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  1. Fatal Jay

    Hot girls suck in bed

    This is true, average to below average, especially below average are the best in bed. Hotties suck, I been there.
  2. Fatal Jay

    I still dont get if its good or bad when girls see you with many other girls

    Its always good, jay-z look like joe the camel, but when he got with beyonce he turned into a sex symbol over night.
  3. Fatal Jay

    UFOs and world domination

    There are no such things in aliens. What you think is alien activity is things that reveal themselves from the spiritual world. They step out of their dimension to enter ours. They do this to mind fork you.
  4. Fatal Jay

    POF Women - Avoid?

    POF is basically single mom, and overweight girl central.
  5. Fatal Jay

    stripper game...

    You are the ultimate simp for having any intentions of leaving that place with a stripper number or getting in the bed with her. That's the whole point of a stripper is to lead afc guys like yourself on. They know if they flirt enough with the guy he will feel like "the one" she actually likes...
  6. Fatal Jay

    Does penis size matter?

    It does matter, I have heard women dog out guys with a small penis. I was talking to a girl last night and she said the guys that are overly nice to her are the guys with small a penis.
  7. Fatal Jay

    POF Women - Avoid?

    Women who mention bad past relationships, are women you won't have a long lasting relationship with. They will sabotage the relationship based off their own insecurities. Stay away from these type of women, it never ends well. Listen to HedoRick he knows exactly what he is talking about. POF...
  8. Fatal Jay

    Trayvon Martin

    On the cool, let me apologize to danger, and whoever else got offended by my comments that was truthful but yet slight racist... for the simple fact I sat back and really looked at both sides of the argument, you guys are right, there wasn't any evidence of Zimmerman wrong doing. My culture my...
  9. Fatal Jay

    Trayvon Martin come on brah seriously get off the gas, you knew exactly what you mean't when you said ebt and thug. It is what it is though, like I said I'm done, lol at give blacks a bad name, I'm an true example of a real black man, you wouldn't know anything about that since you accused this...
  10. Fatal Jay

    Trayvon Martin

    a black man can't expect to have rights in this fu*cked up country from the start, especially when it says in the amendment that a black man is 3/5 of a man. Blacks have been getting no justice since we stepped foot on this country. So Jaylan it is no point in going back and forth, let it go...
  11. Fatal Jay

    Trayvon Martin

    Just went on facebook, looks like the site is split in half with two different decisions lol
  12. Fatal Jay

    Ha, took a swim in 50 degree water!

    I want to bang a chick in the sea with big breast while drunk off beers. Even though I haven't drinked in awhile
  13. Fatal Jay

    New Member!

    Sup alec, welcome.
  14. Fatal Jay

    Anderson Silva gets knocked the eff out.......

    This though. You stay in the ring long enough and some one is bound to knock you out.
  15. Fatal Jay

    Sanford PD braces itself for Zimmerman riots

    thug in training, judging that dude and don't even have "evidence" on him being a thug. Good to know we still have people like you in this country. Whites are more of the thugs then blacks will ever be. Since the beginning of time you have destroyed, stolen, and raped other countries, you are...
  16. Fatal Jay

    Sanford PD braces itself for Zimmerman riots

    look at this ****ing picture, and tell me dude look like he took a hard beating if you think those are hard injuries then your a pu$$y
  17. Fatal Jay

    Sanford PD braces itself for Zimmerman riots

    most cowards bring guns to a fist fight. A real man takes an ass beating and keep it moving, and people who justify killing someone after getting their ass beat is in the same category in my book be them black,white,hispanic whatever talking about banging his head against the wall, dude bruises...
  18. Fatal Jay

    If you open thread, please place vote on poll- New Company Name?

    Galeteco Inc. that's all you need to do brah, all that galeteco dreams stuff wont be taken seriously
  19. Fatal Jay

    Sanford PD braces itself for Zimmerman riots

    how can one man jump someone I don't care if someone is beating my a$$, im not going to kill their ass dude went back and killed that dude. He was following him when they told him not too, that alone was violation
  20. Fatal Jay

    Sanford PD braces itself for Zimmerman riots

    a dead man can't defend himself. 9-11 told him not to follow trayvon, he did it anyway, that alone shows he wanted to do something, whats funny Zimmerman didn't even live at that place.