Intermedia PUA, advise appreciated


Don Juan
Oct 22, 2010
Reaction score
Been approaching girls for a little while, just recently I started doing it on the daily basics. I get numbers regularly and have been going on different dates with different girls.

I cold approached this girl at the library couple days ago(Wednesday), things went well there were some IOI's and I notice she was a bit nervous when I first spoke to her(my charm..j/k). I established a good conversation with her and kinoed her lightly twice. I number closed her and exchanged her with mine. She asked. I set an date with her there on the spot two days later(Friday).

She was right on time like she said she was gonna be. Cute girl, long black hair very nice body. We went to an exclusive area out in the woods to smoke. I kinoed her lightly, more intimate(hair play), positive things. We climbed on this some giant tree,sat on giant branch. Her on the higher side, I had my legs open facing her.

I was showing her how to tie a tie, she wanted me to demonstrate it on her. As I was tying my tie on her, I pulled my tie on her and lured her in and was going for a kiss. I was reject said she had a bf. She said she hopes we could still be friends, I played it cool and pretended it never happened and I was able to shift our focus onto something else(I didn't try to kiss again though, some people said just pretend it never happened, and try again 15 minutes later).

She still wanted me to tie the tie on her. I took my tie tying a tie on her chest, teasingly touch her breast with my hand. She didn't make any resistant.

I was enjoying myself and having a good time even though the kiss didn't happened(Personally I thought it was smooth lol:cool: ). We started talking about sex, number of guys she been with/aggressiveness in bed/problems with her bf..

She DID bring the conversation back twice to "Do I really give the vibe of presenting herself as a single girl" and "She feels guilty about falsely advertising herself." It surprised me and I was fully prepared for it, I wasn't sure whether it'd be good or not to said something witty to her and try to make out with her again...I didn't though.
I don't remember exactly how the conversation went, but she did say she was attracted to me and she would of jump on me if she didn't have a bf. (IOI to me that I should go for it again? who knows.."

At the bookstore looking through pictures from magazines. She seemed to lower her comfort zone a little bit, I got a few first flirt from her, couple times she was willing to initiate the flirtation first.

We went to the sandwich shop to get her bf a sandwich before she dropped me off. God was she a ***** to her boyfriend on the phone... As we were leaving surprisingly she asked me "What made you decided to talk to me?" I said to her "I thought you were cute, and I wanted your attention and I wanted to make notice of myself." :cool:

She again pointed out the fact that she felt bad about what happened earlier, at this point I kind of have a feeling that maybe she kinda likes me, and I like her, I teased her a little bit and told her like I was still attracted to her even it didn't happened, and I like being around a girl that I'm attracted to. Basically I left it at "we're friends, and that's fine. But you're ****ing hot," teasing her a little bit.

She dropped me off, said she hope that she'd like to hang out again.

I am aware of she having a boyfriend, and I am aware of the consequences, apart from the that what do you guys think?

I feel like there is some kind of mixed signal here. She said she is faithful in exclusive relationships, it seems like BS to me. I am too close to the situation to judge.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
Pieceofsand said:
I feel like there is some kind of mixed signal here. She said she is faithful in exclusive relationships, it seems like BS to me. I am too close to the situation to judge.
And you believe this? OP let me tell you a secret which will save you a lot of time with women ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THEN WORDS. What kind of girl who values being "faithful" in exclusive relationships goes out with men she meets randomly at the library? (no offense to ya OP props on the pull) there two ways too do this. You can do it the PUA way or The man way

The PUA way is this, No contact if she contacts you push n pull need be for example, you talk to her sparingly etc, try to meet her again asap, "neg" her at all cost, escalate, If you play it right she will be deep throating you by the second or third date

Doing it the Man way is even easier, NO contact move on and meet other girls who are worth your time.

I've done it another way as well, for me what worked is I did it the bullshiit way, listening to her man problems waah, waah, then like Jeffy would say "I cut the shiit" and told her "its time to fucc"(But I said "when are we gonna fucc" lol) needless to say me being direct got me the nicest roundest phatest ass on the skinniest chick I ever laid, was it worth it? at the time when I was pounding her out yes, but now not so much, not much at all.


