Comic_Relief pictures


Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Baltimore, MD
TyTe`EyEs said:
You don't need a lot of money to get nice clothes. You can always go to Old Navy, Macy's, Ross, Goody's and so on. You don't have to have a fvcking eagle on your shirt to look good. Dress to impress, my friend.
True, I don't go to stores to buy my clothes. I usually go to Salvation Army or second hand stores because I don't need good clothes like that (although I tend to sometimes get those same clothes that you guys get). Plus, I have other uses for money other than buying clothes such as money for trips or fun times with my friends.

Although, I agree with you that I should dress a bit better. I will try to find some more hip clothing items such as jeans and tighter clothing options.

Microphone Fiend said:
no your style is orthodox, you look like the boy next door if this was 1990
^^^you dress like a father/old man.

I get the feeling you are the kind of guy who asks for advice but wont take any of it, so I guess my post is just for others with a similar style but on the fence over whether they should change.
Won't take any of the advice that is given to me? Hmmm... interesting considering that I conceded many things on these last couple of posts.

Microphone Fiend said:
Just to give you a heads up. Just because you think your shirts DHV and have stories behind it does not mean that girls' first impressions aren't:
Who the fvck dresses this guy? His mother?

Stop and ask yourself, "Will girls get to know the stories if they aren't attracted to me?" It is a whole lot easier to get them attracted when you look attractive then when you look like something out of a circa 1990 Land's End catalogue. All the people are saying the same thing, and you STILL choose to keep that style. It is not a good look, trust me. You look average as hell, you don't stand out at all. You look like a nobody. You have no fashion, no style, no pizazz, nothing.
You don't need to have "pizazz", if you are willing to just go up and talk to people. Your forgetting a fundemental principle of the game. Your forgetting personality, social proof, and power within your environment. If you have these things, you can make up for looks very simply.

btw people listen to people if they become freinds with them correct? I do not see why not. If you go into conversation "sexless" (to quote Pook) and then flirt around. You will be able to get the number and etc.

cordoncordon said:
Comic, in 99% of your pics, you are hanging out with people that most of society would deem as "not attractive", if not downright ugly. I'm not saying they are, I'm just saying how society would view them. So I can see why you would be the leader of your "group". You are not ugly. You could be reasonably attractive if you changed some things as I mentioned earlier. In your circle of friends it appears you are the best of the "average" or "worst". You would rather be a big fish in a small pond then a small fish in a big pond.
Actually, most of the pics have the same people because the pics come from my girlfriend's camera. Although, most of my friends would be deemed "unattractive" these are the same people that I talk about Philosophical pursuits with. Just because they are "unattractive"

Being a Don Juan is to be with many different groups of people and NOT caring what society thinks about them.

btw just because your attractive does not make you the leader. Having Charisma and knowing how to talk to people makes you a leader. One of my freinds who is attractive is a leader within his group and he is ugly. He knows how to talk to people and will own them in discussion. Look at Hitler, he was a fugly, but was the leader of millions (evil? Yes. Leader? Yes)

cordoncordon said:
I think though, you are failing to grasp the concept of "survival of the fittest". It has gone on for millions of years, and will always go on. People are attracted to good looking people. Fact. Good looking people have clear advantages in life, from careers, to dating, to social circles. Fact. In fact there was an study done recently that said in 10,000 years human society will be divided into two types of classes. An elite, wealthy, attractive class, and a lower, poor, unattractive class. The reason you like your group of friends are the best looking one, from what I could see. Put you in a group of people that are 8's and above, and i would be interested in seeing if your behavior changes.
I hang out with 8's and above from time to time. I dislike that group because of the fact that most of them have nothing in common with me. I ask them what they like to do. They answer with "I like to party." and so on and so forth. I have nothing in common and that is why I gravitate towards my friends because we click together very well. That is the reason. I don't hang out with people that I can't talk to on some intellectual level.

cordoncordon said:
I don't think anyone here is saying you should dump your gf if you are happy. I think though I am speaking for the majority here in saying that we are just not seeing how you could be sexually attracted to her, if you are truly honest with yourself. If you are, then you have certainly evolved beyond most here, including myself, because we are hardwired to be attracted to good looking people, in fact there have been many studies done on that as well if you are interested.
I don't plan on dumping my girlfriend at all. I do not believe that we are truely hardwired like everyone is saying. I believe that we are influenced by society and the media on what is attractive. In the middle ages, my girlfriend would have been attractive because women with extra-weight was considered attractive (this is going on what i heard a long time ago from history class). Therefore, I believe it is more society than evolution.

six headed lewis said:
To relate to the topic, her looks are a huge part of her personality and her development, especially considering attractiveness is the primary judgement of female worth. You are being naïve.

