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  1. C

    Sex and the city?

    why did you watch it... the fuss? the fuss is about women that buy a lot of clothes
  2. C

    Top reasons I think the nerd/average guy is bad with talking to women.

    this is a bit pointless because the whole point in this forum is to not be average
  3. C

    The pictures game....

    i'm from UK and i don't see what's attractive about huge asses
  4. C

    Shoes-What do you like?

    you guys wear trainers??? no trainer can be stylish or attractive imo. what would you think of a girl wearing trainers. maybe it's diff in america
  5. C

    help on appearance

    Short hair would look good if you styled it. Get rid of the 'tache, get contacts. And you're dark skinned so don't wear clothes that are too bright/coloured. Smart dress would look good (not suites but you know what I mean..)
  6. C

    Quick Back to school tips

    All you need to do is remember everything you already have learnt from here. High school is so much easier cos you already know people and you're mindset is to be friends with everyone seeing as you're at school together. And seeing as it's a new year who cares if anyone thinks you're different...
  7. C

    Do women ALWAYS go for a deep voice?

    a deep voice is just a sign of masculinity. like big muscles or lots of money. of course you can get along with none of them.
  8. C

    Promiscuous Girls in Highschool

    pretend to fall asleep and snore really loud.
  9. C

    A tale of two girls: your opinions please

    nothing sounds too off with either keep going until something more obvious happens
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    HOT or NOT

    i'm a 0.8 :O
  11. C

    Gaming a college girl, need some advice

    .......... you want to marry someone you're not emotionally committed to? what's different in this game than any other anyway.
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    Wow, many of you should read this

    i just saw you post those links somewhere else......
  13. C

    Breakup, no contact, give her stuff back?

    put it away in a box. if you keep them, she'll think you're clinging on, if you leave them on a porch or give them away, she'll think your being vindictive, unless she asks for them back.
  14. C

    GF going to South Beach Miami...

    lol her friend won the tickets..... and why did someone just ask for her hotel...? someone wants 2 find her....... :O
  15. C

    The Muscular-Smart Conundrum

    polo shirts, girls like them when they're fitted
  16. C

    ex showed up... what to do ?

    tell her you deleted the pictures :O
  17. C

    FAO: Single Sucks

    .............. what? chinwaggler is the reason I'm a failure...... ........? what? I'm a failure??