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  1. Fatal Jay

    Geez, we can't get Obama and his clowns out of office soon enough....

    lmao what? I only did obama with an cap because it was the first thing in my sentence, I could care less about obama either. You brung up race not me, so you keep it moving.
  2. Fatal Jay

    Conspiracy Theories That You Actually Believe

    I thought about this also...if the earth is round, then why the people on in the south pole haven't fell off the earth. If the earth is round, there has to be a bottom where you can't reach or you will fall into space. I never believed the earth is round. I believe the earth to be a flat donut...
  3. Fatal Jay

    Geez, we can't get Obama and his clowns out of office soon enough....

    Obama is only finishing what bush was told to do. Americans still believe that presidents are in power? You are a dumb a$$ They have the oil and gold, and inside your wallet and bank accounts is the fake money, the same fake money your kids play with from the toy aisle. They want you to keep...
  4. Fatal Jay

    Wow...the kick ass 2 actor

    kick a$$? more like dumb a$$
  5. Fatal Jay

    Are we more civilized today than we were 100 years ago?

    how many people have been killed by smoking ciggs, and drunk drivers?
  6. Fatal Jay

    Are we more civilized today than we were 100 years ago?

    Blacks got done much worst, it too many factors to state but I will state a few. Those other countries you named still have their own language that they retained, blacks purposely was taught to not even read so they won't learn their history so they will not be able to get the confidence to...
  7. Fatal Jay

    We live in a world full of weak men, feminists, narcissists, sociopaths, etc......

    I don't understand why people hate the bible, when it talks about in the last days people will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, murderers, etc. This stuff is suppose to happen, because of the evil spirits who run this government. They are using us like cattle for their own...
  8. Fatal Jay

    New age coming...

    Well the pope already does a thing where he brings all the world's religion leaders together to have conferences so don't think it can't be done. The new world currency will be the rfid chips they will put inside your hands. You won't be able to eat,work, etc. without this. That's why all over...
  9. Fatal Jay

    Would you learn French or Russian?

  10. Fatal Jay

    "Classic," Movies That in Reality Are Overrated As F*ck and Are Straight Trash

    To kill a mockingbird is a dope movie, those movies that came out when our grandparents were young was great films.
  11. Fatal Jay

    Staged Protests

    Everything is fake, even all these court trials they been showing on tv. Now they are showing the singer Usher trial on tv lol.
  12. Fatal Jay

    New age coming...

    Yes it will be a new world religion, that will be headed by the pope. The new religion will go right along with the world currency they are coming with in the very near future.
  13. Fatal Jay

    Man kills wife, puts her dead body pic on facebook

    Yeah his wife was mos def a gangster.
  14. Fatal Jay

    "Classic," Movies That in Reality Are Overrated As F*ck and Are Straight Trash

    no, the most cool under rated sci fi movie is mission to mars with don cheedle in it
  15. Fatal Jay

    Man kills wife, puts her dead body pic on facebook

    geez, I have heard at least over 30 weird murders in florida ever since the trayvon martin trial
  16. Fatal Jay

    Nuclear war of 1812

    ^people back then was able to transform and manipulate objects to their will because they was so in tuned with God, it will come a time where the human race will return to this. We are only vessels, for either God or the enemy.
  17. Fatal Jay

    New age coming...

    There is a lot of truth to this.This is stuff fallen angels teach you to distract you from the supreme most high creator, the age of aquris. Nature and outer space is changing because of the immoral acts being done all of the world. You think God will let us get away with all the abortions we...
  18. Fatal Jay

    Are we more civilized today than we were 100 years ago?

    I would say no, for the simple fact people back then had more morals and self respect for themselves, and wouldn't be afraid to out someone if a person profess their homosexuality to the world or anything else immoral. People back then even banned liquor, and I give those people must respect for...
  19. Fatal Jay

    "Classic," Movies That in Reality Are Overrated As F*ck and Are Straight Trash

    The godfather....yes I said it. Also the movie aliens, the first one.