Don’t feel sorry for me, I feel sorry for you. I am smart enough to see the sh!t pile and stay out of it. You on the other hand, are due for a life of quiet desperation and dashed hopes. You’ll need luck more than I will.
Interesting wishbone effect. Very interesting, but I disagree with it. I agree with it because if left to their own devices that people will follow it. But as human beings, we are entitled to change that is why self-help books and websites like this are so important. You can change your status. That is the truth.

One man's sh!t pile is another man's heaven. To quote the Devil, "I will make a heaven of hell and a heaven of hell." Thats all I plan on saying to your sorry idea.

Considering that my girlfriend is not like most girls (no matter how much you will disagree with me). She puts more stock into accomplishments that she has reached and her future than her looks. We just don't give a sh!t about looks.

6 headed lewis said:
I never said your girlfriend was a 3, my response way to Maxtro, not you. As I said before, if you two are happy, good for you. I did not comment on your girl, I think it's inhumane to judge human beings overtly, we all do it internally, and we should keep it to ourselves.

You posted a picture of a consensus below-average female on a male forum, essentially feeding a Christian to a lion. Any derogatory comments are not caused by people’s cruelness, the root problem is your foolish decision to encourage it.
Actually, I was just posting pictures of myself with my freinds and girlfriend. I never thought that this would actually happen. It was unintended, but I cannot do anything about it anymore. If I would have thought about it, I would have not put her up. Oh well.

I am deeply sorry that i misunderstood what you were saying. That is my fault and I am sorry.

Mr. Positive said:
Hey Comic, IMO, I think you have a cute girlfriend and you seem like a happy decent fellow who enjoys life. You both look good together in the pictures you've shared, and seem to make a fine couple.

Don't listen to the people who view life through a photo-shopped Maxim ad.

Real life - real people.

Props for having the b@lls to share the pics, which is a hella of a lot more than most on this site, including me.:up:
You truely do live up to your name, Mr. Positive. Thank you. I believe that DJ's come in all shapes and sizes. There is no single form of the DJ. It is different and it is interesting that there is no single meaning of what being a Don Juan actually is. That mean that there is multiple ways of looking at it.



Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Baltimore, MD
iqqi said:
Lol... I did think that she was a guy at first, and since CR is always trying to be so funny...

But now after looking at ALL of the pics, she really IS a girl, and his girlfriend!

CR, you look like a fun guy.
HAHA, At first, I did not think that she was all that attractive as well. I have told my girlfriend that before as well. What made me give her a chance? Her personality is what made me give her a chance. Beauty is only skin deep.

Iqqi said:
Comic seems to truly love his girl, and that is better than any number scale. Besides, true beauty is within. I wouldn't be surprised if CR came back here and told us all that his girl is considered a catch where he lives, because everyone is blinded by her inner beauty!
Is she a catch in the looks? No. Is she a catch in the personality department? Yes! Over and over again. She is a giver. She has a unique style to life that makes her very different. She does not go and party or sleep around with lots of people. She lives her life to her own rules and doesn't give a sh!t what others think AND she stands up for herself in an arguement. Plus she will kick the sh!t out of anybody that gets up in her face. Thats a great personality in my opinion. She has a down-to-Earth view of life. It's much like my own.

Holland said:
It's very evident you've never learned much about sexual attraction.
Men are wired to be be sexually turned on by hot and healthy women, just like women are wired to be sexually turned on by dominant, masculine men. A relationship between a beautiful woman and a strong masculine man (with both healthy personality's and a strong sense of sexuality) is always going to be more fulfilling than a relationship between mediocre people who claim they don't need real value because they are 'so beautiful on the inside'. It's BS, and that brings me to:
Your outer appearance is a reflection of your inner beauty.
Translation: If you have high self-esteem you take good care of your body and appearance. You make sure it is attractive to yourself and others.
What if you break the wiring. I could have had a girl not too long ago that would have been absolutely gorgeous and sexy. Her personality just sucked and I dropped her because I got rid of her. Attraction to me is based 90% on personality and i have no problem dropping someone if I dislike thier personality. Can't take a joke? Bam, your gone. Snobbish attitude? Bam, your gone. I'm not going to accept some sh!tty attitude that has a great body but a personality that makes me want to shoot myself. Sorry, don't do it.

