Take the Red Pill.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2007
Reaction score
This wasn't originally intended for this site, but I thought I'd share with you guys too.


First off, to the lazy fvcks who are ok with having a mediocre life and have the attention span of a four year old on a red cordial high, let me save you the trouble of scrolling down to check how long this is, by telling you that this is TWO THOUSAND words long. Shoo, shoooo.

Secondly, the following ideas and philosophies are drawn from my personal experiences, from my own life, if you like it, great, if not, throw it out.

Thirdly, there are incredible men out there who have paved the way for people like me who aspire to be the best I can be. These people have helped me immensely through their sharing and insights, and perhaps don’t even know it. So a big thanks to these people.

“If I have seen further, it is only by standing on the shoulder of giants” -Sir Isaac Newton.


Ok class, let’s cut the bullsh*t and get this started. There will be no toilet breaks, you will not speak unless being spoken to, and you will shut the fvck up and listen carefully. Now get your pens out and take some notes…

*Simpsons Cloudy Opening Scene*

Wise Guy Enterprises in association with the Sosuave Network presents...

“Lessons in Life”

A young man wakes up old. He wakes up unhappy, unfulfilled and realises the life he leads is nothing like that he hoped it to be. He realises he has wasted so much precious time and the best years of his life doing something he never loved. As if snapping awake from a hazy dream, he finally grasps the fact that he is growing old, that the dreams he so passively pursued are slowly slipping away from his reaches, and it dawns on him that he has turned out to be someone he himself doesn’t find interesting, someone that he wouldn’t want to hang around with… someone that he doesn’t even like.

He mutters a single word underneath his breath.


Lesson One: Unplug Yourself from the Matrix

The majority of human beings coast through life on “autopilot”, they do things without understanding why, and their lives are just a blurry sh*thole of a movie you bought for 25c at some backyard garage sale. The plot is tacky, the main character is a loser, the co-stars are a bunch of d*ckheads and the ending leaves you thinking it was a waste of time and that you could have been doing something better.

When you go through life doing things without understanding why, making decisions without a clear goal and being constantly ashamed/dishonest/unclear with what you really want, you end up spending most of life pretty fvcking unhappy. You end up being the star of that movie, you feel like sh*t, the people around you end up being a bunch of douche bags you don’t even like, your life turns out to be empty no matter how much sh*t you buy and try to stuff into it, and one day you wake up realising all the precious time you wasted. Very few people have enough self awareness to realise what it is that they are really after, what their core values are and what will make them truly happy, a happiness that will last.

Lie to Anyone but Yourself

How many of you can say you are truly honest with yourselves? Do you really want to get into Accounting? Real Estate? Medicine? Or do you just want a “secure” future, the cash and the social status? Would you really enjoy it? Or are you just trying to convince yourself? Do you really like this girl? Or are you just justifying reasons to be guilt free in wanting to fvck her brains out? Do you even want to fvck her? Or just say you ****ed her, for that ego boost, the validation and to impress your mates? Do you even think that highly of your friends? Or are you just scared of being lonely? Are you really into the sh*t on the music charts? Or do you just want to fit in? Do you really like Reeboks/Nikes and all those fancy shoes? Or are you a sheep? Baaaah fvcking baaah.

I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with the things above, there is nothing wrong with getting into Accounting/Real Estate/Medicine, there is nothing wrong with being in love with a chick or being in a relationship, hell there’s not even anything wrong with wearing Reeboks and Nikes, not if you are honest with yourself and understand that you truly find these things important, that the passion is real not fabricated, because if they aren’t, the bullsh*t happiness you find in these things will never be real, and never last anyway. Save yourself the trouble and get it right the first time.

So many of us drift through our lives, doing things that are a fvcking waste of time, doing things because it “seems like a good idea”, without thinking, doing sh*t just for the sake of doing it. Then all of a sudden you’re 40, you know you’re spouse is not the right one for you and you are in an unhappy, boring, unfulfilling relationship, you have an average life that bores you to tears and the dreams you always thought you’d one day achieve have become pale and lifeless, the very happiness, the juice of life that drives and inspires us to go on has been drained from your body. You breathe but you feel lifeless. Your heart is beating, but you’ve been buried. When your core values are gone, when your passion for life dies, so do you.

