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  1. B

    Am I rejected already?

    Trust me on this: If you let some girl's lack of response on facebook start eating you away you will drive yourself mad. She will get back to you if she thinks about you. If a week goes by or so you could probably drop her another short line. Don't overwhelm her. Don't fixate on her. Keep...
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    slapping her ass

    Whether or not groping some random chick's ass is a major sign of disrespect [which it is] -- maybe ^^^ is the bigger thing to be thinking about.
  3. B

    Groups, being popular, night scene and stuff...

    Lateralus; society has all sorts of "social" arrangements that are provided as options...but there are many sub-cultures to life...if the clubbing scene isn't yours, you don't have anything wrong with you...there's a lot of interesting stuff out there. Most clubs I've been to revolve around...
  4. B

    Just realized what my biggest flaw in my game is

    Well hey there have been some powerful rhetoricians who had quite the way with the ladies...words are not the's when to use them and how in the right combination that is the tricky part... your beliefs and opinions and ideas are worthwhile for others to hear.
  5. B

    Need a date idea..!

    No man, life isn't boring. Just three days ago I was cruising through a dried basin in Nevada 100-miles across and it was covered in sage brush. And today I was in a hot spring in Colorado...look life is precious and fragile more than is our schedules and daily routines that take the...
  6. B

    Revamp, Refresh, 3-a-day.

    This is solid and good advice; I do know that it is my perspective and attitude that is lacking...that needs a's not my looks...I've got the tools in my life to be successful on many levels...I am willing to put in the hard's all about the mindset and attitude...this...
  7. B

    Revamp, Refresh, 3-a-day.

    Nah man, in a lot of ways I can relate; I was rather overweight through development, mostly because of poor nutrition understandings with my family, at home diet -- when I turned ~17 I began intensely working out and lost a great deal of weight...into my 20's I've built more has...
  8. B

    Problems with disrespect from wife

    To OP -- Have you ever thought about setting up some dates with her? When was the last time you guys did anything exciting together, just you two? Have you fallen into "responsibility/home person" and guitarman has become "fun/exciting" person? Sounds like you might be able to fill both...
  9. B

    Women's "strengths" in relationships -

    Friend forwarded me this long time ago, thought you all might appreciate regarding the subject matter: THE JOURNEY OF A MAN When I was 13, I hoped that one day I would have a girlfriend with big tits. When I was 16 I got a girlfriend with big tits, but there was no passion, so I decided I...
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    Power of Thought: Do Not Underestimate Your Self-Narration

    Yeah man, essentially I've never made positive ground without firm resolve. This means even so when you **** up and backstep by accident. Thanks for boiling it down without the idealism...I am not really suggesting anything here that is that unique or new to SS or humanity I suppose...but it was...
  11. B

    Revamp, Refresh, 3-a-day.

    Yah man I've seen too many hot chicks who literally have had to put 0 effort into their bodies. Unfortunately I cannot sympathize with them -- I am strong and healthy and lean but it takes work and effort on a daily basis. I do not know what it is like to be "naturally hot", for me it has had to...
  12. B

    Problems with disrespect from wife

    What I don't understand from this entire thread is how you're supposed to have a good relationship through time without being Understanding sometimes. I haven't had any long-term friendship with anyone without taking their faults into account and sometimes too being there when they go around and...
  13. B

    DSM-V is out and some hinky stuff is goin on maybe

    This is a fair response. I acknowledge what you are saying and I agree that those are some real issues. I really am not trying deny that mental illnesses and extreme sets of behavior exist...I am just weary of western psychology sometimes at the succinctness in which it categorizes human...
  14. B

    DSM-V is out and some hinky stuff is goin on maybe

    I'm not trying to argue that the scientific model is an illegitimate approach to human knowledge. Clearly, testing a hypothesis for consistent objective results is important. But don't you think less people would label themselves as having "anxiety" disorders, "depression" disorders, "restless...
  15. B

    Power of Thought: Do Not Underestimate Your Self-Narration

    I want to preface and say that this post has been inspired by others, and for some it is generally covered in the bible already, but I felt so compelled by this today, reflecting on the ways I've been effected, that I wanted to do a short write-up. Power of Thought don't underestimate your...
  16. B

    Need some advice

    Is she still with her BF right now? The common idea from most on this board is that if a woman cheats on someone to be with you, she will at most be a FB, not good for a real relationship, as you may find yourself on the other end of the equation. It is also common practice on this board to...
  17. B

    Too many girls - a success story!

    OP -- This is great man I really appreciate the post you wrote here. I think you are 100% moving in the right direction regarding thought and dress and the way that you carry yourself. You have to believe that you are a great man which we all are. Regarding complementing dress: You are so...
  18. B

    DSM-V is out and some hinky stuff is goin on maybe

    Man I disagree with a bulk sum of these DSM-related diagnoses. My reason is that these psychologists act as if there is some "base-line" for sanity or normal human behavior. It sometimes seems like nothing more to me than a book of "ills" a person may have if they are unable to fit into a very...
  19. B

    Problems with disrespect from wife

    Heroshima -- man I feel your pain, and even the name of your title here makes me think that you are awaiting "the bombs to drop". Look being a father and nurturing a living thing is touchy business. It is hard to somehow give love, while also not being viewed as a "wuss", because love and care...
  20. B

    Most common flaws in the way a budding DJ thinks and acts

    I also am not sure if I entirely agree on the "target" approach. Man, what I've done is I have my "target" in my mind so to speak, ie, the fish I'd most prefer to eat and enjoy and spend time with, but I do generally "keep the vibes flowing outwards" in a sense. I find if you focus all of your...