Secondly, I disagree with your second statement. Although, they have good points. I agree with Iqqi about this (don't think that I am skipping over you my dear. Your posts shall be answered). It is a trap to think that just because you get more self-esteem that you will get a new haircut or material possession. I go in the inverse, I work on myself and my own inner game and get more things out of that.

comic_relief said:
Hey guys, keep it up your killing me. I don't have much time to answer all of the posts in this thread, but I got time to ask Holland one...
Originally Posted by Holland
Your outer appearance is a reflection of your inner beauty.
Translation: If you have high self-esteem you take good care of your body and appearance. You make sure it is attractive to yourself and others.
Your telling me that the more self-esteem that you have, the better that you take care of your body and appearance?
What about the people that are happy as sh!t, but poor or have a genetic defect. I know some people that have high self-esteem, but just don't give a sh!t about their appearance for the simple fact that they just don't have time to take care of it (sure they workout four times a week, but don't put anything special into their appearance).

I'm usually so busy with extra-curricular clubs and activities, being VP of two clubs, planning a bike trip, meeting interesting and fun people, planning my future career, studying/school work, and restarting my exercise regiment that I don't have time to start caring about my hair or getting new clothes (lack of money doesn't help either).

I think that the more self-esteem that I get, the more you realize that outside appearances are bullsh!t. (The old adage "Outside beauty is only skin deep.")

Holland said:
comic_relief said:
Your telling me that the more self-esteem that you have, the better that you take care of your body and appearance?
No, I'm not.
I'm telling that people with high self-esteem take good care of themselves and others.
It's one of the many symptons.
It's not like: "Ow, I'd better look good so I can get my dose of approval from xyz people"
It's because they respect themselves and like the image they see in the mirror. They value and respect themselves and therefore choose to take good care of themselves.

It seems to me that you're just saying:
"Hey man, I can look at myself in the mirror and see myself at 40% of my potential and accept that. Therefore I have more self-esteem, because these losers over there have to be at 90-100% of their potential to do that"
But that kind of thinking is not accurate.
Because those same people that demand 100% of themselves are also accepting toward themselves if they are at 10/20/30/xyz % of their potential. It's about not settling for less than you can be. Sure there will be obstacles, 'bad' days, tough times etc. But your burning desire for an optimal experience of life should never die out (or maybe worse, dwindle into a mediocre flame)

There was this quote of Rollo that explains this:
rollo tomassi said:
Beware of turning you're lack of game into a virtue, you're only fooling yourself
PS: Lack of time and money are excuses, you don't want to fall into traps like that.

Another symptom of high self-esteem is being happy with yourself and a neverending improvement. Which I believe that i am onto.

Whenever I look into the mirror, I am very proud of what I see. I see what I used to look like and what I look like now and smile. If I had a pic of what I used to look like, then I would show you. it was pretty pathetic. Now, I think that i have improved so much more than what you think that i have. I still have to go light years to go before I am really good looking, but I think that i am better off then what I was.

Also, I believe I am having an optimal life experience. Which is continually getting better. Not worse, only better.

I agree with you on the fact that a lack of money and time are not excuses. I agree with you and I should not rely on that as a crutch.

Iqqi said:
I think that people who are truly confident and happy with themselves don't give a sh!t what anyone else thinks about "keeping up appearances". Its funny how someone thinks that if you feel great inside you are more likely to get a haircut, buy some new clothes, exercise, ect, when those are activities that people who DON'T feel good about themselves do.

And yes, the people who realize that its what is inside that counts, are the wise ones.

I think it is sad some people will always be so looks or status obsessed.
Exactly Iqqi, I could not agree with you anymore than I already am. Your right on point. If you free yourself from the "looks or status obsessed" state, then you will be free to actually find someone who is quite compatible. It also will make the HB's that have had everything given to them, lose all their power over you. Isn't that another point of the website's tactics.

Iqqi said:
And no, people aren't only attracted to looks. My best friend is gorgeous, always has been, always will be, and she is married to a guy whose face looks like it was smashed by a ram truck. That was first few impressions.

Funny thing happened. I got to know him, and now I think he is one of the most handsome guys I know.
what you pointed out is that he has charisma. I believe that it was a commonly held belief on this website that looks may help open the door and help with One night stands, but when it comes to long term relationships that looks don't matter as much and having great social skills and being interesting will help more in the long run.