By asking yourself the right questions and being completely honest with yourself, you will slowly notice a heightened sense of awareness and see the world in a different light, as if you now possess the ability to take a step out of your body to view and judge your own actions. This is the first step in unplugging yourself from the matrix, with your raised self awareness you have now separated yourself from the majority of humans who don’t even know their fvcking selves, who end up wasting their lives away pursuing a happiness they’ll never attain, mostly because they are looking in the wrong places. By turning autopilot off and taking control of your own actions, you have taken the first steps in escaping the web of lies and deceit, this matrix of ordinary, and be the few people who truly have an extraordinary life.

Upon reaching this heightened awareness, you slowly realise that a lot of the sh*t you’ve been taught is false, social conditioning has given you a bunch of useless tools, what’s accepted by society as a “normal life” isn’t necessarily going to make you happy, and a lot of the ideas adopted as “social norms” really just limit your experiences, and limit what you could truly achieve. “Common sense” and being “realistic” are really chains wrapped around your ankles to make sure you sit the fvck down and be depressed and live a sh*tty ordinary life like the majority of the human race.

The World You Knew Was a Cage

The belief systems and ideas that we pick up from society on our journeys in life often limit us from reaching our full potential. One of the most important concepts to grasp is that anything is possible. That line gets butchered and overused, but really take it in and fully appreciate what it means. Think outside the box, our society is a cage, and staying within what’s society considers “normal” or “respectable” is to be imprisoned by it. Refuse to be categorized, refuse to be forced into a box and refuse to be labelled. Remember to keep in mind that most humans have pretty sh*ty self awareness, and are all victims of a pathetic rat race. Never take what other people, or society says to be the absolute truth, as law. Question everything; unplug yourself from this matrix and become a free thinking human being. Use your fvcking head. Your brain is the most incredible tool you have, don’t waste it.

During World War II an experiment was done on captured prisoners. The aim was to explore the power of the mind and how much control it has over the body. They would blindfold a man and tell him they would slit his wrists, and that he would slowly die. The sensations and sounds of having his wrists slit and his blood dripping were imitated. The man had no idea what he was experiencing was fake, and believed he was dying. The man eventually died.

Even though his physical body had not been harmed, he still died. Because his belief in that particular horrible reality was so strong, it affected his body and eventually induced death upon him. Your mind is THAT fvcking powerful. Use it to your advantage.

Remove Your Limiting Beliefs

As humans we pick up so many fvcking useless belief systems that are not conducive to us aligning with our core values, you will never reach your goals if you have a belief that contradicts it. It’s like trying to run a marathon then shooting yourself in the fvcking knees. It won’t work. This is why I wanted to stress how important it is to believe that anything is possible.

Have you ever set yourself a goal but didn’t believe you would achieve it? Have you ever physically kept at something but mentally given up on the idea? Have you ever let other people’s pessimism and negativity get to you and hinder you? Like you felt a goal was so achievable, so real, but after constant gloomy cynicism from others you aren’t so sure of yourself anymore? It’s the doubt creeping into you mind that’s affecting what you believe to be possible.

*Continued Below*


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2007
Reaction score
“Believing is the first step to creating”.

Also, ditch these pessimistic fvcks. They are not real friends and they will hinder you from achieving true happiness and progressing in your life. Ever heard of the saying “you’re only as good as what’s around you?” If you constantly surround yourself with a bunch of insecure, unhappy pricks that spew negativity all the time, you will find it extremely hard to be anything otherwise.

Obviously belief without the action to back it up is nothing, but it is the first step in creation and the first step in achieving your goals, without a rock solid, affirmative belief system, there will be no progress. Whenever you set a new goal, when ever you desire a change, whenever you do anything, believe that you will do it well, and believe that it is possible. Be so sure of yourself that you act as if you already have it in your life. Before long, it will be.

