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    LR: Fastest lay ever

    I figured as much. Had to bust you though! Your persistence is admirable.
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    My FB+ bringing up this guy from work all the time

    You need to put her in a position where she's worrying about you, not the other way around. Follow your instincts. They serve you well. This guy is a total afc, she likes the attention but as soon as he tries to escalate he will break himself and she will crawl into your bed. So let...
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    LR: Fastest lay ever

    You introduced yourself as her gf, and sought redemption in her? Not only was it the fastest lay ever, but the most against-all-odds lay as well. Tomorrow's Horoscope: FVCK YEAH!
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    Totally pussed out last night

    So if he is having trouble getting his nerve up, he should open a sweat shop in Malaysia? jk Just do it.
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    I asked this question and got no answer, let me try again?

    Yes they do. A girl telling you you're too skinny and her family wouldn't want her to date you (where the hell is your pride?) is taking the ACTION of saying "Leave me the fvck alone." Any attention you show her after that only further solidifies your position as the butt of her jokes. If a...
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    Seven magic words: When you look good; you feel good my legs look hairy in these shorts? lol
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    The true source of confidence

    "Your confidence is equal to how hard you have worked." How hard have you worked on yourself, on your mind, on your life? Confidence is indeed a valuable commodity, and like every other valuable commodity, it must be EARNED. There are no shortcuts. But start with your self-talk...
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    I asked this question and got no answer, let me try again?

    Dude, a girl giving you LJBF after having sex, you need to write this one off. That dog ain't gonna hunt.
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    I can't stand this not being able to get a girl thing

    Whether you think you can or cannot is irrelevant, for either way, YOU'RE RIGHT.
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    Stubble rules. I work in a conservative profession, so during the week I have to shave constantly. But when the weekend comes, the cowboy boots and hat comes out and my razor is gathering dust!
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    I can't stand this not being able to get a girl thing

    Stop the logical arguing man, it's played out. Somewhere in your life, there is an imbalance that is causing you to be so dependent on women. It's all in your mind. Tear down the wall!
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    I'm a beast, but I get scared from others. Wtf?

    You guys need to get out of NYC before someone gets ambitious and nukes it like the degenerate sh!thole that it is. But really, don't sweat guys who act like that. It's called "Projecting". I wish RT would come in and expound on this one. They have something to prove, they have Little Man...
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    Beta Game

    The LEBOWSKI Analogy... RT, be sure you are casual when you mention it in your next psychology journal. The Freudians will be all over it!
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    Dirty Weekend Boyfriend Obstacle

    Repeat this too: I am going to stop being a chump, and if I am going to worry about anything in life, it will be things that actually matter.
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    What type of Job Offer to Accept during this economy?

    Go read the Sales thread. Regardless of how much education you get, you will always be an employee. And as such, you'll have nothing in terms of a tax shelter. Why would anyone borrow all the money to get through medical school to get a high-paying wage job only to give half of it back to...
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    How Do You Respond to this or Let her Know Your Mad? (Get in here and read this)

    I don't get all the discussions I see about what to do *after* a girl has disqualified herself. Should I say this, should I act like that? Who effin cares?! I don't say or do anything with women who give me sh!t; I get on my horse and ride away. Even before I found SS, I usually knew...
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    Help me sleep with my roommate

    Your only recourse is to start bringing over other hot chicks. The Friendzone is an ancient maze of lost afc souls, doomed to walk the earth chumping over a girl who wants to bake cookies. The FZ is seemingly inescapable, but there is hope. Seeing you get chicks as hot or hotter than...
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    Qualifying Her Vs. Disqualifying Yourself & Making Her Chase

    Sure you qualify her. And disqualifying yourself is GOLD with the hot ones. They can't believe it; who the hell does this guy think he is?
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    Research mutual funds. How they work, how to gauge their performance, who the esteemed fund managers are, etc. My company is selling variable annuities like hotcakes. But they are geared towards middle-age, medium-to-high net worth individuals. They are the perfect instrument to roll your...
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    she pays, a way for her to justify in future its not a date?

    Hell yeah let her pay. She'll think you're "secure of your own masculinity", and you eat for free. If you don't take the gimmies, don't whine about the ones that got away. And if WaterTiger paid for my dinner, she'd soon be a WetCougar.