I am the same way, I do not care for looks because looks are not that dang important. I know some people that are 4's and 5's that automatically gain points because of their personality.


6-heads lewis

Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2006
Reaction score
Fair enough, we get each other.

"We just don't give a sh!t about looks."

With this comment you're inviting a debate you probably can't win. Nothing personal, it's just an unenviable stance.

Please note that when I refer to "the sh!t pile", I dont mean your girlfriend, but the unpleasant side of humanity in general. I actually feel sorry for her, based on your description she seems like a nice person who doesn't deserve this scrunity.

Your ambitions and hopes are sincere, I wish you luck. But note that with such high goals, they will be almost impossible to attain, and you do not appear to be in the 1% of genetically and environmentally gifted people. If the harsh realities hit you as I expect them to, it will be very traumatizing.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
Reaction score

Poets have swooned over it since the invention of the written word; singers started crooning about it even before that time. It is a central theme in our daily lives, from the books we read to the people who make our hearts beat a little faster. It's what "makes the world go 'round."

Love as we know it, however, remains an intangible feeling. No definitive method exists to calculate or predict to whom we will be attracted. For the most part, attraction remains an unsolved mystery--until now.

From the same discipline that brought the mysteries of genetic inheritance into the realm of understanding, science has begun to tackle a new question: what causes attraction. Recent experiments involving everything from sweaty T-shirts to facial symmetry have started to piece together some of the clues to this enormously complex phenomenon. Not surprisingly, the unifying theme behind all of this new information is one common to biology: evolutionary fitness.

"Judging beauty has a strong evolutionary component. You're looking at another person and figuring out whether you want your children to carry that person's genes," says Devendra Singh, a professor of psychology at the University of Texas.1 The scientific properties of attraction (to whatever extent they are involved) can be explained by the simple will to produce viable offspring, also know as healthy kids.

Beyond this underlying principle of attraction, one begins to wonder how, and on what level, one can judge the fitness of another person. Certainly, a person smitten for the first time at a bar doesn't ask for a genetic sequence and specifics about that special someone's immune system before approaching him or her.

Yet some of that information is received and interpreted at a sub-conscious level, yielding all of the necessary information to trigger attraction without any expensive tests. The study of attraction has so far identified two main ways in which fitness information can be encoded from one person to another: pheromones and body form.

Scientists have known for quite some time that pheromones (chemically-secreted, odorless, airborne molecules) can trigger large sexual responses in non-human animals, but up until recently they had assumed that humans had lost the ability to use this "sixth sense."

In 1985, researchers at the University of Colorado found vomeronasal organs (VNOs, organs that receives pheromone molecules) in human nostrils.2 Coincidentally, VNOs connect directly to a part of the brain responsible for basic drives and emotions.

Shortly thereafter, the VNO was correlated to brain activity, causing a sudden surge in pheromone research. Now, "pheromone" has become a biological buzzword for the nineties.

One of the first and most famous experiments on the science of attraction asked women to rate intensity, pleasantness, and sexiness based on men's sweaty T-shirts. Claus Wedekind of the Zoological Institute at Bern University in Switzerland wanted to see if women could differentiate between men with similar and dissimilar immune systems.

Dr. Wedekind believed that women, using pheromones as signals, would rate T-shirts from men with dissimilar immune systems higher on all three counts, thus making the likelihood of genetically diverse, healthy offspring greater. He found that "women... who are dissimilar to a particular male's MHC [immune system markers of identity] perceive his odor as more pleasant than women whose MHC is more similar to that of the test man (3)."

Further evidence that pheromones might play a role in attraction was found by Dr. Carole Ober of the University of Chicago's Department of Human Genetics. Her group took DNA samples from an isolated religious group called the Hutterites. This group from South Dakota marries among themselves and tends to have large families. The Hutterites descend from 64 European immigrants and thus have a similar genetic make-up, including immune system types (3).

The University of Chicago group examined the haplotype matches of MHC immune system markers for couples. Random pairings in the colony, based on genetic data generated by a computer simulation, were compared to the colonies' actual couples. The simulation predicted many more haplotype-matched couples (identical immune systems) than were actually found in the Hutterites. Dr. Ober's explanation? She believes that pheromones could have prevented couples with identical immune systems from being attracted to each other (3).

