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    Gaara/SdotL's BOOT CAMP week one - JOIN NOW!

    whyshy says, why not? Sign me up
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    Popping Wood In Public

    Popping wood in public: What to do Ok guys, so we all know that this will increase time reaction for boners. Well what do you guys to when you pop wood in public, school, church, etc.? What I Learned: 1) If you concentrate on holding your breath, your little friend will go down quick...
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    Winter Formal on Friday and I need a date,

    Look man, we need to start boycotting you, Viper! Stop asking all these questions. You rated as a senior DJ, you should know what your doing. I strongly recommend taking up a bootcamp!! This always happends to you Viper, people give advice, you don't take it, your thread goes on for 5...
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    This site needs a massive overhaul, now

    Wow, more than 20 girls, your a pimp. Lets all take sex advice from an EXPERT! Your pushing it with 20 girls. How did you get 2,000 some post with only a little over 20 F closes? Back to the basics.
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    Picture? It doesn't matter what shoes you wear, as long as they are clean. In one of the male magazines (forgot the name) it said, the highest percentage of women (forgot %, but i think it was around 40%) said that they prefere leather penny loffers.
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    How to defend yourself... PT.1

    What are these, UFC techniques, jenzos?
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    what's your experience with this line?

    ARE YOU FVCKING SERIOUS!!!!!! "Will it work?" Why do you just try it and learn on your own instead of wasting time posting this crap. What do you expect her to say, "fuk you"? NO, SHE WON'T. Just do it.:down:
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    How to persuade a girl to give you oral sex

    You have to have some game first! Treat her first. Make her horny.
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    How to sprint faster...Bible!

    We have all this knowledge to get in shape working out, but we don't have anything on how to sprint faster/techniques/methods. Any of you Mr. Fingers on this subject up to the challenge of writting the info?
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    How much are you paying for you drugs

    This site doesn't promote drugs and under age drinking. CLOSE MODS
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    about dancing

    Do a search first buddy! Help yourself first, by searching, not reling on us. Move with the beat.
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    To take her back or NO?

    If you can't pull her, don't stress yourself over it. Its easier to get a new girl than to try and make it work with an old girl. Later Master
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    "Blind" Date

    Quest-ce que ce pas Mac? Any active activity is great. Mini-golf, ice-skating, walking at the park, swimming, beach, frisby (kino?), the list goes on and on. NEVER GO to the movies on the first date. This is what is expected from a AFC (non-experienced guy). Also you can't talk in the...
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    The Fear Of Commitment

    I feel the same way. You don't want to go for one girl, because the next thing you know is that another hotter/better girl comes along. But as im typing i realize that this is a good thing. The hotter girl will see you as a challenge since you are already taken, so you say to your gf, "Hey HB...
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    Paris Hilton - Hot or Not?

    More specific. Obviouly she's hot, but is she a HB10,9,8,7........ Thats the real question. I say 7.
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    Where to buy Peacocking clothes!?

    No need for insults. Its not hard to understand, well for me at least. I appriciate the help, but the question was where to buy these clothes. Thanks Agreed. I wore this yellow coat today. People laughing across the hall. I didn't let it bother me. If we take any one of those...
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    SEX first time? Sir Charlote AC/DC