Ok class, lessons almost over and I have a hot date with the new Home Ec teacher which I do not want to be late for, so, all this shi*t in a nutshell:

Nothing is what it seems, there is so much more to life than the world we know, and to experience it we need to unplug from this matrix, and break free of the chains this bullsh*t society has imposed on us.

We do this by becoming totally in tune and honest with yourselves, and understanding what we are truly about as a human being, what is really important to us and what our core values are. By asking ourselves the right questions, we can find out what will make us truly happy, and we can start planning how to have these things in our lives permanently.

What is it that you value most? Why do you value them?

How would it affect you if you were not able to have these things in your life?

What are the negative elements associated with achieving and having these things?

Once we start understanding ourselves better, we can choose to behave differently, adopt behaviours that are congruent with whom we would like to be, our true identity. Once we change our behaviours we have snapped out of the hazy pile of sh*t we were in, turned our autopilots off and sat our asses back in the pilot’s seat. “This is your captain speaking; I have resumed command of this aircraft and assure all passengers that we will shortly be arriving at paradise, safe and sound”.

We are in control of our lives again.

The other aspect is to remember to think outside the square, realise that a lot of beliefs imposed by society and its social norms really act as a cage, limiting our experiences and our learning, and limiting our ability to become who we really are. Question everything and never take anything as an absolute truth.

Have an unwavering belief behind everything we do, and realise that anything is possible.

Once you can do these things, you’ve successfully unplugged yourself from the matrix. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride because you’ve just taken the red pill… and it only gets better from here.

Class dismissed.



Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
Reaction score
Good stuff. I'd repost in Tips so it doesn't get buried.

This part jumped out at me:

Lust said:
Think outside the box, our society is a cage, and staying within what’s society considers “normal” or “respectable” is to be imprisoned by it. Refuse to be categorized, refuse to be forced into a box and refuse to be labelled. Remember to keep in mind that most humans have pretty sh*ty self awareness, and are all victims of a pathetic rat race. Never take what other people, or society says to be the absolute truth, as law. Question everything; unplug yourself from this matrix and become a free thinking human being. Use your fvcking head. Your brain is the most incredible tool you have, don’t waste it.
I think I had struggled with this and am turning a corner. Social conditioning is a prison, it gives you only a few options of what is "normal" and "acceptable" and if your dreams are outside of those labels, the only way you're going to forge your own path is if you literally do not need the validation and acceptance of others. Which is really difficult.

"They'll think I'm weird for wanting to do that. Guys like me don't do that sort of thing. Who am I kidding. I know I'm just an average guy. Let's get realistic"

I've lost years to those exact thoughts. What a shock that it's all BS and you can basically do whatever the hell you want.

The Bat

Master Don Juan
Dec 12, 2007
Reaction score
Good advice.

Although I have never heard of such an experiment with the human brain. Can you link your source?

I don't doubt that the man must have felt pain because the human brain, under the right chemical signaling conditions, can trigger the sensory nervous system eventually causing both the sensation and feeling of pain. However, an actual death? I find that hard to believe unless I see it in a medical literature.

Great advice overall though. Definitely repost this in Tips section or have the mods move it to Archives so it doesn't get lost.


Don Juan
May 11, 2008
Reaction score
Lust, you're one of my favorite posters in here. Thanks a lot for yet another insightful thread.


Don Juan
Dec 21, 2008
Reaction score
I like this post. I agree with 90% of it. I think most people go through their lives not really knowing what they want or who they are. I disagree with one part though - I don't think that most people are unhappy. There just isn't any way to know that for certain. We can look at people and think that their life circumstances aren't amazing... but some people are perfectly content living their average, boring lives. I do think it is an admirable thing to strive for greatness though and I couldn't agree more that a person pursuing his interests and passions will be more fulfilled - that's true for me anyway. Maybe some people are just happier fitting in though - who knows?

Out of curiosity, Lust, what are your own passions and goals in life?


Master Don Juan
May 26, 2006
Reaction score
Belle Vernon, PA
I think this is interesting. Seems like a way to 'free your mind' so to speak, and stop thinking about what's normal and start doing what you want to do.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2007
Reaction score
Hey guys,

Cheerios for the replies and I'm glad you guys have gotten something from this.