Beyond pheromones, many scientists believe that body form, especially symmetry, conveys a sub-conscious message of fitness and initiates attraction. The theory goes that asymmetrical phenotypic features give clues to underlying genetic problems, thus yielding less viable offspring.

One paper published in 1994 explains that symmetry is used "as a means of ascertaining the stress susceptibility of developmental regulatory mechanisms."4 In other words, organisms that maintain symmetrical features under environmental stresses also maintain healthy, unaffected genomes. Symmetry is simply a way for an organism, including a human, to advertise that genetic fitness.

Numerous studies of symmetry in humans have shown that men especially are more attracted to women with symmetrical features. (One hypothesis suggests that women are not as concerned with symmetry because instead of breeding, they look for a mate that can provide food and protection for their offspring, i.e., money and power for humans (2).

In one recent study conducted by Randy Thornhill of the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, college males found symmetrical female faces more attractive than asymmetrical faces. In addition, the symmetry-blessed women showed a history of more sexual partners and tended to lose their virginity at an earlier age (2). This same pattern for symmetry preference held true for both facial and non-facial characteristics in two additional studies.(1,5)

Besides symmetry, there are other subtle clues to fitness in the human body. Society has often propelled the "hour-glass figure" as a model for all women to strive for, and with good reason. Even this seemingly obvious attracting trait has a biological basis.

Studies have shown that men are most attracted to women with a waist-to-hip ratio of 0.7. A group of researchers at the University of Texas at Austin decided to compare that number to the average ratio of winners of the Miss America pageant and found that the two numbers were identical (2).

The specific 0.7 ratio suggests a woman's fitness and ability to bear children (younger girls lack the curves while older women tend to develop more fat around their waist). Surprising to some, the attractiveness of women with a waist-to-hip ratio of 0.7 holds true over a range of weights (2).

Not everyone is convinced that pheromones and body form control attraction. One skeptic of the idea of pheromone influence, a biologist at Arizona State University, says, "I think mate choice is probably a lot more complicated, particularly in humans."3

Indeed, one must always take into consideration the role of free will in attraction. In addition, many researchers have suggested that pheromones and body form only get the proverbial foot in the door; from there, the course of the relationship is controlled by many other factors, both conscious and sub-conscious.

But the question remains, why are we so fascinated with the science of attraction? Perhaps some are tantalized by the idea of being able to quantify a previously mysterious subject. The idea of identifying love by free-floating molecules and symmetrical features is a radical, if not a scary, way of understanding one of the greatest human mysteries. Others may simply be looking for a date.

Even though the science of attraction is still much debated, you never know: Falling in Love, a new pheromone perfume that runs about $60 for one tenth of an ounce, might be worth the extra cost to attract that future special someone.1


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
Reaction score
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
men like good-looking women; or, the argument for facial attractiveness

Thanks for another good chuckle, FoxNews. This time, it's the headline that got me:

"Earth-Shattering Study: Men Like Good-Looking Women"

Which is laughable...until you find out that the study is published in PNAS. I don't think I'm going out on a limb here when I say that that's a fairly prestigious journal. So, I checked the current PNAS issue and two prior issues for the original study. How am I missing the article? If someone can locate it, I'd really appreciate a link...

Resorting to excerpts from the writeup:

Participants ranged in age from 26 to their early 40s and took part in "speed dating," short meetings of three to seven minutes in which people chat, then move on to meet another dater.
After the session, the researchers compared what the participants said they were looking for with the people they actually chose to ask for another date.
Men's choices did not reflect their stated preferences, the researchers concluded. Instead, men appeared to base their decisions mostly on the women's physical attractiveness.

Shocking, I know. I particularly enjoyed this part:

The men also appeared to be much less choosy. Men tended to select nearly every woman above a certain minimum attractiveness threshold, [researcher] Todd said.

Aside from the fact that common bar conversation amongst friends has seemingly evolved into PNAS-worthy research, this is proof of the pudding. Men are attracted to good-looking women.
But what makes someone attractive?
One common theme pursued by researchers is the idea of facial symmetry. Faces with a high degree of symmetry are typically considered more attractive.* Symmetry has been associated with good health and genetic quality (or "phenotypic condition"). It's been proposed that asymmetry might reflect genetic factors that would "disturb bilateral symmetry" in a developing animal. If that developing animal is one's offspring, it makes a good deal of sense that we'd look for genes that would promote even-keeled development across the midline of the body, right?

