Doesn't feminism mean more HBs for us? Why is everyone complaining?


Don Juan
Dec 30, 2009
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Everyone is complaining about the rise of feminism in today's society, which is creating a lot of feminized AFC's. However, doesn't more AFC's mean more girls for non-AFCs? Why is that something to complain about? Doesn't it mean less competition for DJs?


Don Juan
Oct 22, 2010
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I think eventually the rise of feminine power will later develop female AFC, and girls will be approaching guys. I'm pretty serious about this.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 21, 2010
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It means more women for the top 10% men.

The next 40% get to be providers for these b*tchs when they are used up.

The bottom 50% get porn and sex dolls.

In the days of patriarchy, almost every man was married by the age of 25.


Master Don Juan
May 28, 2007
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TheAsianLoverReturns said:
In the days of patriarchy, almost every man was married by the age of 25.
Thank god thats not around anymore. I'd hate to have this expectation that since I'm over 25 I need to be married.


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2008
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thechosenone2190 said:
Everyone is complaining about the rise of feminism in today's society, which is creating a lot of feminized AFC's. However, doesn't more AFC's mean more girls for non-AFCs? Why is that something to complain about? Doesn't it mean less competition for DJs?
Why does everyone think this is a NEW thing? The only thing different about todays world is women can be less secretive about their sexuality. We're just only REALIZING it nowadays. And it doesnt mean less competition. It just means a higher hor to gf material ratio. I guess one can bang more girls nowadays, but they are less quality at the same time. Personally, I want to repeatedly bang one or two quality girls, rather than have a bunch of ons with ditch pig hors.

AFC'ism has been around since the dawn of time. Hell, if Adam was a real man, he would have told Eve to put the apple away, kick down a BJ, then make him a damn sandwich.

People also claim that AFC in music is on the rise. Thats BS. Some of the first recorded music was blues. They were singing about evil hearted women cheating and lying, and making mens lives miserable.


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
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I'm all for feminism. Most of the guys b|tching about it aren't really b|tching about "feminism," they're *****ing about the fact that they feel powerless in the world.

To me, feminism means I can pay only half, I don't have to hold open doors, I'm not expected to get married and raise kids, and women will put out without a ring on their finger. I, too, don't see the problem.


Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2009
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Wait i misread your post and now agree with you. AFC's are a good thing.

However nasty annoying feminist ****s are still never a good thing.


Mar 30, 2010
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TheAsianLoverReturns said:
It means more women for the top 10% men.

The next 40% get to be providers for these b*tchs when they are used up.

The bottom 50% get porn and sex dolls.

In the days of patriarchy, almost every man was married by the age of 25.
^Right here. Women used to be actively looking and researching ways to get a man and keep him, now it's completely opposite for the most part. Also, 10% of guys are doing 80% of the f*cking. Women have too much power now.


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
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thechosenone2190 said:
Everyone is complaining about the rise of feminism in today's society, which is creating a lot of feminized AFC's. However, doesn't more AFC's mean more girls for non-AFCs? Why is that something to complain about?
Because with feminism, the quality of girls has gone down too, perhaps even more dramatically than with men.

Sure, you can get all the girls you want now if you know what you're doing. But these are not the same class girls that existed last century.


Master Don Juan
Jul 18, 2005
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Yeah, I really don't see the issue. Guys being "feminized AFCs" is their own damn problem. I guess you could make some case for the media being full of "feminized" ideals, but there's equally as bull**** "macho" garbage out there too (ever seen 24?) Feminism is great -- we should all be considered equals, we should all have equal opportunity, and we should all be able to pay our own way, sleep with who we want, so on and so forth. I don't see how anyone reasonable can hate on equality.


Master Don Juan
Jul 18, 2005
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Darth said:
But these are not the same class girls that existed last century.
How do you know that? How does anyone know that?


Don Juan
Oct 18, 2010
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I'm opposed to feminism because there's less b*tches in the kitchen, where they belong.

Women are the only true inferior race. Men are generally stronger, smarter, more courageous and emotionally stable. It's silly for them to think otherwise. Unfortunately, most guys don't realize this fact and end up giving them an extreme (no-existent) value.

I think it was the rise of AFCism that triggered the feminism movement, not the other way around.


Master Don Juan
Oct 25, 2010
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Feminism was stronger in the late 70's, throughout the 80's, and into the early 90's..........


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
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handle said:
How do you know that? How does anyone know that?
Because there's still a world full of people who lived through that time. Anyone over around 40 remembers it well.


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2009
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It was giving them the right to vote that paved the way for this sh!t. Suddenly, one political party had to sell itself to the weak and powerless faction of America, and thus the modern democrat party was born.

Yes, feminism means more sex for me. But it's a two-sided coin, and the other side is ugly.

