I can get to hang out with them.
So, back to your question...well, like I said I fake it. I watch the way they "act" and act that way too. Sometimes I just observe the funny things that people do. Interacting with my friends is fun too. The best way to have fun at the club is to get rid of the mind set of going there to pick up a girl to take home for the night. When it doesn't happen you feel disappointed. Occasionally, I allow myself to get caught up in that mindset and I don't like it. To me though the club is getting old, the girls don't seem to really want to interact. You want to dance with them they'd rather dance with their girl friends. When you do dance with them and make some connection they won't leave with you because they came there with their friend etc. Most times I come out there because my friends request for me to come. Someday I'ill fidn the strength to stop going there, lol.
As far as meeting people in general find social events to get involved in such as sports, gym, dance, volunteer work, coffee shops, parties, unusual opportunities such as finding yourself in a grocery store aisle with a girl and finding a lame reason to make conversation. Well hope I could help.


Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2009
Reaction score
You have to talk to new people or else you will guaranteed have a bad time.

Talking to strangers is what makes the difference. First interaction is most difficult but its easy when you are on a roll.


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2009
Reaction score
Naughty Ninja said:
What do you equate to having fun? Picking up girls? HAve fun for yourself and friends and you won't give off a vibe of looking to "pick them up".

I'm going to do a thread on people who are too outcome dependant with this pickup stuff. Too many people rely on a goal with women on here. You need to worry about yourselves and have fun regardless. If you become zen like and aren't worried about your surroundings or an "outcome" and just have fun regardless people will pick up on it and be drawn to you.
No, having fun doesn't mean picking up girls. I've never picked up a girl before and I've had fun in the past. Though I do recognize that it wasn't because of the place, it was because of the people I was with. Those people aren't in my life anymore, and finding people to replace them with is difficult. Most of the guys I sometimes hang with now just like to do their own thing when we're out, so I'm pretty much on my own (hell I think the only reason they are hanging with me is because I can get them in clubs for free becaus of my contacts).


Master Don Juan
Jul 18, 2005
Reaction score
I only really have fun at the club when I'm there with a bunch of friends. It's a great time if you brought friends with you, otherwise... I don't really see the point. Why would you want to look for women in an environment you don't enjoy? I try to avoid putting myself in situations where I wouldn't be having a good time regardless.


New Member
Oct 30, 2010
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Naughty Ninja said:
I'm going to do a thread on people who are too outcome dependant with this pickup stuff. Too many people rely on a goal with women on here. You need to worry about yourselves and have fun regardless. If you become zen like and aren't worried about your surroundings or an "outcome" and just have fun regardless people will pick up on it and be drawn to you.
Pleeeaaseee do. That is my biggest complaint about this place. It turns into more of an AA meeting or something way too often. I mean, I've never been to AA but I don't imagine it being high on 'fun factor'.

That said, I do get really tired of the noise levels at some clubs. Make sure as your talking to a girl in a place like that, that you be mindful of your eye contact. My problem is that I've definitely caught myself and HB talking to each others 'ears' instead of 'eachother' quite a few times. You obviously may have to lean into her ear so she can hear you, but you can still angle your head enough to where you're maintaining some level of eye contact while speaking. Way more personal.


Senior Don Juan
May 31, 2009
Reaction score
for me nothing beats just being on the dance floor,dancing ,whileing out,drink in your hand focused on the music,atmosphere,the crowd going mad,having fun.
when i do this girls flock around coz they can see im having fun.
i dont go clubbing for chicks