But some convincing evidence suggests that it's not the symmetry as much as the expressiveness and emotionality of a face. A study manipulated the features of asymmetric faces and found that, when the features were altered to enhance the symmetry of the face, the face was rated as less attractive. I'm not sure how much distortion occurred, but researchers believed that the newly symmetric faces were less attractive "because of the reduction of natural directional asymmetries, perhaps making the faces appear unemotional.

Nevertheless, patterns in facialmetric characteristics (yes, that's the actual term) emerge consistently. Men are apparently judged on the angle between their eyes and mouth (see image at right; here for cite) and are considered more attractive based on cheekbone prominence, facial length and Geico Man-like forehead height. Those who have higher levels of testosterone are typically ranked as having more masculine faces, associated with the above characteristics. Women may use facial attractiveness as a proxy measure for a male's physical strength. And men, take note: if a women doesn't find you attractive at first glance, try again in a few weeks. It turns out that ratings of a male's facial attractiveness fluctuates with a female's menstrual cycle and peaks at ovulation.

And, surprisingly, men's perceived attraction to infants predicted whether females would be attracted to their face. Turns out that Potential Mom is looking for a good-looking mate and father.

I could find considerably less research regarding female's facial attractiveness. One study found that "hyperfeminine" characteristics, such as a small pointed chin, are considered most attractive, and that such characteristics are separable from sexually dimorphic development. The symmetry argument appears to apply to ladies as well.
Unfortunately for our perpetually youthful-looking friends of both sexes, babyfaceness isn't associated with attractiveness. Less wrinkles as you age, perhaps, but not attractiveness.
Researchers have proposed that our decisions of whether we find someone attractive may be due to hormones that we were exposed to in utero or during puberty, our heavy reliance on visual information (based on the brain size and capacity of us large-brained mammals), our innate information-processing systems developed to recognize/perceive/process various stimuli, or our desire to pass "attractive genes" to our offspring so that they might have a higher probability of finding a mate and consequent reproductive success.**
I've discussed facial attractiveness with the intentional omission of physical (i.e. corporal) attractiveness. I imagine this self-evident component of speed-dating, particularly related to males' snap perceptions, is partially what FoxNews was giggling about. But I'll return to this issue in a future post...

Channel your excited feelings into positive thoughts and behaviors. You will attract women by being enthusiastic, radiating energy, and becoming someone who is fun to be around.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Baltimore, MD
6-heads lewis said:
Fair enough, we get each other.

"We just don't give a sh!t about looks."

With this comment you're inviting a debate you probably can't win. Nothing personal, it's just an unenviable stance.

Please note that when I refer to "the sh!t pile", I dont mean your girlfriend, but the unpleasant side of humanity in general. I actually feel sorry for her, based on your description she seems like a nice person who doesn't deserve this scrunity.

Your ambitions and hopes are sincere, I wish you luck. But note that with such high goals, they will be almost impossible to attain, and you do not appear to be in the 1% of genetically and environmentally gifted people. If the harsh realities hit you as I expect them to, it will be very traumatizing.
true, disregard any statement of looks since I do not want this to turn into a looks vs. personality debate. Please. I do not have the patience for it.

I do not believe that she deserves this type of scrutiny ever. Actually, I don't believe that many people at all deserve this type of scrutiny. I opened myself up to this scrutiny because I put myself out there.

Thank you too, I have a life time to fulfill them all. So, i suppose that i have time. Plus, I am working on completing some of them right now.

I'll keep you updated.



Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
Reaction score
Comic like I said, if you are happy with her, how you look, how you dress, etc. Then more power to you and keep it up :).


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2003
Reaction score
I gotta weigh in here are one of the few people on this board I have respect for. You seem like a guy who is comfortable with his life, unlike a lot of losers on the board.

Personally, I find your girlfriend to be average bordering on cute, but that doesn't matter. I estimate that what we look like is less than 10% of who we actually are, and if your GF is as sweet and interesting a girl as you make her out to be, I'm glad for you.

As for you, you seem like a decent looking guy. You should dress however makes you feel comfortable, and I'm no fashionista like some of these guys, but you might make more of an impression on other people if you dressed with a little more personal style and character. Perhaps adding some accessories like a unique watch or necklace, or a hat (no giant fuzzy hats though!). If you're on a budget, you can pick up a lot of the stuff out for cheap. And, you might already do it, but you can add a few nice stylish button ups for nights out on the town. Just wear whatever fits your style and mood.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
Reaction score
Serialized....Average to cute???? Uh......I'm sorry but how in any way is this cute?

