First post, though I've been lurking for a few months.
It's April already. My goal is to get a girlfriend by the end of the year, or at least become a person that doesn't radiate an aura that repels girls in a 10' radius.
I'm 26, will be 27 in a few months. Brief background in regards to my situation with the opposite gender:
- Never had sex.
- Never had a girlfriend.
- Never kissed.
- Never been on a date.
- Never had any physical contact with a girl beyond say, tapping someone's shoulder to get her attention.
- Never had any platonic female friends until very recently, unless you count someone in kindergarten.
- Most girls will barely give me the time of day. Even on a completely platonic level, they'll be friendly to every other guy in the room but me.
Pretty screwed up eh?
On the level of broader social interactions:
- I'm shy. Although not formally diagnosed, I can also probably check off most if not all symptoms associated with Asperger's Syndrome.
- I don't have many friends.
- I'm a nerd, so my interests are arcane. With other guys, I can sometimes connect with my obsession for cars and trading/investing. With girls though, I'm clueless and awkward in starting or maintaining a simple conversation, maybe because...
- I'm male, but more so because I probably have Aspergers', I like to deal with facts and logic. Emotions escape me - other people have describe me as cold and unemotional, even scary. But yeah, I've read girls tend to operate on emotions while guys do logic.
Other miscellaneous info:
- My confidence and self-esteem are pretty shot and tattered.
- I think I'm pretty ugly. Ugly facial features aside, on a purely objective level:
* Bad skin (acne scars, big pores, etc.)
* Very bad eyesight (read=coke bottle glasses)
* Oh, and I'm short at 5' 6", so I get a kick at Wutang Financial complaining about being short at 5' 8" =P.
Anyways, enough about the depressing stuff for now, and onto more positive territory. Stuff I've been doing to change recently:
- I'm working out, eating properly. Weight training 4/5 days a week with a coworker friend who used to be a personal trainer. Running 5k at least 3 times a week. While invisible with a shirt, I have a gut that I'd like to get rid of. Goal: 6 pack by end of year.
- I've made the interesting discovery that my alcohol tolerance is legendary. I seem to be able to remain sober when my companions are passing out - even when I've drank more. Alcohol makes me talkative and cuts down my superhigh inhibitions. On the downside, something I mentioned before becomes more obvious - when the girls get drunk, I often become more ostracized versus the other guys.
- I'm looking to buy a house (actually, condo), and/or a flashy sports car.
- I'm "going out" and "putting myself out there" on weekends instead of sitting at home playing World of Warcraft. I'm attempting to cultivate relationships with the waiters/bouncers/bartenders/DJs, but so far girls don't give me the time of day. No matter, I see my current stage as trying to familiarize myself with venues that are still a bit alien to me.
- On a related note, I need to give my image a complete makeover. I acknowledge that "looks" is a factor. While I might still look like a turd, hopefully I can upgrade to the level of polished turd.
- My most immediate objective is to introduce myself to "friends of friends". If I see a friend with someone I don't know, I'm going to introduce myself to him/her.
Hopefully I'll post more as I see progress, if any.
It's April already. My goal is to get a girlfriend by the end of the year, or at least become a person that doesn't radiate an aura that repels girls in a 10' radius.
I'm 26, will be 27 in a few months. Brief background in regards to my situation with the opposite gender:
- Never had sex.
- Never had a girlfriend.
- Never kissed.
- Never been on a date.
- Never had any physical contact with a girl beyond say, tapping someone's shoulder to get her attention.
- Never had any platonic female friends until very recently, unless you count someone in kindergarten.
- Most girls will barely give me the time of day. Even on a completely platonic level, they'll be friendly to every other guy in the room but me.
Pretty screwed up eh?
On the level of broader social interactions:
- I'm shy. Although not formally diagnosed, I can also probably check off most if not all symptoms associated with Asperger's Syndrome.
- I don't have many friends.
- I'm a nerd, so my interests are arcane. With other guys, I can sometimes connect with my obsession for cars and trading/investing. With girls though, I'm clueless and awkward in starting or maintaining a simple conversation, maybe because...
- I'm male, but more so because I probably have Aspergers', I like to deal with facts and logic. Emotions escape me - other people have describe me as cold and unemotional, even scary. But yeah, I've read girls tend to operate on emotions while guys do logic.
Other miscellaneous info:
- My confidence and self-esteem are pretty shot and tattered.
- I think I'm pretty ugly. Ugly facial features aside, on a purely objective level:
* Bad skin (acne scars, big pores, etc.)
* Very bad eyesight (read=coke bottle glasses)
* Oh, and I'm short at 5' 6", so I get a kick at Wutang Financial complaining about being short at 5' 8" =P.
Anyways, enough about the depressing stuff for now, and onto more positive territory. Stuff I've been doing to change recently:
- I'm working out, eating properly. Weight training 4/5 days a week with a coworker friend who used to be a personal trainer. Running 5k at least 3 times a week. While invisible with a shirt, I have a gut that I'd like to get rid of. Goal: 6 pack by end of year.
- I've made the interesting discovery that my alcohol tolerance is legendary. I seem to be able to remain sober when my companions are passing out - even when I've drank more. Alcohol makes me talkative and cuts down my superhigh inhibitions. On the downside, something I mentioned before becomes more obvious - when the girls get drunk, I often become more ostracized versus the other guys.
- I'm looking to buy a house (actually, condo), and/or a flashy sports car.
- I'm "going out" and "putting myself out there" on weekends instead of sitting at home playing World of Warcraft. I'm attempting to cultivate relationships with the waiters/bouncers/bartenders/DJs, but so far girls don't give me the time of day. No matter, I see my current stage as trying to familiarize myself with venues that are still a bit alien to me.
- On a related note, I need to give my image a complete makeover. I acknowledge that "looks" is a factor. While I might still look like a turd, hopefully I can upgrade to the level of polished turd.
- My most immediate objective is to introduce myself to "friends of friends". If I see a friend with someone I don't know, I'm going to introduce myself to him/her.
Hopefully I'll post more as I see progress, if any.