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    when women talk

    Wait...isn't that the definition of woman?
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    I'm sorry, this place does suck. I hate you losers, goodbye.

    idk about you, but where I live, it's still March 31st ;)
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    Need some advice please.

    You can find a reason to get her alone....ask her to walk you to your locker or something. lol. Before or after class, before or after school, you'll find a chance.
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    successfully asked a girl out

    yeah man, I agree....a time and a place. If she can't make it, put the ball in her court.
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    Getting with my friends sister

    Look man, you just gotta treat her like any other girl. C&F, kino, and just go for it...
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    The Power of Social Circle Game

    GREAT post. It's true :) But specifically, you said that a lot of guys try it and fail. What exactly do guys do in this scenario that leads to failure?
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    1st Date Tips

    Dude.....what????? That sounds like it could only have been bad. Could you specify what exactly you did here?
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    the number of AFC's around...

    Maybe he was just trying to bump the post...
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    What's going on with her??

    Can somebody please give me feedback on my potential response to her question (see above post)? That's more important than the OP, actually.
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    How much Time?

    Facing the same conflict.... I think at least 2-3 weeks. More if she is the kind of girl that is gonna be asked by 500 guys.
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    building rapport and LJBF zone conflict

    I think it's a bit dangerous....I don't think you should be talking to her so much right away. You're supposed to be busy!
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    So I find myself sitting at home, with no desire to go out.

    That's the spirit :) I'm feeling the same way right now. Spring break is over, time to find some girls
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    What's going on with her??

    yeah, I guess I shouldn't worry about it. I'm just going through a rough spot...but school starts back up tomorrow, time to meet some girls :) more thing. I won't go into the background on this one, but she wrote to me and said "you're not my type." Keeping in mind that this was a...
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    What's going on with her??

    I stopped. Believe me, I stopped. I realize I messed up with her. However, I just think it's a little strange for her to OUT OF THE BLUE start contacting me SO much. And being really flirtatious all of a sudden. Makes no sense to me. I'm over her, trust me. And yes, I read the stuff on here...
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    What's going on with her??

    Halfway through my junior year in high school, I met a girl. I was pretty sure she was into me, although at the time I wasn't into her. Long story short, I fell for her...pretty hard. I was pretty C&F the whole time, but no kino at all, and I guess I waited forever...idk, whatever the reason, it...
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    Which girl should I bring to prom?

    Whomever YOU think you'll have the most fun with.
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    Goin to the movies

    Just do a lot of playful touching while the movie is going on....poke her, mess with her hair, etc. I wouldn't worry about making out in the theater. Then, when you get back to her place, that's where you can start some major kino.
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    Newbie starting off..

    I look forward to seeing your progress :) Welcome aboard.
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    next? and hows my progress

    So what happened with her anyway?