What am I missing here? And that's dressed up. I mean I gotta be honest here. That's a 1.5 in that pic. Just keeping it real.

Wow either I'm in the twilight zone or you gotta get out more lol.

No disrespect comic :). Like I said I'm sure she is a great person. Looks aren't everything.


Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Baltimore, MD
Serialized3 said:
I gotta weigh in here are one of the few people on this board I have respect for. You seem like a guy who is comfortable with his life, unlike a lot of losers on the board.

Personally, I find your girlfriend to be average bordering on cute, but that doesn't matter. I estimate that what we look like is less than 10% of who we actually are, and if your GF is as sweet and interesting a girl as you make her out to be, I'm glad for you.

As for you, you seem like a decent looking guy. You should dress however makes you feel comfortable, and I'm no fashionista like some of these guys, but you might make more of an impression on other people if you dressed with a little more personal style and character. Perhaps adding some accessories like a unique watch or necklace, or a hat (no giant fuzzy hats though!). If you're on a budget, you can pick up a lot of the stuff out for cheap. And, you might already do it, but you can add a few nice stylish button ups for nights out on the town. Just wear whatever fits your style and mood.
Actually, you bring up an interesting point. That I should have mentioned earlier.

Dress Shirts
- Dark Blue dress shirt
- checkered yellow and white shirt (Chaps: Ralph Lauren)
- Checkered light blue and white button up (brand name)
- checkered light blue and white button up (adidas)
- white striped button up (Van Heusen)

- 14 karat gold solid (about $350 bought for a quarter). wear it no matter where I go, even if it is just to class. Usually under the shirt and not noticable.

- Suit and top hat that I use for special occasions

- Freeman dance shoes (polished as well)

- one belt buckle with an eagle on it


Never try to read a woman's mind. It is a scary place. Ignore her confusing signals and mixed messages. Assume she is interested in you and act accordingly.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2003
Reaction score
cordoncordon said:
Serialized....Average to cute???? Uh......I'm sorry but how in any way is this cute?

What am I missing here? And that's dressed up. I mean I gotta be honest here. That's a 1.5 in that pic. Just keeping it real.

Wow either I'm in the twilight zone or you gotta get out more lol.

No disrespect comic :). Like I said I'm sure she is a great person. Looks aren't everything.
Like every picture you have ever been in has turned out looking "ultra-realistic". :rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2003
Reaction score
I don't have myspace, so I've only seen the other pictures where she looks average bordering cute. Even after seeing your pictures, I'd still say she looks rather average, possibly below average in those pictures.

Since you're calling me out, I'll post pics of 2 of the girls I'm seeing.




Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
Reaction score
Ok there ya go serialized.

First pic to me she is average. THAT is average :).

Second pic the girl is above average. Hard to tell with the make up and outfit the way it is, but looks like a solid 7-7.5.



Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2003
Reaction score
Yeah, but surprise surprise, I like the "average" one much more (shes a physical 7 to me, and I think she's actually slightly more attractive than the second girl)

Girl #1 is just so outgoing, easy to talk to, friendly, kindhearted, cultured, and intelligent, compared to girl #2 who is more of an average party-girl,


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
Reaction score
Well its hard to tell with the first one only being a face shot and the second one not looking "normal" in her getup and makeup.


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2007
Reaction score
Guys, people are attracted to certain things, and some people are less photogenic. Attraction is completely subjective, and I've found that some women just bring out the animal in me personally, that others would consider just average.

Personality has a lot to do with it too. Some women seem to be able to light up a room when they walk into it, they have some 'aura' about them, that can't be captured in pictures.

Basically, what I'm saying is...if you think that attraction is simply how someone looks in a few pictures, you need to get out of the house, and away from the computer more. Get into real life.

As far as Comic's gal, I, personally, think she has a geniune look about her, and a nice smile.

But really, that's not the purpose of this thread, is it? Take a look at the whole picture. I'd be willing to bet that Comic is out there living his life to the fullest that he can, while you all are sitting there nitpicking his GF?

Man...I need to go back to the mature forum..


Master Don Juan
Jun 3, 2005
Reaction score
Good work on the goal list, comic_relief.
I don't think many people truly realise how important writing out your goals is (at least occasionally).
I don't mean to judge you by my responses, I'm just throwing in my beliefs.
It may seem that I put to much emphasis on looks, this is not true.
I believe inner beauty is the most important thing, but I think it's pretty lame when posters like iqqi start using those things as an excuse.
It's very clear that after my second post she still doesn't understand where I'm coming from.

