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  1. C

    I Love Street Fight Stories!!!

    OK I agree with what you're saying.. but.. 2. If someone hit your friend you wouldn't hit him? 4. I know Taekwon-do is the least realistic martial art ever, but that is when you think every situation is like a sparring match. And I also do Boxing, Muay Thai and Jiu-Jitsu. I never siad TKD...
  2. C

    Inner-Game Help !!

    This is one of the first rules of pick-up, don't put women on a pedestal. Firstly, looks aren't rare. How many 9s or 10s do you see on a night out? Quite a few I'll bet. If you don't believe you are good enough, raise your value. But don't think of them as these untouchable beings, they...
  3. C

    I Love Street Fight Stories!!!

    I got one.. I'm at Uni and went back to my hometown to see my mates, I get off the train, get a taxi to the flat. Have a few mixers with my mates, and go out. We're walking towards town when we see some guy (5ft 9, 150lb maybe) pissing on someone's front door. One of my mates says, 'Why...
  4. C

    Take the Red Pill.

    This is pretty much the beginning of Blueprint Decoded
  5. C

    Last Night I slept with 2 Russian Chicks...

    This is a pretty funny story. I don't get why she let you in her bed/flat if she shared a bed with her flatmate.. You should've gone for the three-some. And the gay bit HAHAHAH that's funny, haha hope you didn't have a shriv.
  6. C

    Current status of forums...

    I haven't been here long so I haven't seen much of a change but some of the questions are ridiculous. Maybe they overthink.
  7. C

    helped a girl in a phone shop then saw her again after tried to no. close

    What happened? And yeah always go for the number whatever.
  8. C

    "Call me tomorrow"

    Yea but do it in the evening, make her wait a bit ;)
  9. C

    Women in America vs foreign women

    If you are dominant enough, you can get a girl to do anything, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be a gentleman.
  10. C

    Funny field self cam Store/Mall approaches.

    HAHA booty cam HAHAHA wish he'd approach some white girls HAHA 15 funny MAybe he could be a little less direct
  11. C

    Calling All Players!!!!!!! Help

    "Hey you look like my friend.. C3PO" Lame but better than nothing,
  12. C

    Do ugly girls have lots of sex?

    HAHA, new season of FG just started in UK :D Anyway all girls get sex, but not all guys do, it should be the other way round.
  13. C

    Post your "night approaches" and I'll do them

    How about, "You looked nice so I thought I'd say hello" or if you're looking for fun "Hi do you have a boyfriend?" Most likely they'll be creeped out and say yes even if they don't then, "What's his name" This'll be funny because if they lied they'll struggle to think of a name...
  14. C

    good move?

    You seem to be seeing her non-stop, maybe have a few days off, do something else.. (which you should be doing). But if SHE asked YOU to pop by and say hi, then she's obviously interested. I think you're doing fine, but don't priorotise her.
  15. C

    Why are some guys invisible?

    Some of the questions asked here are pretty stupid.. but people are on here to improve themselves or help others so not everyone is going to be perfect.. c'mon. I still don't understand what this thread is about as well
  16. C

    How Do You Not Care ?

    What you should think, instead of I don't give a ****, is I want what's best for me, whatever happens.
  17. C

    Online Dating

    go to RSD and search online there's loads of threads with what people have said. Mainly be funny and sexual. It's easy because you have so much time to think about it.
  18. C

    Direct Game Vs Indirect Game

    If you are direct but hold your frame then you can get past their initial resistance. A girl told me within a few seconds of me saying hello she was seeing someone. I later found out she only said that because I was 'another guy hitting on her', but I ignored it, carried on, showed her a good...
  19. C

    Awesome article

    Really good article, I agreed with so much. One of my flat mates says he doesn't have the time to keep fit, but he has enough time to watch Star Trek for an hour every day and a few south parks.. Also the ending was good :)
  20. C

    Nightclub Trends

    Whatever they do in real life? You shouldn't need to make fun of them really.. that's just putting them down. If you mean negging.. Although you shouldn't need to neg really either My gran has that dress Is that hair real? Dunno I don't do it much