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    Should I Pursue Her? (3)

    Getting girls is a mindset of how you carry yourself. If you say the right words but you don't back it up with confidence then you come off as incongruent. Yes, you should pursue her. Walking out on her in her office was gold because normal guys would have just stayed there hoping to get...
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    World Cup 2006

    Ok smoothplayer056 but America has a very bad change to win. P.S. I like the TD name in TieDie :)
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    Ok, but what would be the point of that. Wouldn't doing 2 group muscles each day be the same thing?
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    Shooting pain down my leg, and lateral calve injured.

    So any of you know anything about this pain down my leg, kind of like i can feel the vein being stabbed. Also, anyone know what to do about: under my calve and to the side is extreme pain whenever I try to jog let alone sprint.
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    Thanks semag, but WTF did you just say?:crazy:
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    So D, are you saying to work out: Chest, back, legs, bis, tris, delts, traps, and calves/abs/forarms all in one day. Then repeat every other day OR 2 of them a day? I say this because just working on 2 of them it takes around a hour! Anyone is also welcomed to answer.
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    Spring Break Bootcamp, Day 2

    Spring Break Bootcamp, Day 2 5- Hey whats up/whats up. 5-Excuse me, do you know what time it is? 5- Hey do you know where Sears/Footlocker/etc (depending where you are)? 5-Hey, do you know when the mall/library/etc closes? or Hey guys, do you know a good place to eat around here? If you...
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    Spring Break Bootcamp, Day 1

    This is a mini-bootcamp NOT the full 8 weeks. Nexxus, i'll PM you the rest. Good luck, and have fun in dubai!
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    Spring Break Bootcamp, Day 1

    Spring Break Bootcamp Day 1 Ok, so this is our goal. 1) Eye contact with 15 people. Try to not break eye contact first. 2) Eye contact with 15 people and saying hi/hey. You must not break eye contact first! Bootcamp members whyshy Nexxus If you haven't signed up check this post...
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    Field Report: Yeah, I'm new.

    Nice work!:up: :D
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    What's up with pook?

    How about now?
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    What's up with pook?

    Here you go, 3 full pages of Pook's threads! Happy readings. whyshy
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    Instant Comfort

    When she asked if you wanted gum, that could have meant that she wanted to be kissed. You seem like you have a grip on it. Keep up the good work.
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    Yea, how old are you?
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    Gaara/SdotL's BOOT CAMP week one - JOIN NOW!

    C'mon guys 15/50? Are you serious?!!! I went to the mall for about 1 hour doing EC plus saying "hi." That night i did way over 50, i lost count. Not only that but i got some convos in there. I going back out for another hour. Push yourself. I went with another beginning DJ, he got 69...
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    Calling a girl names, C&f?

    Thats not my style, but try it out and see for yourself. No need to ask us this question when you should be field testing it.
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    Does anyone know where to start on

    It doesn't matter where you start as long as you start. Start at disciplines, when you think you know enough about that subject, skip onto techniques and so on.
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    Gaara/SdotL's BOOT CAMP week one - JOIN NOW!

    Ha, ha!:crackup: Yeah, its goes for both, even if your not gay. You need to stare down your opponent so he knows who is the Alpha-male! Some of the biggest guys will look away from you, and give you more respect because you stare them down. It shows that your not afraid of them. I...
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    Gaara/SdotL's BOOT CAMP week one - JOIN NOW!

    SdotL, check it out: For those of you who want to chalenge yourselves! On your second time going for the eye contact (EC) try not to break first. Fight the urge to not look away.[