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  1. P

    Resistance as a sh!t test?

    This is good stuff. As I talk and meet more and more girls, I'm starting to get really good at being able to recognize tests like this from girls.
  2. P

    Barack Obama's DJ Social Skills

    Well, frankly it's quite easy to be alpha when you're the president. But great video.
  3. P

    Fun Date and then...

    Don't over analyze it man, call her whenever you feel like it. ;)
  4. P

    Direct approach and a common problem

    I've done some direct approaches in the past and they did not go so well, that's the risk you'd take with going direct. Bottom line is, if it fails..don't feel bad about it. Worse could happen is her rejecting you and walking away,maybe she'll tell her friends how weird you are, that's about...
  5. P

    Doesn't feminism mean more HBs for us? Why is everyone complaining?

    I think eventually the rise of feminine power will later develop female AFC, and girls will be approaching guys. I'm pretty serious about this.
  6. P

    Intermedia PUA, advise appreciated

    I will get there eventually, maybe the next or the 3rd date with her. I'm not afraid to say something like that, it's more about how will I deliver it to make the statement powerful. But anyways... Thanks for the input guys. I didn't text her back. If I do dump into her at school I'm just...
  7. P

    Intermedia PUA, advise appreciated

    Naw I'm not gonna let myself fall into the guy who listens to her problems. I don't think I am in that zone. But as lifetime student I will take all of your opinions and inputs. Even if I mess this one up, I want to learn something from it. Anyways, she texted me this morning saying I left...
  8. P

    I don't know where i messed up.. HELP

    Now just for the record, when she was giving the **** test by saying she doesn't **** on first dates, what should've OP done to pass it? I'm curious about it and often I can recognize a **** test but not sure how to bypass it. Thanks.
  9. P

    Intermedia PUA, advise appreciated

    Solomon thanks for reading my post and your input I appreciate it. I like your PUA way, I want to give it a try. Could you elaborate a little more on the "push and pull" part? And to try to meet her again asap wouldn't appeared as being "too needy?"
  10. P

    Intermedia PUA, advise appreciated

    Been approaching girls for a little while, just recently I started doing it on the daily basics. I get numbers regularly and have been going on different dates with different girls. I cold approached this girl at the library couple days ago(Wednesday), things went well there were some IOI's...
  11. P

    Post your field experimentation ideas here, and I'll do them.

    Incog, you are one of the few that have my respect sir.