I think that people who are truly confident and happy with themselves don't give a sh!t what anyone else thinks about "keeping up appearances". Its funny how someone thinks that if you feel great inside you are more likely to get a haircut, buy some new clothes, exercise, ect, when those are activities that people who DON'T feel good about themselves do.

And yes, the people who realize that its what is inside that counts, are the wise ones.
This is what I was also communicating....

I think it is sad some people will always be so looks or status obsessed.
That's true, but that is not the kind of person I'm describing.

And no, people aren't only attracted to looks. My best friend is gorgeous, always has been, always will be, and she is married to a guy whose face looks like it was smashed by a ram truck. That was first few impressions.

Funny thing happened. I got to know him, and now I think he is one of the most handsome guys I know.
Does he take good care of the body that remained after the accident?
I bet he does.

My ideal girl has great looks, as well as a great personality and I can honestly say that I've succeeded at being with that girl. And it was all because I was willing to work on myself (both on my inner and my outer 'game'). Sure my personality was a much bigger factor in my success, but I think it's very lame to deny your outer body and just let it get mediocre.

I think this is the big trap of spirituality. People start thinking to less of their outer appearance. They 'forget' they're still living in this physical world.
Yes, you're a spiritual being, but you're also a spiritual being having a PHYSICAL experience. Never forget that.

I remember Tony Robbins talking about a fat guy, who thought he was all spiritual and that being fat meant he was even more spiritual, because that meant he understood that his physical body was only a vehicle and in this way, the only people who would positively interact with him, were people that were also very spiritual because they would only see his inner beauty and not judge him for his fat, unhealthy appearance. (For the record: He probably ended up interacting with people who we're just as lame and mediocre as he was).

Fat guy: "Well, I don't care about my looks and body, it's just a vehicle."
Tony Robbins: "Mmmm, is it a quality vehicle?"
Fat guy: "That doesn't matter, it gets me where I want to go"
Tony Robbins: "What if I told you that your body is the temple of God?"
Fat guy: "Ooow....."
Truth is, if you're not healthy and abundant, I truly do not believe you are very spiritual.

If someone is excusing and has lame results in his/her life and then goes to say: "Heeeey, but I'm enjoying it!!! That means I'm very spiritual!". I don't buy that. I have to keep myself on track with this as well and make sure I'm pushing myself to the edge of my capabilities. That is what being ALIVE is all about. And part of that is bringing that same attitude and sharing it with your fellow men and women.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
comic_relief said:

This is pictures of me from this year. It has pictures of me, my girlfriend, and a couple of my friends.

Take a look and give me your information.

comment on pictures as well.

Constructive criticism is welcomed


PS: Eventually I will delete the myspace so it is up for a limited time.

You are only 20 and you are young.

So...let me give you some advice.

1) You seem happy...happier than over 80% of the men that post in this place. Therefore, who cares what others think about you?

2) You have a girl. What some men call an 8 others can call a 4. Who cares what others think about your girl's looks?

3) People in here are trying to advice you about fashion. But do you know what? It is about style and NEVER about fashion. You have your own style. And that's what will make you cool. That's what make George Clooney in Ocean's 11 cool...and that is what makes Napoleon Dynamite cool too.

4) The tan issue. Who cares? Lot of women like white men. I'm naturally tan....that's my skin color. I don't want to be white and I don't want to be black. If you like the color of your be it. But don't listen to anyone that tells you that you need a tan. You don't "need" anything. You either WANT or DON'T WANT.

5) The only issue I see...and I will share with you has NOTHING to do with the pictures you posted it. Posting pictures for the sole purpose of getting people you have NEVER seeing opinions is an insecurity issue. Work on that.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
at our house
amen to lationman.
comic, you have more going on for yourself than other members on this board have a clue about, and you are a happy guy.
your life is full of lots of things, please do not take to heart what every single person on this thread has written, because those are the sorts of things that will weigh you down with unnecessary thoughts and burdens.

What happens, IN HER MIND, is that she comes to see you as WORTHLESS simply because she hasn't had to INVEST anything in you in order to get you or to keep you.

You were an interesting diversion while she had nothing else to do. But now that someone a little more valuable has come along, someone who expects her to treat him very well, she'll have no problem at all dropping you or demoting you to lowly "friendship" status.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.