If I ever wanted to get married and have a family, that ugly side of feminism is why I say HELL NO. I like my money, I like my liberty, and I certainly enjoy making money with no woman to tell me how to spend it.

Ultimately, the worst thing about feminism is the way that it has ruined western countries. We let the women run wild with the credit cards, then the whole west got caught up in the weak and undisciplined "play today, pay never" mindset of liberal feminism.

We defeat feminism by crushing the liberals, and sending them back to stand on the sidelines of life like the crybabies that they are. This election was a moratorium on liberalism/feminism/socialism, and we MEN of America said GO TO HELL


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
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Throughout history feminism and the age of decadence marked the near end of every major empire. Women moving into the male sphere and men moving into the women's. It's only a rich and decandant culture that gets weak enough to allow this, the next thing you know, the greeks, the huns, the brits, the chinese, or the next rising empire is at the door and the will of men in those empires is not strong enough. the question is now, is the west done? Islamic creep is happening all over Europe, the northern European countries have massive numbers of men leaving from misandrist laws and the US is slowly catching up.

Go read about acculturation and the Dutch and how free their women were and what happened after the British took over in New Amsterdam/New York.

Read some history and you'll understand. Those who fail to learn from history often repeat it.

Feminism is nothing new. It's just the weakness of men + the foolishness of women. A child will eat candy all day if you let it.

So feminism means more poon ya think eh? Go read up on hypergamy. A woman pulling down 6 figures wants a man who is nearly pulling down 7 not pulling down 5. It does lead for more poon. for the men at the top. The men at the top have virtual harems (like tiger woods). The men in the middle get teh scraps and the men at the bottom, nothing. This site is filled with men at the middle and bottom (the betas and gammas/omegas) because they are getting nothing they want to know how to pretend to be a man at the top (game, being a dj, a PUA, its all simulating top dog status). Even game itself is status according to thsoe like roissy.

I know normal average guys who are decent hard working men who have no game and haven't been laid in YEARS. Yah, YEARS. And the rest of us race to be ALPHA. You know where that race finally ends up at? Guys killing each other in the street over someone looking at them the wrong way, or killing someone because they said something about you, always having to prove you are the top dog. Doing what it takes to make quick money so you can be flashy to attract women right now and not in 20 years as you build your fortune. Corruption, crime, violence. Basically the black community. This is where feminism leads. Its the opposite of society. What happens to men who can never get laid and won't kill or be a thug or sell drugs? They either except the scraps or move on to new places/cultures and try to find women who will still treat them like men or learn game. But honestly, I doubt if the average guy here (average in looks, average in finances, and average in game) is going to be pulling any HB10s, because thats now how the system is set up.


Don Juan
Sep 25, 2010
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Warrior74 nailed it down pretty good.

At first glance it might seem awesome that women are not judged as much anymore if they sleep around but if you study it a little closer it comes with MASSIVE bad effects.

In my country, Sweden, which is considered one of the most equal socities in the world things have been going down the drain. People are not happy, we have the highest suicide rates, people are lonely and there is a growing chasm between men and women. Loads of men are lonely in my country and people have started importing wives just because the attitude of swedish women are ****ed up. They have zero respect for men and use them for sex. It might sounds awesome but men have other needs than sex.

The ordinary dude doesnt get to see much more action as people allready have said in this thread he will be fed the leftovers which the top guys wont touch. Attitude in society is whack as hell, it is all about being seen and social status. In the long run it will just not work, the civilization will fall apart sooner or later as the lower end men are left in desperation.

Feminism is bad, it is better for sex not to be encouraged soo much. Even if the unfaithfulness is about as widespread at least men wont be clawing at each other like hungry rats to get a womans attention.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 21, 2010
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Zarky said:
I'm all for feminism. Most of the guys b|tching about it aren't really b|tching about "feminism," they're *****ing about the fact that they feel powerless in the world.

To me, feminism means I can pay only half, I don't have to hold open doors, I'm not expected to get married and raise kids, and women will put out without a ring on their finger. I, too, don't see the problem.
You have to remember that women have no concept of fairness. Fairness is a male trait.

Women expect all the benefits of patriarchy AND all the benefits of feminism.

If it was not for nukes, all the weak feminized countries would have been razed like Rome.

The Inside Man

Master Don Juan
Sep 27, 2007
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thechosenone2190 said:
Everyone is complaining about the rise of feminism in today's society, which is creating a lot of feminized AFC's. However, doesn't more AFC's mean more girls for non-AFCs? Why is that something to complain about? Doesn't it mean less competition for DJs?
Possibly. But they will expect us to act like AFCs because that's what they are used to.

But I think it is a huge generalization, some people will hook up, some will not. Some will improve, some will get married, some will get divorced. Just do your own thing.