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  1. H

    Comic_Relief pictures

    Good work on the goal list, comic_relief. I don't think many people truly realise how important writing out your goals is (at least occasionally). I don't mean to judge you by my responses, I'm just throwing in my beliefs. It may seem that I put to much emphasis on looks, this is not true. I...
  2. H

    Comic_Relief pictures

    No, I'm not. I'm telling that people with high self-esteem take good care of themselves and others. It's one of the many symptons. It's not like: "Ow, I'd better look good so I can get my dose of approval from xyz people" It's because they respect themselves and like the image they see in...
  3. H

    Comic_Relief pictures

    I hate to be mean, but I have to agree with Ken and Concordon on this one. You should aim higher, a guy with a solid understanding of this stuff can get a hotter girl. Yeah sure. First: It's very evident you've never learned much about sexual attraction. Men are wired to be be sexually...
  4. H

    how hot is this lady to you?

    8.5 and 8.8 for blonde
  5. H

    **** this ****ing life..

    I'm going to have to give you some tough love here, because I once was in the exact some spot. Here's what this says about you: Translations: -I'm obsessed with the choices of another individual -I can't handle the fact that I'm not in control of other people's behavior -I have no other...
  6. H

    **** this ****ing life..

    **** yourself, man. You're operating out of a scarcity mentality. It's pathetic. You're only defining yourself with this rant, dude, not this website or any 'DJ' on here.
  7. H

    a sign of DJ growth?

    Increase in confidence Increase in social skills More friends Better body Closes Higher enjoyment of life in general A woman who loves you and who you love or maybe the best of all: Pro-active action
  8. H

    Where/what will you be in 100 billion years from now?

    Please tell me that this was intended as a bad joke... As for the God thing, I don't believe that if there is a God, he would be a closed-minded mofo. Religion is lame.
  9. H

    Is she a hor?

    No, that's called having a healthy sexuality. You should try it sometime, Mr. Troll-Threader.
  10. H

    Found some pictures

    :crackup: This email posting frenzy is fuccking hilarious
  11. H

    The Big Secret about Sex

    Here's why: Children are not yet fully responsible. They haven't got enough experience in life to be always knowing what will be good for them and what won't. That isn't to say that you shouldn't teach your children to be responsible, you should do that. But you must also understand that most...
  12. H

    Left or right brain?

    I can't get it to spin counter-clockwise. But then again, I know I'm very right-brained (which is a VERY good thing, left brain thinking can be very limiting thing). Do some of you actually keep seeing it counter-clockwise?
  13. H

    Try and stop being passive

    Very nice post. Short and spot-on. That's how I like them. Most AFC's have this trait as they start out, I know I had. But as you grow and mature, you start asserting yourself and get the results you deserve.
  14. H

    Face it, Direct Game is not a good way to meet girls.

    Face it, there are multiple ways to get girls and DG is one of them. Stop wasting time, folks.
  15. H

    Dude wtf you're not a man

  16. H

    Just finished reading The Game

    I like the part where Neill wrote about the metaphore about surfing and of going for a big wave and leave the little ones you can ride with ease every single time.
  17. H

    Question about the book of Pook

    @Rollo I'm not convinced. I don't think testosterone is responsible for desiring sex. I do believe it's a good measure for masculinity, which means you're a sexually aware man. That's something different than desiring sex. When I was an AFC I desired sex more than I do now, but I don't think...
  18. H

    I don't know, maybe some guys weren't cut out for this

    Funny clip DJD. And good advice as well. Speakeasy was just answering their questions logicly, that's why it went absolutely nowhere.
  19. H

    Question about the book of Pook

    This is were I have to disagree with Pook. Women want sex more than men do. Fact is that most women get it more than most men, so that's why most men are more desperate for it. But women want it much more then men do. Whether you want a relationship depends on the person, not so much on the...