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  1. Fatal Jay

    It Begins: Pedophiles Call for Same Rights as Homosexuals

    America is Gomorrah, read your history book a nation always falls when poverty rises all over the nation, and when homosexuality is on the rise.
  2. Fatal Jay

    Tazer happy police

    that 95 year old sounds like a thug, he got what he deserves.
  3. Fatal Jay

    We're all in this together

    I don't know if this dude is afro american or not, but I am. This entire post is exactly how I feel right now. From the top to the bottom. Thank you sir.
  4. Fatal Jay

    Tv = Debt

    I'm keeping my internet playherman for the simple fact I can research the real news and not the bull crap they want you to see. I can research anything I want, tv give you the made up bull$hit news
  5. Fatal Jay

    It Begins: Pedophiles Call for Same Rights as Homosexuals

    ^ the connection is they will use the "born this way" factor that gays use and it will work because their are a lot of gays and pedos that are in power right now. When you accept filth, don't be surprise when hell fellows. Homosexuals use to be devilish in the eyes of America, but year by year...
  6. Fatal Jay

    Tv = Debt

    Just think, as soon as you turn your tv on, you see 24/7 commercials on products that the media wants you to buy. No wonder America is the number 1 country that is in debt right now. TV is truly poison, I rarely watch it anymore. Maybe it is just me but it shows that the powers that be, want...
  7. Fatal Jay

    Nuclear war of 1812

    Heavy traces of radiation was found back in b.c .time yet scientist won't reveal this to you in the mainstream media. People in ancient times where lights years ahead of us in intelligence. Just because history books said so and so was invented in our time does not make it true, a lot of...
  8. Fatal Jay

    You are just a random sucker, then you walk with a girl and become george clooney

    It is very easy for women to get jealous or envious of other women, sad but true.
  9. Fatal Jay

    It Begins: Pedophiles Call for Same Rights as Homosexuals

    ^ I respect those countries like russia, and middle eastern nations who frown upon that sick $hit, once I save up more cash, I might consider moving out this gross a$$ country.
  10. Fatal Jay

    Feel good for doing this to a HB8

    Did you see where I said, do you think she got the point? This chick is hot, but her contacting me is a buzz kill, it brings me back to a point in my life that I will never go back to again.
  11. Fatal Jay

    Feel good for doing this to a HB8

    Before I took the red pill this hb8 (would be an hb9 if she didn't have a kid, this chick is flawless) use to give me the run around about being my woman, I wanted her bad to the point where I would take her out to dinner and spend money on her, to the point I'm ashamed on how much. I would even...
  12. Fatal Jay

    It Begins: Pedophiles Call for Same Rights as Homosexuals

    ^ America is full of weak minded people. That is why the majority of people follow whatever the tv does and treat celebrities like gods. They are easily manipulated.
  13. Fatal Jay

    It Begins: Pedophiles Call for Same Rights as Homosexuals

    For all you dumb asses who defended the gays, I told you that the pedos will demand their rights. They will use the "I was born this way" excuse. We live in a f*cked up nation If you accept gays, then you accept sick **** like beastility and pedophiles
  14. Fatal Jay

    The Gay Agenda and PUA's: Astonishing Similarities

    Two men can't create a baby. Two men can create destruction, ie aids or other stds. Therefore it is wrong, and against the creators design of man being with a woman.
  15. Fatal Jay

    When did SoSuave become an authoritarian state?

    ^ I agree, we need to sit aside our difference and have a little bit of this
  16. Fatal Jay

    Penis enlargement industry

    It must suck to have a small d*ck
  17. Fatal Jay

    5 weeks on

    I agree, back when I was an afc,fat, jobless. My ex girlfriend did the exact samething to me. Fast forward to the future, I dropped 80 pounds, attained a great job, two cars, and turned into a dj. I saw her with her husband, they are both fatties, she saw my transformation and started shaking...
  18. Fatal Jay

    George Zimmerman helps save a family

    Most American don't have common sense, and it is clear you don't either being that your still bringing this bull$hit up or you just feel like being a troll going back and forth with someone like females like to do.
  19. Fatal Jay

    George Zimmerman helps save a family

    What i'm wondering, why is whites acting all shook like it's a coming race war from all this. While the media have your brains on strings, you guys don't even know about whats going on in Egypt,iran, and Syria. You guys don't even know about the coming world war that's around the corner because...
  20. Fatal Jay

    George Zimmerman helps save a family

    why is people still on this ish, and the op is naïve. Of course he is going to watch his steps and do good in the public eye, I wont be surprise if he turns into a preacher or a monk.