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    Is this gonna end up flakey

    night in advance.
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    Facebook pickups technique. must read

    I'll be attending the University of Minnesota next year, and I used to classmate finder and found some girls. I've decided to just befriend most of them, but there is one that lives in my city. I've been really C&F with her, and have had her cracking up. We've only exchanged a few messages so...
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    Serious or just innocent flirtation?

    lol it's cool. But at least you got some advice :)
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    I know i need to do it but not sure how to...

    No contact. If you don't hear from her in 2 months, delete the #.
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    Serious or just innocent flirtation?

    yeah, you're in the wrong forum. IMO it all depends on your gut you really think he's into you, or is it just wishful thinking? Increase the amount of physical contact....keep going until he becomes uncomfortable. If he doesn't, then you're in :)
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    girl said im cute, good response?

    Go with that one :up:
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    girl older? can i game?

    I think you're FAR better off waiting until you actually get there....otherwise they'll still think of you as a high school kid.
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    Thanks everybody => My First num close (advice welcome)

    First off....awesome job man! Now, you go after what YOU want. Don't worry about what she wants....don't worry about "hurting" her, you will not hurt her if you don't act as if you are in a relationship. You're not masking your intentions, so you'll be fine :)
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    Women who you are most attracted to are usually most attracted to you as well

    I agree 100% We tend to like those who like us...I think it especially holds true for males.
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    Well done sir :up: So where do you know this chica from?
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    Meeting up with Girl I haven't seen in 4 months...

    Get the king size, and don't worry about masking your intentions; that will only backfire.
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    Did I just make a bad move? Help me out!

    So what if you leave next week? Call her tomorrow and ask her what she's doing. If she's not busy, take her somewhere right then. If she is busy, make plans for Tuesday or something.
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    Did I just make a bad move? Help me out! Say something like, "ok, we'll see....keep hoping ;) " Then take her out on a date before you leave.
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    FR: Decent night at bar

    Yes, you should try again with the first girl, and yes, you should call the second long as you're not friends with her bf or anything. Proceed with the second girl as if she didn't have a bf...try to get her to some parties with you, as she seems to be comfortable in that...
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    I was a pimp tonight!

    True that, but don't do that :)
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    I was a pimp tonight!

    Dude, screw the new account, I like the old name!
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    Moody girls?

    Be can be easy to become friend zoned if you're around her so much when she's sad....especially if you try to cheer her up. And I'm not so sure about the line about you kissing her bf either. And does that mean that this girl has a bf? I'd just keep trying to be funny and...
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    Help me not !@#$ this one up

    Isn't that a David DeAngelo line??
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    "you're The Creep"

    "Wow, you must have a thing for creeps ;) "
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    Help me not !@#$ this one up

    I second that motion.