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Search results

  1. V

    What culture are you creating in this forum?

    Word. A lot of new posters come on and see a forum of questions with answers and just jump right in. How many folks read the "boring" stickied rules and guidelines at the top of the forums? Couple this with the milenial generation (whose thought process only gets as far as discovering they...
  2. V

    Don't AMOG the host!

    This should be self-evident, but it's clearly not. Having been a host, and having tended bar, I can say with certainty that it's not good for your game. I have been reminded of this after seeing the faces of my guests after yet another AMOG (in a long string) by a poor guest. 1. AMOG of...
  3. V

    Is my face the problem?

    You need to hit on only hot chicks. You will intimidate the hell out of the 6's and 7's, and they'll do crazy sh¡t because you're "out of their league". All of THEIR insecurities will project onto you, and they'll try to bring you down to their low level. Nope, hit on smoking hot betties...
  4. V

    The Official Self-Belief Think Tank

    I'm cursed with being a hedonist... ...and a scientist. So, I find myself "experimenting" to "find the path of least resistance". "Nope, that sucked... I'll try this now." After reading Kerouac and Thoreau and some other heady stuff, and after trying many things and being successful at...
  5. V

    Nothing to Lose, Need Suggestions

    I can understand your anger. It's part of the grief of realizing you've been suckered into getting in line with the rest of the sheeple beating themselves silly in the rat race of keeping up with the Jones'/materialism/consumerism. You can just never have enough! It's an endless dangling...
  6. V

    Nothing to Lose, Need Suggestions

    Wilderness firefighter? I understand your over-population angst, but avoid the whole "killing people" trip. Instead of "adversarial", try going "cooperative". It's far better for your soul/karma/juju, and far more attractive to women. The last thing the world needs is another adversary...
  7. V

    What do you find physically attractive in a woman?

    I've always been a "vagina" guy. Not boobs, not butt, the vagina was the main course: beat up with bat-wing labia? BZZZT!!! No thanks! But other things began to matter more to me, so I had to open up the field in order to find a qualifier: Shorter than me Weighs less than me Dark hair...
  8. V

    Nothing to Lose, Need Suggestions

    As though somehow becoming a mercenary and fighting wars is less dangerous/crazy than skydiving? Check out the wealth and success forum. There are a few threads dealing with this self-discovery and personal awakening. Guys (myself included) suddenly wake up, watch the matrix movies and fight...
  9. V

    Bankruptcy of pocket vs. Bankruptcy of soul

    Hey, it's tough to relive all that and cut it down to "postable". The insightful conversations, crazy situations... I was working at a bar and sleeping in my car FFS. You know some wild sh¡t went down. Man! I have always wanted to hike the AT. How cool would a meet-up in Georgia be...
  10. V

    This' ll sound stupid but...

    That's a great question! :confused: I wonder if something like that could be found in this "Bible" thing I keep hearing about. I mean, I'd go read it, I know the link is right there at the bottom of the page. But, I'd rather just have someone give me the answer. What can I say, I'm super...
  11. V

    I held the chick I'm datings purse while playing minature golf the other day..

    Only if she didn't reciprocate by holding YOUR purse when it was your turn.
  12. V

    Should there be a Don Juan Virtual “Wingman” support line in case of emergencies?

    I don't think so. Unless it was just a recording of a laugh track. You call - all you hear is laughing - at you. ...laughing at you for thinking that "women" could be "emergencies". Hey, kid, set up your "888-For-AFCS": you'll be rich! All types of douchebags will call. "OMG! She is...
  13. V

    Obummer calls for police to respect the looters.....

    Have you ever read Ayn Rand's Fountainhead? I might as well go back to sleep now that they have the "big guns" of the spin doctorate out. A more blatant ground-laying of a legal defense to brace the public for a pre-determined outcome is not to be found. "He's only human". I believe you...
  14. V

    Obummer calls for police to respect the looters.....

    Dude. Running away, not running away... it doesn't matter. Look at the facts that matter: TWO GUNSHOTS IN THE HEAD. The first one would eliminate any threat, but the second? What was that for? Fun? Practice? Spite? Even if he was running "at", one shot in the head was enough? Why two...
  15. V

    Bankruptcy of pocket vs. Bankruptcy of soul

    Camp counsellor, guide (hiking, fishing, hunting) via a lodge or resort even, park ranger, DNR warden, fire watch (Kerouac had a stint as one), trail maintenance... Ok, so, you're probably about where I was at with regards to beginning a new chapter in personal evolution. Save me some typing...
  16. V

    Obummer calls for police to respect the looters.....

    I can't see how else you could get shot twice in the head "running away". You don't run much further after a first bullet to the dome.
  17. V

    Enough is enough, time for a change journal.

    :rockon: THERE you go. Don't plan on failing, though, just don't plan on closing at first. That way, you aren't "failing", your are successfully talking to women. Women, now, not just "people". Keep it relevant. And... Don't forget to laugh at yourself.
  18. V

    Had a girl from a club call a guy in front of me

    Ooof... that's new... a good one, too. Such a modern twist! I'm having a tough time deciding if you failed her sh¡t test... Or trumped the ƒuck out of it.:rockon: She'll be calling. The hamster is crazy confounded at this point. "He didn't even... He just... WTF?!!! I've never...
  19. V


    Sure have... I've visualized chicks naked before approaching them, or, visualized my cøck sliding between the boobs I've been staring at. I've visualized the color of her underwear, the look on her face when she's cümming, even "visualized" the sound of her voice when she moans. It gets...
  20. V

    Need serious help getting rid of approach anxiety

    :cry: "WAAAAAAHHHH!! I'm scurred this girl that's smiling at me is suddenly going to beat my ass if I start talking to her! Somebody protect me!" Go read the Bible. The link's at the bottom of the page. It that doesn't work on you... *smacks with bamboo cane* "AGAIN!" Try running a...