Like I said, take what you agree with and discard anything that you don't agree with.

The Bat- Yer mate I'll have a dig for you, I think it was in one of my audios so it may be a while.

diggitydoggz- Freedom is a big thing for me, it's one of my core values because of a rocky childhood and a culture clash between my parents and I.

It may sound a little ambitious but I would like to become a sky dive instructor in the next 3 years. I have a rough plan of everything from getting my A grade license to getting the mandatory 500 jumps, but it will take a while and a lot of cash. For me a dive hits my core value of freedom on so many levels.

I also realized I enjoy helping people, I've completed a personal training course earlier this year and am planning to enroll in a life coaching course somewhere down the track, as to have a balance of physical and mental health. My goal here would be to get into the PT industry as soon as time frees up, but I have more digging to do with the life coaching gig. I'm slowly becoming a social leader and have people ask me for advice/insight and i've
realized I may not need qualifications for my needs/core values of helping people with their life to be met, gotta figure out more on that.

I have a passion for music, I play the guitar and ukulele and my goal for this area of my life would be to continue developing my skills and maybe record a few songs, not to get into the industry but just for sh*ts and giggles.

Another thing I've recently realized is that I really enjoy PLEASING women, and have changed from a "taking" mentality to a "giving" mentality with my interactions with women and have noticed some interesting changes/responses i get. Right now apart from being a part time slvt ;) i've also got a gig as a topless waiter.

Righto, I've got to get ready for my new years celebrations, I'll pm a mod or something about this thread.

By the way I'm planning on doing a few of these "lessons", so keep your eyes open.



Senior Don Juan
Apr 22, 2007
Reaction score
i totally agree with this and it's what i've to come to realize. My entire life little small ques and quarks of my core self have surfaced but it wasn't until my mind was truly awaken and i realized that music is the one true passion of my life. Based on the knowledge i have come to acquire, from stepping outside of this box and spiritual enlightenment, my life and destiny truly makes sense now. Everything that drives me is derived from my expression through music it's not about girls, cars, money, being cool or anything that society judges to be "great". It's a truth that i have to tell the world and through pursuing this passion i will get EVERYTHING my hear desires. This is all simply done through the power of belief. Belief in a higher power, and belief in myself.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2007
Reaction score

I've PMed Rollo with no response,

So any mods that come across this, if you could have a read at the post and decide whether it's good enough to be moved to the archive, that'd be good.

If not, some people have asked for it to be moved to DJ tips, i don't really mind.



Senior Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
Reaction score
I want to read this later properly

(Posting here so I don't forget about it)


Senior Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
Reaction score
What an excellent post. This is what it's about. We go through our lives unconsciously constrained as we follow the grooves and borders that have been socially constructed:

This is the kind of life you must live. You can't just do what you want. You have to eat this type of food. You have to drink this type of alcohol. You have to fit in with your peers and follow their lifestyle. You have to get married and have kids in this way, and by this time. Don't be crazy and unrealistic. Don't be a freak. Don't get ahead of yourself. What the f*ck are you doing.

When you try to unplug yourself from the matrix, people will go apesh*t trying to get you back in. They will fight you to get you back. They will hate it, because deep down, they want to be free too, but they don't have the strength or courage to do so. So they will slander you as much as possible. Never underestimate the power of scorn.

One question about the post:

Has it been verified that those POWs actually died in this way? It seems like a false story to me.

Do not be too easy. If you are too easy to get, she will not want you. If you are too easy to keep, she will lose interest in you. If you are too easy to control, she will not respect you.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Don Juan
Feb 24, 2005
Reaction score
diggitydogz said that maybe some people are just happy with their mediocre, boring life. I see this too, some people have more of a content auto pilot mindframe - similar to the theory that ignorance is bliss. They dont really have goals and they are swayed every which way much easier. Alot of unintelligent people who are thinking in the box are like this. They are free in the regard that they are content without passion. These same people are effected much harder by emotional states and are rocked harder by the ups and downs of life. But to me it is better to take the red pill and be free then to be a happy little pig until the day of my slaughter.