Don Juan
Oct 22, 2010
Reaction score
Solomon said:
The PUA way is this, No contact if she contacts you push n pull need be for example, you talk to her sparingly etc, try to meet her again asap, "neg" her at all cost, escalate, If you play it right she will be deep throating you by the second or third date
Solomon thanks for reading my post and your input I appreciate it. I like your PUA way, I want to give it a try. Could you elaborate a little more on the "push and pull" part? And to try to meet her again asap wouldn't appeared as being "too needy?"


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2003
Reaction score
Sounds like you're her shiny new emotional tampon. Change your shirt often!


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2003
Reaction score
Pieceofsand said:
Could you elaborate a little more on the "push and pull" part? And to try to meet her again asap wouldn't appeared as being "too needy?"

First impressions are paramount in laying the groundwork for attraction and you've already f'ucked up the "getting to know you" part. You can't redo that.

Watch how this clown how he rolls this girl up off the street. It also explains "push and pull"


Don Juan
Oct 22, 2010
Reaction score
Naw I'm not gonna let myself fall into the guy who listens to her problems. I don't think I am in that zone. But as lifetime student I will take all of your opinions and inputs. Even if I mess this one up, I want to learn something from it.
Anyways, she texted me this morning saying I left something in her car, and I did. I'm not gonna text her back. Should I end it right here? What if I bump into her at school or she tires to call/text me?
Thanks again guys.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
Pieceofsand said:
Solomon thanks for reading my post and your input I appreciate it. I like your PUA way, I want to give it a try. Could you elaborate a little more on the "push and pull" part? And to try to meet her again asap wouldn't appeared as being "too needy?"
The reason why I say try again asap is cause my game is all about escalation, I try to get the girl naked asap. Push (tease, neg, being a challenged) Pull (reward her for good behavior, reel her back in). By Push N Pull you become a challenge to her, not like her beta boyfriend. Being Indifferent is key to this, why? because by being Indifferent it shows your not afraid to walk away. Talking about her boyfriend problems which you did in the first date is not cool, it's putting you in that friendzone.

But you bring up a good point on being needy so when it is time to hang back out, leave it up to her, in the mean time you have to let her know you have other options with other chicks i.e. your busy etc

Pieceofsand said:
Naw I'm not gonna let myself fall into the guy who listens to her problems. I don't think I am in that zone. But as lifetime student I will take all of your opinions and inputs. Even if I mess this one up, I want to learn something from it.
Anyways, she texted me this morning saying I left something in her car, and I did. I'm not gonna text her back. Should I end it right here? What if I bump into her at school or she tires to call/text me?
Thanks again guys.
Don't text her back if she text you again, then you can go for it, or what I'd do is I'd wait a day or two and tell her to meet me somewhere.

But hell what I'd really do is just cut the **** and tell her what it is, I don't have time for the games. cut the ****, time to ****!


Master Don Juan
Oct 25, 2010
Reaction score
When you mentioned "smoke" was it pot or cigarettes ? Anyway, her resistance could be something as simple as she was being self concious about her "tobacco breath". Above all else, a chick needs to feel comfortable if she's going to get intimate. Mind you, I've slept w/ a number of women on a first date, but I usually just go for a cheek kiss at first. It's a good way to gauge how she feels about initial physical contact w/ you. Does she smile, or pull away looking disgusted ? If you see her again and all she talks about is her relationship w/ her bf w/out asking questions about you, dump her and move on.


Don Juan
Oct 22, 2010
Reaction score
Solomon said:
But hell what I'd really do is just cut the **** and tell her what it is, I don't have time for the games. cut the ****, time to ****!
I will get there eventually, maybe the next or the 3rd date with her. I'm not afraid to say something like that, it's more about how will I deliver it to make the statement powerful. But anyways...

Thanks for the input guys. I didn't text her back. If I do dump into her at school I'm just gonna try to brush her off and a quick wave at her and as if I have something important to do. I pulled her enough on our date, with very little push. So I am going to push for a little bit,and I will play by the ear and pull again by asking her to hang out again. (Do you guys think I should make any moves like try to kiss her/kino on our 2nd date?)

I realized I moved in for the kiss too soon without building enough comfort and escalate. I can get a date set up, but I am a bit inexperience when it comes in terms of how to properly escalate. So I think I learned something from this. And I'm gonna work on the push/pull. I'm glad that I'm posting this up and having great opinions shared with me.

By the way, her and I were smoking "cool" cigarettes. :cool: