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  1. R

    Have you guys ever spied on your girlfriends?

    I dont think anybody here is aware of the gravity of this. The OP is a psycho and half of you treat it like its not that big of an issue. To the OP: please dude, get real psychiatric help, this is not an issue that can be solved with advice from a public forum
  2. R

    How to deal with Self Esteem when you get rejected?

    Dont let this aspect of your life control who you are. It doesn't matter that girls reject you, what's most important is that you're rejecting yourself. And consequently, this makes others reject you also. You think that because girls have rejected you that you're not a worthy individual, that...
  3. R

    how do you ask a busy girl to hang out?

    Haha. I like you dude, we think the same and I'm in the exact same situation. Except i quit my job weeks ago.
  4. R

    how do you ask a busy girl to hang out?

    This is what works for me: "hey im considering going to x place sometime this week and i want you to come along, just let me know what days you'll be free"
  5. R

    Should you trust other guys when they insinuate that some girl is interested in you?

    Do you take everything people tell you so seriously? How the hell are we suposed to know if the guy was serious or not. The questions you should be asking should be concerned with how to get the girl. like nismo said, grow some balls and go after her. It doesn't matter what your coworker said
  6. R

    FR: Blown(out) by Ms. Poland

    Great FR. A good comeback i like to use for "I'm married/ have a bf" is "ok great so now i know you won't try to marry me". Works great.
  7. R


    Maybe this is why strangers don't like you
  8. R

    !0 for 15!??!!?!?!?

    Expect to get blown out about 100 times more before you start having noticeable results. Its not easy, and this is why there are only a few real pua's in the world (yet millions of posters on pick up forums )
  9. R

    Some of these "rules of thumbs" are outdated vol. texting

    My only rule is dont ever use text for rapport. Better to keep the questions to a minimum and just say statements that will elicit a response. like "you would not belive what happened today" or if you cant think of anything interesting then instead of "hey whats up" something such as "hey...
  10. R

    World Cup 2010 South Africa!

    The final: Brazil v spain
  11. R

    Post Your Favorite Thick Curvy Girls

    You chubby chasers will apreciate this vids more than i ever will. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mfZhJdUSI0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZNvO170j5M&feature=channel
  12. R

    My penny stock plays

    "our"? Pumping and dumping much?
  13. R

    3D TV's

    I'm not comparing them. Read carefully. I'm trying to make the point that many of us will do things that will harm us in the long term because they give us an immediate short-lived excitement. This is why people are obese (and notice that only in america do people have "eating disorders"), this...
  14. R

    3D TV's

    Now that guy, he understands me.
  15. R

    3D TV's

    Ah yes, the old "nobody's putting a gun to your head" excuse. Maybe this is how the government should've responded to those wall st bankers asking for bail outs. Nobody put a gun to their heads and told them to make such risky loans right? See the thing about decisions which hurt us in the...
  16. R

    Brutal congruence tests from girls AND guys

    its part of being social.
  17. R

    3D TV's

    So I see that 3D tv's have hit the market recently. I dont know about you guys but I will definetly not buy one, ever. They are just another way to keep us people in the developed world as zombies. I mean I thought the latest video games were too much ( my little bro barely sees the light of...
  18. R

    the world getting weird

    As member of a society so extremely disconnected from nature, I think I want to listen to cultures as connected to nature as the Mayans, incas, and Egyptians. These people knew things that took us centuries too figure out. About the global warming, agriculture, engineering, nature, the seasons...
  19. R

    Finally saw someone try mystery's method in person...

    Did they f-close the girl?
  20. R

    the world getting weird

    The Mayan calendar says that 2012 marks the end of a 5,125 natural cycle, and of the super-cycle of 26,000 years. What this means is in 2012 we will enter a new super cycle (which contains the 4 natural cycles). By super cycle they mean going through all 12 constellations. Interesting points...